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who else is anxiously awaiting the return of IN DIRE NEED?

[Dec 29,2005 1:45am - tomx ""]
i, for one, cant wait to hear songs about seagulls
[Dec 29,2005 2:49am - anonymous  ""]
Hell yeah. Looking forward to the cabot street show.
[Dec 29,2005 6:47am - nick ""]
i was pumped for reunion #1, but #3 ehhh. id have to hear some mp3s, its pretty much an entirely different band now.
[Dec 29,2005 8:20am - brad please  ""]
did they finally get out of the How to be Gayer seminar?
[Dec 29,2005 8:47am - the_reverend ""]
at the last last show, I talked about the next come back show. everyone in the band swore it wouldn't happen.

from what I know, this has joey and one waywayway original guitar or bass dude.
[Dec 29,2005 12:12pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
i hear their set is supposed to play out like a story. they have keyboards and stuff now, and will only play 2 old songs

one of which....
[Dec 29,2005 12:39pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'm not.
[Dec 29,2005 12:40pm - niccolai ""]
Wanted to play guitar, missed tryouts.
[Dec 29,2005 1:21pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh nli  ""]
I am, I wanna hear mp3s though.
[Dec 29,2005 1:55pm - tomx ""]
oh man, its gonna be awesome! just like old In Dire Need, just...

minus the musicians and satanism

plus keyboards and seagulls
[Dec 29,2005 5:37pm - Joshtruction ""]
OK guys, here is the deal with In Dire Need...

1. Our songs are not about seagulls, despite an interlude being named "The blessing of the gulls."

2. I am one of the founders of the band. Between me, Ross, and Joey with his air guitar we made the sound of In Dire Need. Unfortunately Ross is in florida working on his career and can not be in the band right now. Joey is still singing for us. Mikey was in the band towards the last break up. Eric got to the point where he did not like the band so we found a new drummer. Jay is in Japan so he obviously can't play in the band. Sean didn't want to be in the band when it got back together (or at least thats how it seemed to me... If I am wrong I am sure Sean will correct me) so that leads us to needing a new guitar player.

thats the member situation

3. New MP3's. We will have some, but they will not be out before the show. I can promise the quality on them will be fantastic.

4. We are not going to have keyboards on any live stuff. Keys were used to make midi samples and so far thats it.

5. Satanism... IDN wasn't even the ones that started it. In fact it was people at our shows (Mike Shae and Harkins I beleive) and it was to have a good time. It was just that, a good time. It's not a dismissed idea, just not the major theme of the new recording.

If you guys got any questions about the band jsut let me know. If you want to argue I don't have time for that. Take care guys, and hopefully I will see you all at the shows.
[Dec 29,2005 5:46pm - anonymous  ""]
tomx- not an original member of his own band. Is in a band with a current IDN member. good post
[Dec 29,2005 6:15pm - Arilliusnli  ""]
I did the snyths for the upcoming EP, and they came out pretty decent. I'm sorry I won't be able to play keys for you live, but who knows, maybe at some point I can. Looking foward to being in the studio though.
[Dec 29,2005 6:18pm - todayistheday ""]
I for one, would be at the show
[Dec 29,2005 6:26pm - Joshtruction ""]
Arilliusnli said:I did the snyths for the upcoming EP, and they came out pretty decent. I'm sorry I won't be able to play keys for you live, but who knows, maybe at some point I can. Looking foward to being in the studio though.

And another big thanks, the tracks sound amazing!
[Dec 29,2005 9:25pm - Dankill  ""]
I figured the satanic shit was a gag seein as the last time I saw IDN, Joey introed each song as ::growling voice:: "I....LOVE.....SATAN!"
It'll be interesting to see them back again. They were one of the more entertaining bands out there in the local scene, munis the ultra scenester fans who could be pretty fuckin annoying, but it comes with the territory in Mass.
[Dec 29,2005 9:29pm - todayistheday ""]
so there is an actual show happeing? when/where?
[Dec 29,2005 10:00pm - Arilliusnli  ""]
the end of february i believe.
[Dec 29,2005 10:27pm - Joshtruction ""]
Sunday, January 29 - The Acacia Strain, Torn Asunder, Ligeia, In Dire Need, Black Days Dawning, Our Final Chapter, On Paths Of Torment (cd release party)

