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[show listing]  ________________________________
[Dec 30,2005 11:58am - damn  ""]
January, 7 2006 at Roller Kingdom
5 Highland Park Ave., Hudson, MA 01749
Cost: $10.00

The Acacia Strain, With Dead Hands Rising, Hang 'Em High, Can't Stand Losing, Akela, Warfare

Who's comin???
[Dec 30,2005 11:59am - mOe nli  ""]
i'm goin...
[Dec 30,2005 12:07pm - brian_dc ""]
I may go
[Dec 30,2005 1:00pm - cav  ""]
ill be there for sure
[Dec 30,2005 1:58pm - mOe nli  ""]
this is WOOS's first show and WDHR has NEVER been to MA before
[Dec 30,2005 1:59pm - brian_dc ""]
ahhhh...warfare = w.o.o.s. I will definitely be there
[Dec 30,2005 2:16pm - mOe nli  ""]
actually, War on Our Shores is on this and Warfare is some band from Worcester

War on Our Shores' first show, foo's!
[Dec 30,2005 2:58pm - anonymous  ""]
mOe nli said:this is WOOS's first show and WDHR has NEVER been to MA before

WHDR is playing January 5th in Melrose
[Dec 30,2005 3:04pm - the_reverend ""]
grr.. I might have to come to this...
we'll see.
[Dec 30,2005 3:37pm - mOe nli  ""]
well, annonymous...maybe someone who likes them wont mind seeing them twice at two completely different shows
[Dec 30,2005 3:51pm - DomesticTerror ""]
shouldn't it be With Dead Hands RAISING?
i raise my hand, never rised it...
[Dec 30,2005 4:14pm - mOe nli  ""]
umm.......right...come to this show!
[Dec 31,2005 12:50am - mOe nli  ""]
[Dec 31,2005 2:13am - cav  ""]
the dead hands are rising from somewhere...it kinda makes sense. hands can rise, and raise. there a kickass band either way
[Dec 31,2005 10:02am - mOe nli  ""]
YEAH....so come, bitches
[Jan 1,2006 7:43pm - mOe nli  ""]
happy new year!
[Jan 1,2006 7:46pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
When is this place gonna book some Metal shows?
[Jan 1,2006 7:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BestialOnslaught said:When is this place gonna book some Metal shows?

probably when someone ponies up the cash to rent it out :ralphie:
[Jan 1,2006 8:09pm - mOe nli  ""]
preach it, brotha!
[Jan 2,2006 12:18am - Blue ""]
i would very proudly be at this show, but being numerous states away at the time prevents such to happen.
[Jan 2,2006 12:25am - brian_dc ""]
show off.
[Jan 2,2006 12:25am - Blue ""]
ouch that hurt. to make up for it, youd better attend and show some freaking love.
[Jan 2,2006 12:27am - brian_dc ""]
well, I've been planning on going for awhile...in fact, I turned down a show for us because I want to go to this show (sorry everyone else in the band who may read this)
[Jan 2,2006 3:12am - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:When is this place gonna book some Metal shows?

When pigs rollerskate.
[Jan 2,2006 10:57am - mOe nli  ""]
brian_dc said:well, I've been planning on going for awhile...in fact, I turned down a show for us because I want to go to this show (sorry everyone else in the band who may read this)

again, proving that Brian is a far more advanced human being than most men
[Jan 2,2006 2:27pm - cav  ""]
brian_dc said:well, I've been planning on going for awhile...in fact, I turned down a show for us because I want to go to this show (sorry everyone else in the band who may read this)
ya man i just read that message from hbbsi, i was like...damn i wanted to go see WDHR. haha.

[Jan 2,2006 2:28pm - cav  ""]
were bad
[Jan 2,2006 2:28pm - brian_dc ""]
yeeeeeeah, I doubt murph could get it off anyway...lets go see the show.
[Jan 2,2006 3:26pm - cav  ""]
saweet! looks like itll be 4 of us.
[Jan 2,2006 3:32pm - cav  ""]
this show is gonna be the mad notes.
[Jan 3,2006 4:32pm - mOe nli  ""]
hell yes, 4 days!
[Jan 4,2006 5:34pm - mOe nli  ""]
3 days
[Jan 4,2006 7:25pm - cav  ""]
hell yea
[Jan 4,2006 7:27pm - brian_dc ""]
additional stock policeman chatter.
[Jan 5,2006 6:14pm - mOe nli  ""]
damn, gina!
[Jan 6,2006 9:39am - mOe nli  ""]
BUMP for War on Our Shores having an awesome sounding 3 song demo for this show!!

we may have songs up on myspace by tonight as well
[Jan 6,2006 2:29pm - mOe nli  ""]
[Jan 6,2006 2:49pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
good ol memories, good ol time.
[Jan 6,2006 8:23pm - mOe nli  ""]
less than 24 hours...oh, man...oh man
[Jan 7,2006 1:25pm - mOe nli  ""]
show's in 5 and a half hours!

who's cummin????
[Jan 7,2006 3:03pm - brian_dc ""]
myself and 3 others are leaving in about an hour.
[Jan 8,2006 12:42am - brian_dc ""]
mOe, cd sounds pretty sweet...good work.

good show overall, too many fights though...that shit is ridiculous.

