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HELP ME I am being tortured!

[Aug 22,2003 3:13pm - succubus ""]

my roommate is torturing me ... she is blasting this song "it's getting hot in here"...and she's singing....HELP ME

i tried screaming and covering my ears..but i think i need to leave NOW
[Aug 22,2003 3:18pm - retzam ""]
Shit. This is an emergency. All right, here is what i want you to do. Destroy the stereo with some large object and then give her a copy of Grand Declaration Of War. Dont panic. Your not supposed to panic in these kinds of situations.
[Aug 22,2003 3:24pm - RustedAngel ""]
this is when you put on Tina Turners 'Private Dancer' and she'll learn her lesson.

[Aug 22,2003 3:26pm - Abraxas ""]
retzam said:Shit. This is an emergency. All right, here is what i want you to do. Destroy the stereo with some large object and then give her a copy of Grand Declaration Of War. Dont panic. Your not supposed to panic in these kinds of situations.

Why Grand Declaration of War? There are better choices...
[Aug 22,2003 3:30pm - succubus ""]
thanks :spineyes:
i ended up running outside...i'm ok now...i will get her back for that...
[Aug 22,2003 3:34pm - Hoser ""]
Kill her and the music box that plays such evil.
[Aug 22,2003 3:36pm - succubus ""]
i'm with hoser....now she is playing 50 cent W T F

shoot me

[Aug 22,2003 3:39pm - Hoser ""]
either kill her and the evil box, or.....pull a fuckin' fuse in the basement or whatever. Oooooops, powers out bitch, whatcha got now?
[Aug 22,2003 4:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm pretty sure if you were sucking my dick,
you wouldn't be paying attention to the music.
so stop listening and start sucking.
[Aug 22,2003 4:09pm - succubus ""]
you don't even have that music on your 40934534533 song play list...and you are not here and that's not the way to ask! so haha:bartmoon:
[Aug 22,2003 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
my compter only has 26,000 songs on it. so there.
[Aug 22,2003 4:38pm - succubus ""]
to quote you..

[Aug 22,2003 5:53pm - retzam ""]
Abraxas said: Why Grand Declaration of War? There are better choices...

Much better choices, but Mayhem might scare her away into the night.
[Aug 22,2003 5:54pm - retzam ""]
what the fuck how do you do the quote thing
[Aug 22,2003 6:01pm - the_reverend ""]
retzam said:what the fuck how do you do the quote thing

click the "quote" button.
[Aug 22,2003 6:34pm - retzam ""]
Where the fuck is the quote button
[Aug 22,2003 6:35pm - retzam ""]
oh nevermind it is right there
[Aug 22,2003 8:29pm - xmikex ""]
what ever happened to the old punch in the face?

or spraying her with a hose?

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