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[QUOTE="johnvanveen:21147"]ok heres my review: 1st off went to as220 and caught Fourhorse they were good shit not as packd as i thought it be tho then to the living room: Football Rabbit: fucking cool the "drummer" is insane drumming on a drum machine haha gotta love that. Advocate: cool everyone got on the stage so you couldent see them sounded pretty tipical hardcore the lead singer keepd preaching about shit (is this a posative youth hardcore band my friends always talking about that kind of band) The Nightmare Continues: seen these guys b4 im amazed at the singers ablity to growl and scream Suffering Bastards: dident like them that much there songs were realy fast and short (like my reviews) Midnight Creeps: i liked them granted there not doing anything original but they had good stage presents and shit and got into it. White Mice: wholy shit these guys blow me away again there just so insane and into the music the drummer goes so crazy behind the set Lightning Bolt: dam it was packd i couldent see the drummer or the bassist (thats all thats in the band btw) it was sooo fucking packd in there had to be at least 400 people (cheak out the pics for proof) they sounded insane and as intense as i expect and herd about Mahi Mahi: realy cool got into these guys. only issue is they gotta get a new vocal effect once and a while. reminded me of beck dam it had to be a billion degrees in there you could feel the heat going out the doors. im glad so many people went tho The Living Room made a lot of money hopfully the bands got a lot and hopfully randy puts the money back into the place. bands i dont rember seeing or missd: Drop dead, the chinese stars, the deterrents, vincebus eruptum. hey rev im intrested in what you thought of the bands sence your into more "metal" write a review man[/QUOTE]
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