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Im in credit card debt :(

[Jan 9,2006 2:30pm - ndeath ""]
I owe Bank of America a lil over $2,000.And its gonna take ages for me to pay this off.Anyone else here relate to this?
[Jan 9,2006 2:32pm - mOe nli  ""]
worst bank ever...my girlfriend is with them and gets randomly charged out the ass
[Jan 9,2006 2:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I just got my first cc last year. I pay it off so I don't get charged.
[Jan 9,2006 3:00pm - dreadedsilence  ""]
credit cards are dangerous
i got my first one a couple years ago and i was pretty good with the payments, but then i started spending more on it and i didn't have much in my bank account since i had to buy a new car. so now i'm about $3,000 in debt. it's super
[Jan 9,2006 3:00pm - anonymous  ""]
mOe nli said:worst bank ever...my girlfriend is with them and gets randomly charged out the ass

Apparently blacks aren't smart enough to pay credit card bills.
[Jan 9,2006 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]
moe, current gf isn't black.
you are thinking when he was dating blue.
[Jan 9,2006 5:07pm - DomesticTerror ""]
anonymous said:

Apparently blacks aren't smart enough to pay credit card bills.

Does this constitute as annoying?

[Jan 9,2006 5:21pm - todayistheday ""]
your screwed if you start paying the minimum...always pay in full!
[Jan 9,2006 6:14pm - Hoser ""]
mOe nli said:worst bank ever...my girlfriend is with them and gets randomly charged out the ass

OOOHHHH....MOE, you MUST be a Liberal Democrat!!! Blame everyone else for your problems!!! If they are random charges, then why hasn't she taken them to court?


[Jan 9,2006 6:21pm - mOe nli  ""]
*shakes head*

the ignorance on this board NEVER ceases to amaze me
[Jan 9,2006 6:27pm - Hoser ""]
Relax Moses.....I was just busting your chops.
[Jan 9,2006 6:58pm - the_reverend ""]
american are 80 trillion in debt.
[Jan 9,2006 8:44pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:american are 80 trillion in debt.
thank yourself for being too nice..and letting them get away with it

[Jan 10,2006 7:02pm - wade ""]
[Jan 10,2006 11:04pm - horror_tang ""]
Yes, just ignore the problem until it goes away.
[Jan 11,2006 8:18am - ndeath ""]
Just got my bill yesterday.I gotta pay $85 due on Jan. 28th.What the fuck guy!!!!
[Jan 11,2006 8:24am - Arthur_ATD ""]
I'm near $2000 in debt with insurance. but that sucks about the credit card
[Jan 11,2006 8:40am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
todayistheday said:your screwed if you start paying the minimum...always pay in full!

my dad pays the minimum on some sears credit card, hes really fucking himself
[Jan 11,2006 9:47am - JayTUS nli  ""]
I got in big trouble with credit cards right when I turned 18, which seems to be the way it works. Went over my limit on three cards with $2000 balances. It's funny how fast the fees add up. Ok, not really funny at all. My Mom ended up taking out a loan in her name and paying off all the credit cards, and I've been making the payments ever since. We've had an emergancy credit card since then which I've used a bit, but that never got out of control and I am making triple the lowest payment for now until I make the last payment on this loan, which SHOULD be coming in June or July. I can't wait for that! Then I can pay off that credit card and be good to go. There's only like 3k on this card because of having to have my transmission redone and paying a grand for a UHaul to move down here... well... should be less than that now...
[Jan 11,2006 9:52am - ndeath ""]
I cant afford to pay more than the minumum.I got a shitty paying job :(
[Jan 11,2006 10:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Most of my debt is student loans.
[Jan 11,2006 8:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I just mailed $466.69 for my Bank of America credit card, ouch.
[Jan 11,2006 10:11pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I bet nobody here can touch my cc debt. I got you all beat.

Just ignore the calls for 2-3 months..... Then be absolutely beligerant & rude when they call. they will go away .....for a lil while.
Except Discover card!!! They rule. They send me Birthday cards and shit.
[Jan 12,2006 12:23am - Mary ""]
DEATH2ALL said:I bet nobody here can touch my cc debt. I got you all beat.

Just ignore the calls for 2-3 months..... Then be absolutely beligerant & rude when they call. they will go away .....for a lil while.
Except Discover card!!! They rule. They send me Birthday cards and shit.

this is Brad

ha! me too! I think i'll be in court by the spring. I'm selling my condo because the Jew bastards of Isenberg(i call them Isengard) made "building repairs", raising the condo fees for 8 of the last 15 months, fucking me. I can't wait to have a one bedroom to myself. I'll be doubling the price i paid for the condo...MINT CHERRY
[Jan 12,2006 2:22am - Mary ""]
He can't wait.
[Jan 12,2006 2:59am - anonymous  ""]
DEATH2ALL said:<<I bet nobody here can touch my cc debt. I got you all beat.

Just ignore the calls for 2-3 months..... Then be absolutely beligerant & rude when they call. they will go away .....for a lil while.
Except Discover card!!! They rule. They send me Birthday cards and shit.>>

This made my day.
[Jan 12,2006 11:43am - JayTUS nli  ""]
I have a friend who gets credit cards, maxes them out and doesn't pay, then when they start calling he'll ignore the calls for a while and finally he'll ask them if they want to settle and end up only paying like half the bill. If they aren't willing or ready to settle he hangs up on them. I don't have the balls to try that!
[Jan 12,2006 11:54am - succubus ""]
your friend's credit is going to SUCK
[Jan 12,2006 12:26pm - Josh_Martin ""]
succubus said:your friend's credit is going to SUCK

I'm sure he doesn't give a fuck about his credit.
I know I don't. I have absolutely no desire to own a house, especially in the next 7 years. I have no reason to care about my credit rating.
I filed chapter 7 right before they changed the laws last October.
$30K in credit card debt gone, just like that. I think of all the stuff I bought with that $30K and laugh.
[Jan 12,2006 1:37pm - soloman ""]
i pay the balance off every month. I've had it for almost two years. The first time I was surprised by my bill was after this christmas. I spent more than I had thought. Its all good though.

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