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Blue Man Group

[Jan 17,2006 12:56am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
I saw them yesterday, and wish I was tripping when I did. Overall an incredible experience, great visual effects, bizarre but cool soundtrack, and even some jokes thrown in.

I highly recommend it
[Jan 17,2006 1:35am - dug nli  ""]
seen them twice. good times had.
[Jan 17,2006 1:36am - infoterror ""]
[Jan 17,2006 1:39am - dug nli  ""]
go to bed youngster.
[Jan 17,2006 9:02am - dreadkill ""]
i enjoyed them when i saw them. good show.
[Jan 17,2006 10:49am - dwellingsickness ""]
I seen them a few times , they are really good.

PS - Infoterror most likely HAS seen Britney
[Jan 17,2006 12:23pm - strangles kittens  ""]
BLUE MAN RULES!! seen them 3 times..... apparently since ive last seen them they changed their show...
[Jan 17,2006 12:41pm - dug nli  ""]
last time I saw them they used my name in their scrolling banner joke that they have running before they start. Apparently I had discovered the human genome.
[Jan 17,2006 12:45pm - Midgetstealer ""]
What were you on??
[Jan 17,2006 12:46pm - strangles kittens  ""]
once i was a late arrival.. they acctually decide before you get there who is going to be late... i went with my GF at the time and they sit you up in the back so you still get to see the show
[Jan 17,2006 1:09pm - dug nli  ""]
Midgetstealer said:What were you on??

they have a electronic scrolling marque that scrolls names and words left to right. It's next to the stage. They put jokes with peoples' names on it before the show.
[Jan 16,2012 10:39am - arilliusbm ""]
Awesome awesome show. Better than when I saw them 10 years ago..I'd highly recommend it.
Every drummer should see them.. Incredible percussion.
Great music, art and jokes. Would be insane on acid.
[Jan 16,2012 12:22pm - yummy ""]
I saw them maybe five years ago at Charles Playhouse. Thought it was pretty awesome!
[Jan 16,2012 12:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I want to go.
[Jan 16,2012 12:29pm - trioxin245 ""]
it's pretty fun I've been twice
[Jan 16,2012 12:31pm - narkybark ""]
I went once and was sitting right in the center. I was basically the target for the jello catapult. I kept it on the floor and then brought it back to the bluemen after the show, but my gift was kindly refused.

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