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Just saw Hostel

[Jan 14,2006 4:51pm - ndeath ""]
And man did it SUCK BALLS!!!! I almost fell asleep in my seat.The first 45 minutes was like watching soft porn.It was cool to see some hot chicks naked but I wanna see some gore and death.This movie has a lil bit of both of those things but overall it was a snooze fest.Fuck Quentin Tarantino!!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 14,2006 5:06pm - brian_dc ""]
why does everyone act like this was Quentin Tarantino's fault? When you PRODUCE a movie...you're basically just giving out your money to make it...

Eli Roth is the one who made it boring.
[Jan 14,2006 5:20pm - niccolai ""]
I'm going to see it in 2 hours and five minutes...

Wish me luck.
[Jan 14,2006 5:22pm - brian_dc ""]
if you can bear first boring 40 minutes, the rest of it is pretty good.
[Jan 14,2006 5:24pm - ndeath ""]
No its not.Fuck Eli Roth then!!!!
[Jan 14,2006 9:56pm - ndeath ""]
I wanna know your opinions if u saw this
[Jan 14,2006 9:57pm - the_reverend ""]
why don't you look for the thread that already talks about this movie?
[Jan 14,2006 10:03pm - niccolai ""]
Just got back from it.
Certain aspects of this movie were fucking great, but there it was tough to balance out the torture with the character developement. I think they also tried to make it more pleasant for movie goers, but they should have taken the all-out snuff route.
[Jan 14,2006 10:05pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:why don't you look for the thread that already talks about this movie?

[Jan 14,2006 10:56pm - dug nli  ""]
I have a question. How many of the people that have seen this liked Cabin Fever? Just curious.
[Jan 14,2006 11:03pm - ndeath ""]
Didnt like Cabin Fever.But that was much more enterntaining than Hostel.I liked the whole weird virus thing better than 3 stoner dopes traveling through Europe.
[Jan 15,2006 12:51am - Kevord ""]
Eli Roth is a hack!
[Jan 15,2006 10:08am - niccolai ""]
Didn'r see cabin fever. I own it though so maybe I'll sit down and watch it today.
[Jan 17,2006 1:18pm - ndeath ""]
Im hoping Underworld 2 is better than Hostel.Im still waiting to see a real gory movie in theatres.Could be a long time
[Jan 17,2006 1:51pm - the_reverend ""]
go see brokebackmountain. it's about cowboys doing men things.
[Jan 17,2006 4:32pm - dug nli  ""]
I don't think I can hang out with you guys anymore. I loved Hostel. yes, it could've been more violent and gory for all the build up but it was very entertaining in my opinion.
[Jan 17,2006 4:35pm - eddie ""]
ndeath said:Im hoping Underworld 2 is better than Hostel.Im still waiting to see a real gory movie in theatres.Could be a long time

why would you put any hope into underworld 2?

mike and i are renting out a theather some time in feb, march to have a double horror feature.

we're going to do it at least dose, more if it goes well.

first one will be zombi/ then some romero film i dunno which one we want to do yet.

the second one i'm thinking bad taste/dead alive. or the beyond/dead alive since bad taste really isn't a horror movie.
[Jan 17,2006 8:13pm - Sweatpants  ""]
Final Destination 3?
[Jan 18,2006 8:03am - ndeath ""]
Idk if Ill see FD3.Havnt seen part 2 yet

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