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You've Got To Be Shittin' Me...

[Jan 22,2006 12:42am - xsocialmonstrosityx ""]

I'm going to keep an ear out for these and when I hear them, I don't even care if I'm at work, I'll leap over the counter and brutally assault whoever has the cellphone in question... that'll show em.

Seriously, Testosteroni? it brings a horrible image to mind of gross body builders and chef boy r dee...
[Jan 22,2006 1:00am - Ryan_M ""]
anyone who thinks they're going to get laid by having a faggoty ring tone should be publicly executed.
[Jan 22,2006 1:02pm - Hungta‘Bleed  ""]
xsocialmonstrosityx said:
Seriously, Testosteroni? it brings a horrible image to mind of gross body builders and chef boy r dee...

[Jan 22,2006 3:12pm - dwellingsickness ""]
that is fucking lame
[Jan 22,2006 3:14pm - the_reverend ""]
all cellphones need to get the girls to go crazy is a "vibrate until batteries die" feature.
oh yeah..
[Jan 22,2006 9:10pm - xsocialmonstrosityx ""]
[Jan 22,2006 11:37pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Civilization doesn't end with a bang or a whimper. It ends with a call on your cell phone.
What happens on the afternoon of October 1 came to be known as the Pulse, a signal sent though every operating cell phone that turns its user into something...well, something less than human. Savage, murderous, unthinking-and on a wanton rampage. Terrorist act? Cyber prank gone haywire? It really doesn't matter, not to the people who avoided the technological attack. What matters to them is surviving the aftermath. Before long a band of them-"normies" is how they think of themselves-have gathered on the grounds of Gaiten Academy, where the headmaster and one remaining student have something awesome and terrifying to show them on the school's moonlit soccer field. Clearly there can be no escape. The only option is to take them on.

CELL is classic Stephen King, a story of gory horror and white-knuckling suspense that makes the unimaginable entirely plausible and totally fascinating. Available Jan. 24th, in bookstores everywhere.
[Jan 23,2006 12:54am - pam ""]
I refuse to believe this is real.
[Jan 23,2006 8:23am - Doomkid ""]
the_reverend said:all cellphones need to get the girls to go crazy is a "vibrate until batteries die" feature.
oh yeah..

Quoted for truth.
[Jan 23,2006 10:39am - SPALDINO  ""]
you can download a "vibrator" app for some cell phones that allows the phone to vibrate nonstop for like 5 minutes. so lame.
[Jan 23,2006 11:27am - DJ Death  ""]
Well, if you have a cellphone, you are most likely gay anyway. For the time being, im offering a free program to help relieve stress. Just mail your cellphone to me, and i will dispense it into a toilet bowl. Happy day!

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