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Bon Scott or Brian Johnson

[Feb 4,2006 8:44am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Which AC/DC singer u like better?
[Feb 4,2006 8:50am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Shes got balls..
[Feb 4,2006 9:39am - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
[Feb 4,2006 10:38am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
fuck ac/dc! *shakes fist*
[Feb 4,2006 10:39am - Al Ravage  ""]
Brian Johnson. Bon Scott's voice is irritating
[Feb 4,2006 11:09am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
I prefer Bon Scott.All the Bon Scott albums are good while the only one with Brian Johnson that stands out is Back in Black.AC/DC has more style with Bon on vocals
[Feb 4,2006 11:09am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
High Voltage Rock N Roll!!!
[Feb 4,2006 11:22am - WhyamIanasshile nli  ""]
Bon. I like them both but Bon's albums are better. I mean shit there is always Mistress fro Christmas which is a stellar song but still. . .
[Feb 4,2006 11:34am - Blue ""]
no contest. bon scott.
[Feb 4,2006 11:52am - DomesticTerror ""]
Blue said:no contest. bon scott.

[Feb 4,2006 11:53am - pam nli  ""]
Bon Scott, but I must say of all the replacement singers, I think Brian Johnson is one of the best.
[Feb 4,2006 11:54am - HailTheLeaf ""]
Bon Scott...bitches...
[Feb 4,2006 11:57am - DomesticTerror ""]
The Bon Scott era is full of rock n' roll albums. All the albums afterwards had the 80's metal trend of 2 good songs and a bunch of filler ("Black" being the exception.) Plus, Brian Johnson looks like Baretta.
[Feb 4,2006 12:56pm - litacore ""]
[Feb 4,2006 12:56pm - BlackoutRick ""]
SacreligionNLI said:fuck ac/dc! *shakes fist*

Her fuckin here!!! They suck.

[Feb 4,2006 2:25pm - CNV  ""]
they both rule
[Feb 4,2006 2:28pm - Christraper ""]
I love pretty much anything ac/dc have done but Bon's material was always way better. You could tell Bon meant every word he was singing.
[Feb 4,2006 3:28pm - RustedAngel ""]
bon scott - powerage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 brian johnson is okay but meh!
[Feb 4,2006 3:31pm - anonymouse  ""]
Al Ravage said:Bon Scott's voice is irritating

[Feb 4,2006 4:43pm - Ryan_M ""]
DomesticTerror said:The Bon Scott era is full of rock n' roll albums. All the albums afterwards had the 80's metal trend of 2 good songs and a bunch of filler ("Black" being the exception.)

i'll have to go with Domestic terror on this one. back in black is an excellent record, but after that one, i think they started going downhill. i guess when a band's been around as long as they have, without changing their style at all, it's hard to keep putting out solid albums. a lot of it is just watered down filler just to keep their part in the record contract.
[Feb 4,2006 4:50pm - Christraper ""]
theres alot of brian johnson albums out there. you sure youve heard them all? what about fly on the wall and for those about to rock? ballbreaker wasnt terrible either. ac/dc is ac/dc.
[Feb 4,2006 5:29pm - Dude the fucking Frenzy guy!!!!  ""]
BlackoutRick said:SacreligionNLI said:fuck ac/dc! *shakes fist*

Her fuckin here!!! They suck.

You should never say who sucks and who doesn't, your word is void because your band is the worst thing I've ever heard
[Feb 4,2006 5:33pm - KeithMutiny ""]
acdc sucks, over rated pieces of shit.

the best thing that ever happened to them was CODC ripping off thier logo for a shirt.
[Feb 4,2006 5:37pm - CNV  ""]
KeithMutiny said:acdc sucks, over rated pieces of shit.

the best thing that ever happened to them was CODC ripping off thier logo for a shirt.

opinions are like assholes, everyone has one
[Feb 4,2006 5:42pm - retzam ""]
CNV said:KeithMutiny said:acdc sucks, over rated pieces of shit.

the best thing that ever happened to them was CODC ripping off thier logo for a shirt.

opinions are like assholes, everyone has one

and they're all shitty.
[Feb 4,2006 5:43pm - Hoser ""]
Brian Scott of course!!!
[Feb 4,2006 5:44pm - retzam ""]
Well, I havn't heard enough AC/DC to have a stance on this, but I think Stiff Upper Lip is a pretty solid album, and that came out only 6 years ago.
[Feb 4,2006 5:54pm - bowelskinfacecloth ""]
no comparison, bon scott
[Feb 4,2006 6:00pm - anon  ""]
Bon Scottt by a mile.
[Feb 4,2006 6:46pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Bon Scott...Is there really anything to compare...They both sound completely different...I hate seeing AC/DC nowadays and hearing Brian Johnson try to sing all the old Bon Scott stuff,It is just horrible...In my opinion
[Feb 4,2006 7:05pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
DomesticTerror said:The Bon Scott era is full of rock n' roll albums. All the albums afterwards had the 80's metal trend of 2 good songs and a bunch of filler ("Black" being the exception.) Plus, Brian Johnson looks like Baretta.

If anything thats a reason to like him.

Razors Edge is decent, so is For those About to Rock. But Bon Scott is th inuendo king. There is nobody better.

I have a recent live DVD thats pretty good. Brians voice is shredded after all the years of abuse but they still rock.
[Feb 4,2006 7:15pm - Christraper ""]
their live album with brian is pretty fuckin good
[Feb 4,2006 7:43pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
The double disc. yeah that album rules.
[Feb 4,2006 9:52pm - infoterror ""]
[Jan 1,2010 11:33am - rotivore ""]
Bon Scott is immortal!
[Jan 1,2010 11:35am - the_reverend ""]
wow... it's like a whole thread of "doesnt post here anymore."
[Jan 1,2010 12:26pm - Raper  ""]
retarded question or stupid question which do you prefer?
[Jan 1,2010 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
wow, i wished all the people here would still post on this board.
[Jan 1,2010 4:06pm - blue ""]
Just seeing the name infoterror makes my heart warm. Chris traper doesn't use the internetz no more.
[Jan 1,2010 4:10pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 1,2010 5:16pm - thirdknuckle ""]
Dan McCafferty
[Jan 1,2010 5:46pm - brian_dc ""]
christraper is here
y'all just don't know it.
[Jan 1,2010 6:27pm - blue ""]
Oh I know it, cus everytime I see him he asks me how to get his VTM to sound liek Mercyful Fate.
[Jan 1,2010 6:58pm - the_reverend ""]
best news I've had this year
[Jan 1,2010 7:39pm - Lamp ""]

KeithMutiny said:acdc sucks, over rated pieces of shit.

the best thing that ever happened to them was CODC ripping off thier logo for a shirt.

Best post in the thread by far.
[Jan 2,2010 1:45am - arkbar  ""]
Bon Scott works in a rock 'n roll laboratory. Brian Johnson works in a rock 'n roll factory.
[Jan 2,2010 4:29am - metal_church101 ""]

Al%20Ravage said:Brian Johnson. Bon Scott's voice is irritating
[Jan 2,2010 9:42am - pam ""]

brian_dc said:christraper is here
y'all just don't know it.

I know it.

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