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Resinate with M.O.D in Manchester

[Aug 22,2003 2:16pm - Hoser ""]
Resinate and metal legends M.O.D will be playing at the Bombshelter in Manchester, NH on September 19th or 20th. We're not quite sure of the date yet, but will post it asap.

New Resinate mp3 out at:

Song: Anthem (featuring Brian of "The Network")


kick ass.....:middlefinger:
[Aug 22,2003 2:31pm - RustedAngel ""]

metal legends?

more like a joke... just because they make fun of nu-metal by playing nu-metal doesn't make them not just as gay as real nu-metal bands.

maybe ill go since josh/drug test is playing this show also.

[Aug 22,2003 2:49pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
The first MOD album is a great crossover/thrash album. Nothing nu metal about it. Other than that, they do suck.

[Aug 22,2003 3:26pm - Hoser ""]
Listen Rusted, you worn out old twat, it was a figure of speech. Just come to the show so I can punch you, and then narrow mindedly tell you that you too, suck.
M.O.D didn't get as big as they did sucking off every rad new black metal outfit that came along.
They were fucking good at the time.
[Aug 22,2003 3:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
Hoser said:Listen Rusted, you worn out old twat, it was a figure of speech. Just come to the show so I can punch you, and then narrow mindedly tell you that you too, suck.
M.O.D didn't get as big as they did sucking off every rad new black metal outfit that came along.
They were fucking good at the time.

[Aug 22,2003 3:33pm - Hoser ""]
Hahahaha....dude don't get so ripped. Especially with the chatroom "stfu."
I was just fuckin' messin with ya man, I'm famous fer that kinda shit. Ask the Rev or Succubus what a retard I am. But if you make me hold you down and smell my finger....I will. Oh....I will.
[Aug 22,2003 3:40pm - Hoser ""]
By the way, Rev.....if you want to go to this show, well put you and succubus on the guest list.
[Aug 22,2003 3:41pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Surfin MOD is one of the worst albums EVER.

First MOD album=watered down SOD part 2, but it's still good. Anything after is completely useless, and nobody cared about them other than Milano because of SOD fame. There is no excuse for Surfin MOD, and Milano is a wash up in every possible way. If it wasn't for that last gay SOD album, he would be all done with music.
[Aug 22,2003 3:42pm - Hoser ""]

[Aug 22,2003 3:44pm - Hoser ""]
True dat, Homes. If it werent fer that triple cheeseburger from BK that I just ate, I wouldn't be about shitting my drawers right now. I gotta go take a dump.

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