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wow that dan guy sucks

[Aug 18,2003 5:00am - Metaljoe ""]
haha right when i come to this site i see a post from thaty guy dan that your all talking about and he seems like a cool guy cuz his post says "fuck the trendy bands" or whatever he said...cuz i mean there are alot of trend following bands that sound alot a like...So i reply with amen my metal brother....then i take a little closer look around the board and see that this guy has been causing a lot of trouble...sounds like a dipshit to me.
[Aug 18,2003 5:01am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i guess he smooches pickles or something... and he has a thread spamming problem
[Aug 18,2003 5:03am - Metaljoe ""]
Pickle smoocher huh....We cant have those types around here now can we...
[Aug 18,2003 5:06am - Wee...Bink! ""]
we dont take too kindly to his type.
[Aug 18,2003 5:14am - George ""]
what a psycho. this guy needs some serious help.

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