It's all going down at Cabbot street pub in chicopee Ma.
[Dec 29,2005 10:28pm - anonymous  ""]
First show is Janurary 29th at the Cabot St. With the Acacia Strain, Torn Assunder and some more. There will also be another show in early February before recording.
[Dec 29,2005 11:00pm - xmikex ""]

and that's Mike Shea. Get it right or pay the price!
[Dec 30,2005 12:02am - tomx ""]
anonymous said:tomx- not an original member of his own band. Is in a band with a current IDN member. good post

yes, lookout, anonymous toughguy

so, im not an original member of FUF, so what? i came in and ive written better than stuff than the old songs...and the logo? artwork? recording? tshirts? all my design. so you know what? feed us fetus is MINE, just as much as eric's, jay's, mikey's, michael's, and even more so than previous members. and besides, me coming in was just a lineup change, and for the better. idn is the ressurection of a dead band, one of which thats gotten alot of past members and fans pissed.

as for mikey, i couldnt give a fuck less what he's doing with his time. good for him that he joined idn, itll keep his fingers nimble. plus if you wanna call people on when they join bands, the "new" idn came way after i already became a fixture in feed us fetus, and joey quit because we didnt want to change our songs about icarus and gulls and lepers, and other cliche metalcore themes...we werent a serious enough band for joey. oops! too bad we're looking over a few label offers to release our ep.

please, next time you post, throw a little dash of logic into the mix. i know that they didnt teach you that stuff in remedial classes, but its not too hard to figure out on your own if youd ust pick up a book once and again. now go enjoy your helmet and graham crackers, retard.
[Dec 30,2005 12:12am - todayistheday ""]
[Dec 30,2005 1:12am - Joshtruction ""]
xmikex said:WE WANT ROSS

and that's Mike Shea. Get it right or pay the price!

My B for the typo Mikey.
[Dec 30,2005 1:31am - RichHorror ""]
tomx said:Now go enjoy your helmet and graham crackers, retard.

Don't be giving out free graham crackers to them. Give them to us. I'll add another surveillance camera to the space if we get graham crackers Rich can wear a helmet.
[Dec 30,2005 1:32am - horror_tang ""]
Oops that was me, not Rich.
[Dec 30,2005 2:01am - tomx ""]
ahahahaha, that camera is amazing...mikey still thinks its real. he almost broke it, but we convinced him the landlord would get pissed, hahahaha
[Dec 30,2005 10:25am - anonymous  ""]
lets talk about IDN's new drummer [img]
[Dec 30,2005 11:54am - damn  ""]
[Dec 30,2005 2:48pm - Joshtruction ""]
hahahaha that pic is hilarious
[Dec 30,2005 3:38pm - horror_tang ""]
tomx said:ahahahaha, that camera is amazing...mikey still thinks its real. he almost broke it, but we convinced him the landlord would get pissed, hahahaha

I just need to get new batteries for the thing. How many more should I add to the space. Oh, and are any of you guys old enough to remember Beavis and Butthead? I have a 6' inflatable Beavis I should bring down.
[Dec 30,2005 4:17pm - tomx ""]
remember? i have every episode memorized...the new collection that just came out is prett sweet. and you should add at least 2 cameras to every wall, and watch our guitarist go nuts
[Dec 30,2005 5:34pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
im excited about the re-union.
[Dec 30,2005 5:46pm - spaldino  ""]
whoa whoa whoa....


suddenly, im interested...
[Dec 30,2005 10:13pm - jake  ""]
what kind of reunion doesnt feature the members that made the band recognizable. dumb.

anyone see the gnr reunion on MTV whenever that was? exactly.
[Dec 30,2005 10:44pm - Joshtruction ""]
jake said:what kind of reunion doesnt feature the members that made the band recognizable. dumb.

anyone see the gnr reunion on MTV whenever that was? exactly.

2 members that were not in the band before....just 2. Not like there is just 1 person trying to carry it on.

and yes, SPAM is the drummer.
[Dec 30,2005 11:51pm - spaldino  ""]
i wish i or spam was female... so that we could procreate
[Dec 31,2005 10:50pm - Shawn Malloy  ""]
Well, at least we have some original members. Napalm Death only has...

[Jan 1,2006 11:11pm - xmikex ""]
i love josh conrad
i still think in dire need is a dumb name for a band
who the hell is SPAM
we want ross
[Jan 2,2006 1:02am - Joshtruction ""]
Spam is the kid in the funked out picture up above... aka shawn malloy
[Jan 2,2006 1:07am - anonymous  ""]
i'd take this comeback seriously if they would change the name cmon guys this 2nd or 3rd reunion no one will take seriously
[Jan 2,2006 1:32am - kyledoesnot  ""]
I hope they sound like pantera!!
[Jan 2,2006 3:17am - Joshtruction ""]
kyledoesnot said:I hope they sound like pantera!!

naw, were a bon jovi cover band.
[Jan 3,2006 4:35am - Shawn Malloy  ""]
anonymous said:i'd take this comeback seriously if they would change the name cmon guys this 2nd or 3rd reunion no one will take seriously

You're stupid. "In Dire Need" = $$$$$

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