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[Jan 30,2006 6:41pm - anonymous  ""]
check out THE DEMONSTRATION- i just recently put two and two together and realized that these dudes are also the members of killwhitneydead. but the demonstration is a little different. check them out here.

[Jan 30,2006 8:36pm - Ryan_M ""]
I bought a KillWhitneyDead CD about a year ago; the music was alright, but what bugged me about it was that the songs had more movie samples in them than music.
[Jan 30,2006 8:40pm - mOe nli  ""]
thats kind of their thing, they love movies so their songs are riddled with samples...they aint bad musically, though
[Jan 30,2006 10:48pm - nick ""]
killwhitneydead is fucking awful.
if you havnt heard them imagine slipknot covering zao songs with an inaudible movie clip thrown in every 30 seconds.
[Jan 30,2006 10:52pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
hahaha...nick, that's a flawless explanation. i don't hate them that much, but i've listened to one of the albums like 10 times and still can't find anything good about it.

the demonstration are pretty decent; amazing musicians, lots of necrophagist style shit, but the singer is pretty mediocre.
[Jan 31,2006 3:29am - anonymous  ""]
yea i totally agree, the demonstration is verrrry talented. ive seen them live and they rocked my face off. their first record is coming out in may this year. i think it will really be great.
[Feb 1,2006 4:35pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 3,2006 1:01am - anonymous  ""]
no doubt, i have most of the demonstrations record and it is really good. definately recommend it.
[Nov 3,2006 1:25am - brian_dc ""]
Dour played with both bands over the summer. Everyone in The Demonstration is playing in KWD at the moment. Talked to the bassist about it. Essentially The Demonstration is their baby and when they got signed to Tribunal the vocalist for KWD (who runs the label) asked them if they wanted to be the live band for KWD. They figured that it would get their name out more. Demonstration are sweet live. A lot of wanking going on, that's for sure. And the vocalist looks not even the slightest bit metalcore. He was doing all sorts of metal poses and stretches and junk. But yeah, he has a bit of the metalcore delivery thing going on. I'm not against it though.
[Nov 3,2006 8:50am - SteveOTB ""]
Personally I love Killwhitneydead. They're one of my favorite bands actually. I remember that Dour Cursiva show this past summer. I missed DC because it took me a little over 2 hours to get there because there was no way I was missing KWD. KWD's style is an aquired taste I feel. If you listened to it more you'll be able to sing all the words in absolutely no time. They're quite catchy, the breakdowns are awesome, for the most part the guitar work is very good and I feel that the movie samples give it more ambience and give it that feel of absolute chaos. Without the samples I'd probably say "eh it's ok" but they decided their thing was to over do it and utilize it as a part of their sound.

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