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Ex Porphyria/Revengeance/Abaroth bassist looking for band

[Dec 12,2005 4:03pm - Nash ""]
I'm bandless at the moment so if anyone is interested in having me come and jam with them post here. I have good equipment, transportation, and plenty of free time.
[Dec 12,2005 9:04pm - Arillius nli  ""]
And thus, the depression ensues.
[Dec 13,2005 12:30am - i_am_not_me ""]
Dude, we should start another band.
[Dec 13,2005 8:23am - succubus ""]
i thought you just joined Porphyria?
Damn I'm outta the loop!
[Dec 13,2005 8:38am - anonymous  ""]
right and they kicked him out after he got a semster off of school to go tour with them,now its too late to go back to school!
[Dec 13,2005 8:43am - RustedAngel ""]
anonymous said:right and they kicked him out after he got a semster off of school to go tour with them,now its too late to go back to school!

Okay Nick's e-guardian angel...

We were not aware of this...Most college's are on break from Mid december until late January. So this whole time we were under the impression that he didn't have to take any time off as he never mentioned having too. The last date of the tour is Jan 14th in CT.
[Dec 13,2005 8:43am - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:i thought you just joined Porphyria?
Damn I'm outta the loop!


[Dec 13,2005 12:27pm - Nash ""]
I took off that time for myself, it's not porphyria's fault at all.. Back to the original point who wants to play some metal!
[Dec 13,2005 1:34pm - BornSoVile ""]
this dude has alot of talent, it bothers me seeing good bass players getting the brush off, JAM WITH THIS DUDE.
[Dec 13,2005 2:25pm - timmy porphyria  ""]
BornSoVile said:this dude has alot of talent, it bothers me seeing good bass players getting the brush off, JAM WITH THIS DUDE.

He didn't get the brush off. Yes it was a bummer to let Nick go, but to us as a band we saw it more important that we could get one of the founding members of Porphyria back in the band. Shawn helped right a lot of the material that we still play today and he had to leave because of limitaions to his playing ability because of injury. Now that he is able to play again it just makes since. Yes it was a little cold hearted to play things out the way they are but to us (especially me) I found it to be more cold hearted to keep one of our brothers out of the band after he had been with us for 2 years. Nothing personal against Nick, and I'm soory we had to axe you Nick, but we just have much stronger ties with Shawn. But please if anyone is looking for a bass player, this kid is your man. He impressed us to no end when we tried him out for the first time and he came in already knowing four of our songs, Amazing.
[Dec 13,2005 2:26pm - timmy porphyria  ""]
write and sense, sorry for my poor spelling, or incorrect spelling I shoud say.
[Dec 13,2005 2:58pm - BornSoVile ""]
I agree Tim, I'm talking in context to this thread : p
[Dec 13,2005 6:53pm - Nash/too lazy to log in  ""]
[Dec 13,2005 10:55pm - Aegathis ""]
Coffin birth is in need of a new bassist
[Dec 14,2005 2:16am - i_am_not_me ""]
Indeed, Nick is a bad motherfucker. Bad enough to allow me not to shut my mouth.

Like I said, I'm up for starting another band, Bassil-and-Alex less.
[Dec 14,2005 3:26am - Arillius nli  ""]
Count me in?
[Jan 13,2006 12:15am - Aegathis ""]
I think he found a new band *cough cough Coffin birth cough cough*
[Jan 13,2006 2:24am - ArilliusBM ""]
Ex Abaroth? What????

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