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Jan 28 (Sat) - Black My Heart, And Then There Were None, When Legends Die, Never Say Never, A Timely Demise, Discordia, OneLess, What Once Was, Prior To Burial, Yours In Murder, Dead In Your Tracks...Cost: $8 2:00Pm All Ages - Saugus YMCA 298 Main Street::Saugus, MA 01906 +[view flyer]

01/27/06--Black My Heart, And Then There Were None, When Legends Die, Never Say Never, A Timely Demise, Prior To Burial, Yours In Murder, One Less, What Once Was, Discordia, One-Less, and Dead In Your Tracks

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Jan 5,2006 11:39pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Black My Heart,
And Then There Were None,
When Legends Die,
Never Say Never,
A Timely Demise,
Prior To Burial,
Yours In Murder,
One Less,
What Once Was,
and Dead In Your Tracks

Febuary 10th, at the St. Michael's Hall
61 West Neptune Street
Lynn, MA 01901
All Ages
Cost: $8
Starts at 2:00PM
[Jan 5,2006 11:42pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
[Jan 5,2006 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
html disabled. ubb enabled
[Jan 5,2006 11:44pm - the_reverend ""]
that's a hell of a lot of bands
[Jan 5,2006 11:44pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Yeah, Only 8 Bucks
[Jan 6,2006 1:21am - paul m  ""]
i thought this was on jan 27th?? well i hope it got moved to feb 10.
mad good show
[Jan 6,2006 5:31am - anonymous  ""]
i think theres 1 on the 27th also
[Jan 6,2006 6:47am - TheWrldCanWait ""]
I don't know if there's one on the 27th, but this one started off sometime in January and got moved to the 10th of Febuary.
[Jan 6,2006 8:49pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
So, it turns out I was wrong...the guy setting up the show told all the bands the 10th, but booked it for the 27th of January. So sorry about the confusion.
[Jan 7,2006 7:13pm - anonymous  ""]
"myspace misses you" this will be a good show hopefully i can make it. is black my heart any good live?
[Jan 7,2006 9:25pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Never seen 'em...but if thier as good Boston hardcore as I hear they are, it should be good. We can only hope...
[Jan 8,2006 4:23pm - anonymous  ""]
black my heart's badass live, this is gonna be a sick show
[Jan 8,2006 8:07pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
One more correction to make about this show, the show will be starting at 4:00 not at 2. Hopefully that should be the last mix up, the kid setting up this show dosen't exactly have his shit together, so sorry for the confusion, see you there.
[Jan 9,2006 5:50pm - Jason_ ""]
I'm so playnig this show with my band Dead In Your Tracks... And yes.. BMH does infact rock hardcore live.
[Jan 12,2006 8:57am - Arthur_ATD ""]
[Jan 12,2006 11:30am - Jason_ ""]
Bump yo face.
[Jan 12,2006 1:02pm - anonymous  ""]
this is one of the shittest shows I've seen in a while. I think I know a total of 3 bands out of 15 or whatever it is. Thats absolutely pathetic guys. pathetic.
[Jan 13,2006 12:24am - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Well, sorry you think that...it's really too bad we didn't set up the show or book any of the bands, so it's not like its our fault...that really is too bad.
[Jan 13,2006 2:58pm - Jason_ ""]
Why even bother taking the time to tpye out a post if all you want to do is voice a personal vendetta twords local music? Sure not all of agree with the bands playing, but it dosen't matter. All that matters is playing a show with your family and at the end of the night possibly wiping the blood out of your eyes. So plaease man, if all your setting out to do is dog this show then be my guest, but don't post it as anonymous.
[Jan 15,2006 11:33am - anonymous  ""]
bump for when legends die!
[Jan 17,2006 11:36am - Jason_ ""]
Hey Art, we're leaving from school to the show on the 27th right? And if we are we're bring Joey B, right? So I say we bring Timmy along with us, and kick the shit out of him in a pit.
[Jan 17,2006 11:39am - Jason_ ""]
I'm so double posting right now, but it's alright. I just wanted to take this time to make a plug for my band... If your interested in what Dead In Your Tracks sounds like/whatever else your sick and twisted perverted mind may want to know, come to http://deadinyourtracks.be .
[Jan 22,2006 6:46pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Alright Everyone, Once again, the show date has changed, but this time so has the venue...

It's now at The Saugus YMCA on January 28th!

St. Micheal's Hall I guess told the guy setting it up, that if they were playing that weekend it had to be 21+ or he had to pay 1500 dollars. Personally I think this should have been figured out before a WEEK before the show! But whatever. I'm kicking the kid setting this up, right in the nuts when I see him. NeverSayNever dropped off due to other requirements on that day, but as far as I know everyone else is still playing. At this rate, God only knows if BMH is actually gonna be there or not, but I apologize for all the fucking confusion.

If anyone can tell me how to change the name of the post, I'll change the info, but I cant figure out how to do it.
[Jan 22,2006 6:47pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
[Jan 23,2006 8:25am - Arthur_ATD ""]
edit your first post
[Jan 23,2006 3:46pm - Jason_ ""]
Okay. I got bored. And I decided to make one. I just basically used the names from yours Gill. But added a nice touch of blood and brass.

