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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Arthur_ATD nli.
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[QUOTE="Arthur_ATD%20nli:355434"]So i had the dumbest run in ever with a cop the other night. i was driving home to MA after finishing recording of our cd in rochester NH. and i'm going down 125, and for those of you who are familiar with the road, i was in barrington/strafford, had just passed the spinelli cinemas, and was doing 60 in the 50. a cop coming from the opposite direction turns on his lights, does a 180 and pulls me over. i figure eh fuck it, a lil bit of speeding no biggie, prob just get a warning for it, since this was the first time i've ever been pulled over. after taking my liscense and registration, he has me get out of the car, searches me three fucking times because he didn't believe i wasn't carrying a weapon or any narcotics on me. takes my pack of cigarettes and throws it on his hood, throws my lighter in the woods, and tells me that it's illegal for me to have cigarettes in NH and that this was a major violation . he then takes my bassist out of the passenger side of the car, searches him, then tells me to open my trunk, and that if i dont it would mean grounds for arrest. so i open my trunk, he searches through it, gets pissed he can't find any drugs, and then proceeds to search the car. while searching the car, he finds my air soft 6mm that i had, and freaks out cause he thought it was a 9 and that it was real. (i spray painted it black to fuck with people) i explained to him how to take out the clip so he saw it was just lil plastic pellets, and he puts that back in my car. after tossing everything i had in my glove compartment all over my floor, and making a total fucking mess out of my car, he harrases me about the cigarettes again, because he took the other 5 packs i had in my carton out of my car. asks why i had so many, explained where i live in ma, i buy them by the carton up in NH cause there so much cheaper. then he tells me to open my trunk again. he proceeds to ask me what i think could be the dumbest question i've ever heard in my entire life. "Why do you have two buckets of sand in your trunk" i just kinda stared at him and was like well this car handles horribly in the snow, i need it for extra weight for traction. (my car is an 85 chevy caprice classic) so after a full hour of him searching through everything he possibly could, because he was convinced i had drugs and alcohol in the car, he tells me to sit in the car. comes back, tells me the good news is i'm not getting a speeding ticket, and also claims i was doing 51 in a 35? but im getting a summons to court over illegal possesion of tobacco. so now i've gotta go to court over this, because some dick was pissed he couldn't find anything on me. he even said to me "well i couldn't FIND anything worth while, so these will do" total bullshit.[/QUOTE]
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