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Aug 22 at the bomb shelter

the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [13_winters][3_minute_theory][ascendancy][life_at_zero][randomshots][shroud_of_bereavement][thyk]
[Aug 22,2003 7:04pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving for this show right his minute.
[Aug 22,2003 7:36pm - jesus ""]
fuck that

patriots preseason! :skull:
[Aug 23,2003 2:10am - Blue ""]
oh god. what a night.
[Aug 23,2003 3:36am - the_reverend ""]
I'll need a few more minutes.
I seriously fucked up my programs to do the pictures.
[Aug 23,2003 3:54am - the_reverend ""]
1) blue what happend?
2) http://www.returntothepit.com/concert.php?date=2003-08-22 pictures are up
[Aug 23,2003 4:18am - the_reverend ""]
well, the show started out with a bang as the ambulance showed up to take care of someone. Semi-disorgonized and all, but it worked out in the end.

Also, it's great to see that the bombshelter is taking some advice from these forums... the stage is re-done and there are a few more fans. Granted, the ventilation needs some serious work.

13 winters: great to see these guys sounding great on a good sound system. They played pretty awesome. the set was semi-doom/dark metal. They had an insane slayer-sized fog machine which filled the ENTIRE place. the problem being that the ventilation system left the fog hoovering until nxt tuesday.

3 minute theory: they are a very nu-metal band. A genre that I don't really care for. In the beginning there was something wrong, the bass was peaking, same with the vocals, but they fixed that after the first song.

life at zero: awesome to see these guys back. straight up nh deathmetal. they have a new drummer, nick from mental infection (if anyone has the MI release, I want it or a copy for my show). First off, his drum set destorys their old drummer's. I have a feeling that he's fitting in fine. it seems like the singer needs a new belt... check the pictures.

thyk: hm... I thought these guys were going to be crappy rock-metal from the name, but damn it. Imagine Pantera doing early carcass grind. that's what it sounded like. it was good, filled with tons of tech-riffs and fast. It was also neat cause there were a bunch of short songs where the singer barely screamed a word.

ascendancy: "Mass's own blackmetal Hate Eternal"™ sorry, I've trademarked that slogan now. They ripped and Terence decided to take a long walk out to his car and he even stopped to help out a homeless guy. What a nice guy, eh? All while shreading out riffs. Also, I got a glimpse at how the drummer drums so fast. He;s got an extra set of arms (check the pictures)

shroud of bereavement: what can I say? brilliant and beautiful and dark all at the same time. They were playing with out ne synth player (daryl) which left a bunch of things out, but still, it sounded awesome. I can't wait for the whole cd.

it looks like I might be making the bomb shelter webpage.. i guess we'll see.
[Aug 23,2003 4:54am - DeOdiumMortis ""]

Too tired to review tonight.
[Aug 23,2003 5:19am - Terence ""]
awesome show. Every band rocked
[Aug 23,2003 10:31am - baneofexistence ""]
i have that cd man i will bring it up when we play there you looking for anyother cd's man i have over well over 1000

the_reverend said:
(if anyone has the MI release, I want it or a copy for my show.

[Aug 23,2003 1:00pm - Blue ""]
yeah...sounds like a great show...i wish i couldve seen it. i had to help my friend out after she passed out from dehydration. she enjoyed herself. overall a good night. since we were in manchester, we stopped by bickfords for some 2 am yummies. next time, maybe.
[Aug 23,2003 2:21pm - dreadkill ""]
i really wanted to get to this show, but ended up having to take care of some things. sounds like i missed a hell of a show. dang.
[Aug 23,2003 2:58pm - dyingmuse ""]
dude that show was pretty fun,and i think everyone sounded the balls
i was very impressed by life at zero and thiyk it was good to see you guys again. i think we should have a benift show or a big party or some thing for mr josh sweeney...he was a true inspiration to us all. 13 winters finally got a good mix...they are a great bunch of guys and they rock. ascendancy sounded awesome though you need a bassist you guys fucking shred!. i want to say thanks for all the bands for switching their sets around for us that was super cool of you all...\m/ \m/ \m/ and thanx for everyone that stuck around for the whole show that was awesome. and again thanx to aaron you dont even know how much you help this scene! you fucking rock man!!! good show!!!!!!!!!!!! i only hope we can do this again
[Aug 23,2003 3:39pm - Roy of 13 Winters  ""]
This show should definatly be repeated but here's something to chew on untill then. There were 6 bands that night, the next time around, each band should pitched in $100. there would be enough in the pool to put a commercial on a radio station for two weeks advertising the show. Make the show an "all ages" and That would pack the place and even if it doesn't, the band's names are still heard by a thousand people.

If there are bands interested in trying this kind of promotion out let me know.

