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Coffin Birth on myspace, newly recorded songs up

[Dec 19,2005 11:14am - Aegathis ""]
So yea finally some professionally recorded songs up with a real drummer. Just finished mixing yesterday, we'll probably master in the next few weeks. Take a listen and decide whether or not its worth us even putting more effort into this band >:]
[Dec 19,2005 11:17am - SeedBassist ""]
Sounds fucking amazing man. Cant wait to hear the songs once they're mastered. \m/
[Dec 19,2005 11:18am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Dec 19,2005 11:19am - Aegathis ""]
SeedBassist said:Sounds fucking amazing man. Cant wait to hear the songs once they're mastered. \m/

yea theyll be even more louderer
[Dec 19,2005 11:36am - nate ""]
nice dude, they sound awesome so far... when it's done send me a copy!
[Dec 19,2005 12:05pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
is it just me or they just tooo damn quiet all of a sudden, i dont remember them sounding that low on myspace earlier
[Dec 19,2005 12:06pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
maybe your computer volume controls got turned down

the sound quality wouldn't decrease once they were encoded onto the computer
[Dec 19,2005 12:12pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
nah i was just sayin they sounded much louder when i first put them on mygay and listened to them, now theyre too quiet. Everything else sounds alright on my comp. Oh well.
[Dec 19,2005 1:01pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
alright now i think theres just something wrong with myspace, cause it was sorta the case when i listened to some other bands on there
[Dec 19,2005 1:03pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
perhaps the server is over loaded, making them switch to lo-fi streams
[Dec 19,2005 2:42pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Dec 19,2005 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]
these smells like something that someone should have posted through their band's page so that it would be news...
[Dec 19,2005 3:03pm - Aegathis ""]
gahh, i wouldnt know where to begin
[Dec 19,2005 5:34pm - Tsectpathogen  ""]
Stupid gheyspace...

Anywho, please forgive messy-ness of drums. I had to do 8 songs in about 3 hours, 90% of the time in one take. And we couldnt get the triggers to work at all for some reason. Regardless, enjoy dammit!
[Dec 19,2005 6:01pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
it was more like 2 hours of actual playing
[Dec 20,2005 4:57pm - Aegathis ""]
new song up! even more repulzive than the last two, courtesy of Tsectpathogen, entitled the Unforseen. true masterpiece of devastation!
[Dec 20,2005 5:06pm - dwellingsickness ""]
It wont play on my computer,damn it!
[Dec 20,2005 8:59pm - Devon TYAG  ""]
so how'd i do?
[Dec 21,2005 1:15pm - Aegathis ""]
you dont even have to ask!
[Dec 21,2005 1:16pm - Aegathis ""]
Another new song put up as well, this one isnt a joke like the last one , hehe. However i dont know most of you probably think Coffin birth is a joke any way.

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