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Check out my four-way love rhombus with Chuck Schuldiner, Rick Rozz, and all the members of Forbidden

[Dec 12,2005 11:15am - PatMeebles ""]
[Dec 12,2005 11:18am - Anthony nli  ""]
This sounds awesome Pat. Berklee is making a man out of you.
[Dec 12,2005 11:26am - YOB  ""]
Decent download. What kind of guitar did you use for that?
[Dec 12,2005 11:28am - PatMeebles ""]
American Deluxe Strat HSS
[Dec 12,2005 11:29am - strangles kittens  ""]
chuck norris
[Dec 12,2005 6:36pm - Pat Meebles nli  ""]
Chuck Norris doesn't strangle kittens. He roundhouse kicks them in the face.

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