[Aug 23,2003 3:41pm - Roy  ""]
P.S. Great job to all the bands, hell one of them were shit faced out of their minds and still managed to rip it up. And thanks to the Rev. and his awesome site(and camera).
[Aug 23,2003 4:53pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, I think radio adds on comercial stations in that area would do nothing.
the people that would go out to a show like this wouldn't be the kind that would go out to a show.

with shows, you need to network and flyer.
get 1 friend to fill a car up... there's 4 people right there.
I don't know, people suck and you need to hit them over the head with a fucking brick to get them to do anything.
[Aug 23,2003 5:20pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Also, every band coming up with $100 that they might not make back isn't very likely. $100 is my share of a month's rent for our rehersal space. I could contribute about $5 to the promotional idea, but homeless people have higher income than I do.
[Aug 23,2003 5:37pm - Terence ""]
its all about flyering and self advertising, but it all comes down just to the day of the show...people will say they will go but they dont, it always happens and it sucks. But for me, I just love playing in front of the other bands. The ones that stick around at least.
[Aug 23,2003 5:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I show up.
I'm not in a band.
[Aug 23,2003 5:54pm - succubus ""]
it was the first show i have been to in quite some time...i think i am fully recovered! WOW....i had a blast and even got a shot for me and one for the Rev... (Fuck me hard..heehee)

but no one mentioned all the T & A at this show yet?




can't wait for the show dyingmuse was talking about happening in Oct!
[Aug 23,2003 6:26pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like someone is happy to see me!
[Aug 23,2003 7:21pm - dwellingsickness ""]
No one needs to see Jeremy's T or A!
[Aug 23,2003 8:58pm - Terence ""]
people couldnt keep their hands off of my boobs!
[Aug 23,2003 9:19pm - thornnvine ""]
you missed a fun show. i better see you oct 18 in Lowell at the purgatory.
how's DS coming along?
[Aug 23,2003 9:21pm - thornnvine ""]
you missed a fun show. i better see you oct 18 in Lowell at the purgatory.
how's DS coming along?
[Aug 23,2003 9:23pm - thornnvine ""]
oh i'm fucking this post thing up right now. dreadkill, i'm talking to you.
[Aug 23,2003 9:38pm - thornnvine ""]
Thanks to all the bands who played with us last night. Especially 13 winters, life at zero and ascendacy. it was the first time i saw life at zero and ascendancy and I look forward to hooking up more shows with these guys. I think we pushed the max band capacity for one night. that was a fun show for all you losers who didn't make it out.

aaron, i beleive dyingmuse has the metal infection "fear of a metal planet" cd. (i think thats the one.)

Jen, thanks for coming up and doing another show with us.
[Aug 24,2003 12:22am - baneofexistence ""]
i actually have it burned for him already if he makes my sept 4th show i will give it to him

thornnvine said:
aaron, i beleive dyingmuse has the metal infection "fear of a metal planet" cd. (i think thats the one.)

[Aug 24,2003 6:39pm - Nolin ""]
This is Nolin from LifeAtZero, and I thought the show was killer, even though there wasnt that many people there. All the bands (even though I left before seeing Shroud of Bereavment, sorry guys my ride was leaving)were awesome, and I look forward to playing more shows with any of those bands. We\'ve got a brutal lineup for the 30th show, there and I,m totally stoked to play again. We palyed in Maine last nite too, and Molested Senses are tighter than ever.
And I wanted to thank the Rev. for some killer photos you took that night.
[Aug 24,2003 9:05pm - Nolin ""]
dyingmuse said:dude that show was pretty fun,and i think everyone sounded the balls
i was very impressed by life at zero and thiyk it was good to see you guys again. i think we should have a benift show or a big party or some thing for mr josh sweeney...he was a true inspiration to us all. 13 winters finally got a good mix...they are a great bunch of guys and they rock. ascendancy sounded awesome though you need a bassist you guys fucking shred!. i want to say thanks for all the bands for switching their sets around for us that was super cool of you all...\m/ \m/ \m/ and thanx for everyone that stuck around for the whole show that was awesome. and again thanx to aaron you dont even know how much you help this scene! you fucking rock man!!! good show!!!!!!!!!!!! i only hope we can do this again

Thanks for the props, it was alot of fun. I think we should definately put on a benefit show for Sweeney!!! I\'ve been contimplating that idea ever since his untimely death. He was a good guy, and a phenominal guit. shredder. R.I.P. Josh
[Aug 25,2003 1:44am - dyingmuse ""]
lets do it then im me and we'll set something up!!!!!!!! im serious i loved that kid he deserves it my band shroud of bereavement will play ill look into getting a place to play...any other bands that new him write me
[Aug 25,2003 1:47am - dyingmuse ""]
ohh fuck i wish i could have caught that main show i was way too tired and broke...fuck when are m.s. playing again. i will go on the 30th though!!!! ps how was youre set? brutal as fuck im sure!!!

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