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NEMHF 2004

[Aug 31,2003 10:46pm - retzam ""]
I have just been wondering about Opeth's presence at this event. I am dissapointed because now that I think about it, they probably arent gonna be there because it will take place during their break (they are taking a long break starting January). I hope they decide to play it but it really isnt likely.
[Sep 1,2003 4:37am - moran ""]
I hope they don't play, completly over rated band.
[Sep 1,2003 8:27am - retzam ""]
moran said:I hope they don't play, completly over rated band.

haha, yea right dude. completely overrated, and i suppose dying fetus is better?
[Sep 1,2003 1:26pm - moran ""]
I've never heard them.
[Sep 1,2003 1:28pm - moran ""]
I liked Morningrise from Opeth, and some of Still Life, but I think the rest isn't as good as everyone makes them out to be.
[Sep 1,2003 4:30pm - retzam ""]
moran said:I liked Morningrise from Opeth, and some of Still Life, but I think the rest isn't as good as everyone makes them out to be.

well, actually, i agree with you partially. i think that deliverence isnt nearly as good as people make it out to be (though i still like it a lot). it is especially annoying because lots of people have only heard that album and therefore get a completely wrong view of the band. but on a different subject, dont bother checking out dying fetus. they are easily one of the worst bands i have ever heard (unless you like guitars tuned down horribly low chugging away at the same few notes while someone makes low, choking on semen, noises from the back of their throat. if so by all means, check them out). but in all seriousness, they are awful, and i know i am going to get lots of people mad at me saying this because lots of people on this site like them, but it is true.
[Sep 1,2003 4:33pm - Terence ""]
what did dying fetus have to do with anything
[Sep 1,2003 4:36pm - retzam ""]
hmmm... come to think of it, they didnt have to do with anything. oh well.
[Sep 1,2003 5:46pm - moran ""]
Well, at least we have come to an agreement without argument. I'll take your advice on Dying Fetus.
[Sep 1,2003 5:55pm - RustedAngel ""]
moran is in disengaged, his opinion doesn't matter anyways.

[Sep 1,2003 7:08pm - retzam ""]
havnt heard disengaged, but already i like them more then dying fetus
[Sep 2,2003 12:01pm - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Wow you wanna talk about an over rated band, Dying Fetus gets the gold metal of overglorified crap.

Disengaged rules. :middlefinger:

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