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Unrestrained Mag issue #19

[Jun 11,2002 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
<a href="http://www.unrestrainedmag.com" target="_blank">http://www.unrestrainedmag.com</a>/
<br>the current issue of Unrestrained features pic(s) from this site. They are from metal fest and then some free ad space they gave me. The free ad space features a picture of iranach and a picture of skinless that I took.
<br>oh, crap, here's the add:
<center><img src="http://www.returntothepit.com/pics/news/rttp-ad-2002.jpg" border=0></center>
[Jun 11,2002 1:30pm - sephouri ""]
Congrats AP! That metal mag wouldn't be a metal mag without that ad anyway ...
[Aug 31,2011 3:04am - fjoqi  ""] spam bot asshole.

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