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The METH Thread

[Jan 14,2006 9:30pm - '96 Dodge Ram  ""]
Do you think Meth will become as popular up here in New England as it is in other parts of the country?

I remember reading something a few months back about how more and more meth labs are being taken down in the Boston area. I honestly think it will spread, but wont be as popular as heroin is in alot of our cities.
[Jan 14,2006 9:57pm - the_reverend ""]
meth was really popular around here in early-mid 70s.
[Jan 14,2006 9:58pm - sever ""]
fuck meth, that shit would ruin what is probably one of the best areas of the country.
[Jan 14,2006 10:00pm - the_reverend ""]
like throwing dice is ruining things in westen mass?
[Jan 14,2006 10:01pm - sever ""]
we dont need boston turning into a detroit.
[Jan 15,2006 2:06am - infoterror ""]
[Jan 15,2006 2:42am - ArilliusBM ""]
no.. meth is not as nearly as popular here as it is in Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc..
[Jan 15,2006 11:47am - '96 Dodge Ram  ""]
I thought it was most widespread in the "deep" south?
[Jan 15,2006 11:50am - Nate ""]
in the south it is a big problem. Here in TN you can spot meth heads all over the place, walking around as if in another world altogether. I see em come into my work all the time, bugged out and shit. Where I live there are 2 major interstates that meet up, it's the only spot in the country the two interstates meet, making it a big meth trafficking area. Most truck stops around here have lot lizards walking around trading bj's for meth, etc...
[Jan 15,2006 12:37pm - BMR  ""]
They found a meth lab in the neighborhood I grew up in, in North Chelmsford a couple months ago, then they found one in Lowell a week later, since then I think they've found 2 more in the Greater Lowell area. Considering they hadn't found one in the 5 years before that, finding 4 or 5 in a year is a little distressing. I don't want that shit in my neighborhood, fuck that
[Jan 15,2006 5:59pm - '96 Dodge Ram  ""]
BMR said:They found a meth lab in the neighborhood I grew up in, in North Chelmsford a couple months ago, then they found one in Lowell a week later, since then I think they've found 2 more in the Greater Lowell area. Considering they hadn't found one in the 5 years before that, finding 4 or 5 in a year is a little distressing. I don't want that shit in my neighborhood, fuck that

This supports my theory that things only get worse with time. God damn....
[Jan 15,2006 6:13pm - Hungta'Bleed  ""]
I freebased meth once. I'll be the first to admit that it was a bad idea, but fuck, I gotta tell ya....I got HIGH.
[Jan 15,2006 11:26pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Hungta‘Bleed said:I freebased meth once. I'll be the first to admit that it was a bad idea, but fuck, I gotta tell ya....I got HIGH.

A buddy of mine smoked it and we didn't see him for a year. I did it like ten times or so and I was HIGH as well but coming down in the morning was fuckin brutal. Fuck dat shit!!
[Jan 15,2006 11:29pm - davefromthegrave ""]
drugs are stupid. jesus christ.
[Jan 16,2006 2:45am - '96 Dodge Ram  ""]
BlackoutRick said:Hungta‘Bleed said:I freebased meth once. I'll be the first to admit that it was a bad idea, but fuck, I gotta tell ya....I got HIGH.

A buddy of mine smoked it and we didn't see him for a year. I did it like ten times or so and I was HIGH as well but coming down in the morning was fuckin brutal. Fuck dat shit!!

While coming down, did you experience crushing depression?

[Jan 16,2006 2:51am - BornSoVile ""]
I have no interest in Meth. Marijuana is my drug of choice. Though I've had my share of coke (hell, if you got some I'll do it) and a couple pops of Addarall (which is a helluva lot stronger of a stimulent then coke) I have no interest in Meth. The more unnatural the substance, the less I want to it.
[Jan 16,2006 2:55am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BornSoVile said: The more unnatural the substance, the less I want to it.

amen to that !
[Jan 16,2006 3:07am - '96 Dodge Ram  ""]
BornSoVile said:I have no interest in Meth. Marijuana is my drug of choice. Though I've had my share of coke (hell, if you got some I'll do it) and a couple pops of Addarall (which is a helluva lot stronger of a stimulent then coke) I have no interest in Meth. The more unnatural the substance, the less I want to it.

Yeah, Adderall is pretty far from natural. It's made up of FOUR different amphetamine salts, so its really not miles away from the meth you hate.
[Jan 16,2006 3:31am - BornSoVile ""]
calm down there pal, i'm not a huge adderall fan.
[Jan 16,2006 8:32am - ndeath ""]
‘96 Dodge Ram said:Do you think Meth will become as popular up here in New England as it is in other parts of the country?

I remember reading something a few months back about how more and more meth labs are being taken down in the Boston area. I honestly think it will spread, but wont be as popular as heroin is in alot of our cities.

It will never be as popular as Oxycoton around here

[Jan 16,2006 8:35am - BMR  ""]
ndeath said:‘96 Dodge Ram said:Do you think Meth will become as popular up here in New England as it is in other parts of the country?

I remember reading something a few months back about how more and more meth labs are being taken down in the Boston area. I honestly think it will spread, but wont be as popular as heroin is in alot of our cities.

It will never be as popular as Oxycoton around here

I have to agree with that statement, Oxy's are bad news around here

[Jan 16,2006 4:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah Oxy's are way bigger than that shit, another drug I have no interest in.

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