Akela played awesome but were kinda ignored by a lot of the scene kids who didn't want to hear anything but mosh...hats off of to them.

WOOS is pretty sweet...my only complaint was that one of the 3 guitars was always a little out of tune...that's all for now.
[Jan 8,2006 12:48am - KeithMutiny ""]
too many fights? were kids arguing over whos shirt was cooler or whos sneakers were cleaner?

all i can picture is those poor invisible ninjas... what about the ninjas?

[Jan 8,2006 12:51am - brian_dc ""]
it was a lot of fat kids who thought they were tough for punching kids who were watching bands.

then there were the high school kids who 3 years ago would've liked emo, but this isn't 3 years ago so they were there not even paying attention to the bands.

there were a few really young kids whose mom's dropped them off...that was hilarious.

there were the people just there to skate

there were the people watching the bands.

then there were the bands.

you can pretty much picture the rest of the night from there.

oh the fucking pepsi machine didn't work...fuck that.
[Jan 8,2006 1:25am - cav  ""]
good times good times.
[Jan 8,2006 3:44am - daveg  ""]
brian_dc said:it was a lot of fat kids who thought they were tough for punching kids who were watching bands.

then there were the high school kids who 3 years ago would've liked emo, but this isn't 3 years ago so they were there not even paying attention to the bands.

there were a few really young kids whose mom's dropped them off...that was hilarious.

there were the people just there to skate

there were the people watching the bands.

then there were the bands.

you can pretty much picture the rest of the night from there.

oh the fucking pepsi machine didn't work...fuck that.

that fat kid would eat you in a second

[Jan 8,2006 3:46am - daveg  ""]
the show was a lot of fun and SCARLET and THE ESOTERIC show that was in Wakefield got moved to Rollerkingdom, and then BYD is playing there....April 22nd.

It doesnt cost that much to rent out, my friend booked the scarlet show and he said the manager is a cool dude (even though the pepsi machine got kicked over)
[Jan 8,2006 3:47am - the_reverend ""]

I have to drive all the way down there instead of to wakefield? lame.
[Jan 8,2006 9:44am - mOe nli  ""]
thanks to everyone who came out. Our set was a little haywire due to all the technical difficulties. My double pedal shit the bed. i think EVERYONE's strap broke onece or twice in the set. YEAH, the fat guys who were just running around punching people and then beating people up who got ma about it did kinda suck, but The Acacia Strain played so there's not much that could be done about those dudes. Ya gotta expect a crowd like that when a band of that nature plays. Not dissin them or anything, just stating the truth. The soda machine was knocked almost clean out of the counter. I'm not sure if its still functioning. The whole time during acacia strains set i was just saying to myself, "this could be the last show that happens here." And now BURY YOUR DEAD is playing? good luck with that, haha. But this was still all in all a great show.
head over to www.myspace.com/waronourshores to listen to and/or download our 3 song demo, its ALL THERE! let a brotha know what you think.
[Jan 8,2006 11:32am - brian_dc ""]
daveg said:brian_dc said:it was a lot of fat kids who thought they were tough for punching kids who were watching bands.

then there were the high school kids who 3 years ago would've liked emo, but this isn't 3 years ago so they were there not even paying attention to the bands.

there were a few really young kids whose mom's dropped them off...that was hilarious.

there were the people just there to skate

there were the people watching the bands.

then there were the bands.

you can pretty much picture the rest of the night from there.

oh the fucking pepsi machine didn't work...fuck that.

that fat kid would eat you in a second

pssh, that's not even human possible...but he'd probably be like a crocodile. (i.e. murder me, drag me into some underwater cavern to preserve my body and eat me gradually for a few weeks.)

I'm not messing with any fat kids...but they can't mosh, they just crowd punch. I say that with confidence.
[Jan 8,2006 5:19pm - nahh_keed ""]
hahaha he will unhindge his jaw like a snake!!! war on our shores was fuckin insane and they only thing i can picture when byd plays at the kingdom of rolling is fuckin the building exploding
[Jan 9,2006 2:32am - cav  ""]
they should just have the bands play on the roller rink, it would be much safer for everyone. at this show there was no way to watch the band close up without being punched in the face unexpectedly. if byd plays here im sure there will be problems.
[Jan 9,2006 5:50am - nahh_keed ""]
then where will the kids skate
[Jan 9,2006 7:43pm - anonymous  ""]
Scarlet show is NOT moved to roller kingdom...the date was rebooked in NY instead...

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