[Jan 23,2006 5:07pm - Jason_ ""]
Okay. Just a couple updates on the show now. I've basically taken charge of the booking, if we add anyone else... And I've taken over the advertisement. E.G. Posting flyers, making them, and I would still like to use yours Gill. Just need to add a band, and take off one.. Two.. Or three....

Just so you know Gill; UPDATE!

Never Say Never dropped off.
Yours In Murder dropped off.
What Once Was dropped off.
Slayed Innocence added to play.

I've recently taken the time to send messages to Black My Heart and Bury Your Dead. Because as of now Black My Heart isn't playing. But I sent a message seeing if there was any way I could possibly work something out. And I also send a message to Bury Your Dead asking if they would like to come down and play a local show. Kind of like the pro's of Boston hardcore and the am's.. Or new blood of Boston hardcore side by side.

If your interested in seeing those messages let me know, and I can send them to you.

Actual bands playing:

When Legends Die
And Then There Were None
Prior To Burial
A Timely Demise
Dead In Your Tracks
and POSSIBLY Black My Heart and or Bury Your Dead.

That's about it for now...
[Jan 23,2006 7:37pm - xmikex@thelibrary  ""]
Boston hardcore? there hasn't been a show in Boston in how many years?
[Jan 23,2006 7:50pm - Jason_ ""]
Haha, yeah. I actually want to try and rent a venue or something in Boston.
[Jan 24,2006 12:33am - anonymous  ""]
how could black my heart even be there? they are playing the virginia metal and hardcore festival at 5:50 sat 28th. it would be sweet though. i hope byd plays if bmh doesn't.
[Jan 24,2006 3:19am - Jason_ ""]
I'm still waiting for a reply from Bury Your Dead. Hopefully they can play.
[Jan 24,2006 7:07am - anonymous  ""]
Yeah, good luck haveing a hardcore show in the actual city of Boston. They ain't gonna happen.
[Jan 24,2006 8:12am - Arthur_ATD ""]
yeah, i can say with about 100% certainty that black my heart won't be playing this show. but still, everyone interested in this genre should come out for this one.
[Jan 24,2006 2:18pm - Ryan (Severyn)  ""]
heh heh, this shit is funny, sooo many people dropping, but I'll deff be there this weekend, i wish i could say we would help you guys out and play, but that isn't happening
[Jan 24,2006 6:55pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
I dunno, this whole show got fucked up cuz of TJ. Making bum promises and swtiching the date 3 fucking times. If it wasn't for the fact that my singer is now helping to set up this show I woulda dropped off too. TJ made the people setting up this show look kinda like a joke, and I'm pissed at him. Either way, hopefully it'll be a good show.
[Jan 24,2006 8:43pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
TJ made himself look like a joke, he was the only one setting it up, thats why me and jason and joe took it over
[Jan 25,2006 9:42am - AATAZ  ""]
imma try n make it to this
[Jan 25,2006 10:09am - Jason_ ""]
Don't worry about it guys. I'm making up for TJ fucking up this Spring. We're putting on another show. And I've recently gotten decent with Bury Your Dead so they said if they're around they'll gladly play. We're not sure where it will be. But it is going to be coming. Don't worry. I will be making up for TJ's fuck ups. I love you all. And I hope you all liked my flyer.
[Jan 25,2006 10:11am - Jason_ ""]
Oh, and Art, I don't remember if I told you or not but yeah, like I said above.. I got a message back from Bury Your Dead. They're currently recording their new album. They said if they're around when we do another show they'll play.
[Jan 25,2006 12:00pm - Ryan (Severyn)  ""]
Art call me and give me the info on this show, you know my cell
[Jan 25,2006 2:03pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
We just got a message from And Then There Were None, and they have to drop off too. I guess 2 of thier band members are gonna be outta town.

At least the show will be over fairly early now that there's half as many bands...haha.
[Jan 25,2006 4:26pm - anonymous  ""]
this thread is amazing beyond words
[Jan 25,2006 4:36pm - the_reverend ""]
this reads like a road map made out of wet spighetti.
[Jan 25,2006 5:01pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Yeah, this shit is pretty confusing. Let me try and set the record straight:

January 28th, Saugus YMCA, Saugus, MA
3:30, $8

When Legends Die
Slayed Innocence
Prior To Burial
A Timely Demise
Dead In Your Tracks

That'sall you need to know. Don't worry about the rest of this thread. Sorry about all the friggen confusion. It really will be a great show, despite all this trouble.
[Jan 26,2006 7:44am - Arthur_ATD ""]
from now on, me jason and joe will set up the shows down here, fuck tj
[Jan 26,2006 9:53am - Jason_ ""]
We're planning another show for this spring. Art, Joe Brock, and myself will have complete control of this show. So we won't have to go through all of this bullshit again. Sorry guys. I love you all, and thank you all for still keeping the interest even after so many fuck ups.
[Jan 26,2006 11:23am - Ryan (Severyn)  ""]
I'm prolly not gonna make it now, for one Saugus is far away, and for two, i don't want to drive todd's car out of state, shit is sooo gay
[Jan 26,2006 8:18pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
that's cool, you should come down to the show in Rochester on March 3, thats a much better show anyway.
[Jan 27,2006 11:25am - paul m  ""]
i'll go just for prior to burial

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