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Line 6 Toneport

[Jan 4,2006 12:31am - Aegathis ""]
I finally got to purchase one today and cant wait to use it, but im just wondering, has any one else here picked one up. And if so was there more than just a usb cable included. Ill be calling guitar center back up tomorow to further investigate, cause i figure they would include something else for sound, like when i got my guitar port, Im pretty sure it came with rca cables.:spineyes:
[Jan 4,2006 12:39am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you cheap prick, spend the $4 at radio shack and buy RCA cables

fuck, I got like 6 pairs I could just give you
[Jan 4,2006 12:53am - RustedAngel ""]
I think blue has one...

I just got a pandora's box by korg for tour and so far it's fucking awesome.

I can hook my ipod up to it and play along to songs...not to mention the tones you can get out of it are pretty awesome for alittle headphone amp. Has tons of effects, a phrase sampler, drum beats, tuner, everything in a box the size of an ipod.
[Jan 4,2006 1:12am - Aegathis ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:you cheap prick, spend the $4 at radio shack and buy RCA cables

fuck, I got like 6 pairs I could just give you

I have plenty of rca cables, even aside from the ones i used with the aforementioned guitar port that Ive used for the past 2 years,and which i will no longer need once i get this thing going. The fact of the matter is the toneport doesnt have any rca out puts, so i assume it requires something else. Hence why i was curious to see if anyone else here got the toneport and knows more than i do. >:]
[Jan 4,2006 1:25am - BornSoVile ""]
sorry i didn't talk to you the other night anthony, i wanted to kill everyone who works at that guitar center, i fucking hate that store.
[Jan 4,2006 1:33am - Aegathis ""]
josh thats funny you say that cause if i recall i was the one that wandered off without saying bye or anthing so dont feel sorry, i was pissed they didnt have that thing there. the guys in the drum section piss me off the most probably.
[Jan 4,2006 1:42am - BornSoVile ""]
the drum manager is a decent dude, he's helped me and my buddies out from time to time quite reguarly. my beef is with the cunts in accessories...
earlier in the day i called them looking for strap locks for my iron bird...
"i'm looking for some strap locks, i'm wondering how many you have and if they are available outside of the prepackage?" - me
"yoo, dude, we totally have alot of those down here, bring your guitar down and check em out!" - some douche
"right, but do you have them loose? because i want to see if my pair will fit yours?"
"dude, you should totally come down here and check em out!" - douche, click

i hate the process of checking in gear once you get there. then i get up to the booth and they don't have any loose strap locks and they only have two sets. fucking rushing me to get out of the store. FUCK THEM!
http://www.bostonguitar.com - all the way!
[Jan 4,2006 1:45am - Kinslayer  ""]
Hey hey! This is my place of work your bashing here!
[Jan 4,2006 1:47am - BornSoVile ""]
hahhaha, i figured it set you off!
[Jan 4,2006 1:53am - davefromthegrave ""]
Kinslayer said:Hey hey! This is my place of work your bashing here!

why is that a problem? you can bash my former palce of work, the olive garbage, all you want.
[Jan 4,2006 1:57am - BornSoVile ""]
actually the olive garden sets me off way more than guitar center.,..
[Jan 4,2006 10:50am - Aegathis ""]
I take it no one wants to talk line 6>:]
[Jan 4,2006 11:03am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have a Line 6 full stack with Flextone II head. What's the deal with the Toneport?
[Jan 4,2006 11:32am - Aegathis ""]
i bought it yesterday, i havent tried installing it yet cause i havent had the chance to, but i looked at it and it doesnt have rca outs like my guitar port and the m audio interface i have. Im just wondering what it uses in place of that , and if it was supposed to come with it.

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