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[Dec 9,2005 11:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Dec 9,2005 11:19pm - rigor penis  ""]
is deceased playing last?
[Dec 9,2005 11:19pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
is necrobeast actually playing this show
[Dec 9,2005 11:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
Abhorred is still playing last.
Necrobeast cancelled, I'm pretty sure Anomalous is going on the same time (3:30ish) as Necrobeast would have started with, they'll have a longer set now too.
[Dec 9,2005 11:57pm - Fred Died From Dissonance  ""]
I'd go to see Rumpel, but being months from my 21st birthday holds me back.
[Dec 9,2005 11:58pm - BornSoVile ""]
They'll be back soon dude, trust me, you'll see em sooner or later.
[Dec 10,2005 8:27am - infuscation ""]
[Dec 10,2005 8:56am - the_reverend ""]
good luck with the show
[Dec 10,2005 9:26am - Patnomalous  ""]
[Dec 10,2005 10:32am - shatteredliz in quincy  ""]
[Dec 11,2005 12:30am - AlRavage ""]
Good show, it was funny that Joe wasn't there...ah Brooks...the most evil place to work...I know how that place is...we may never see Joe again

[Dec 11,2005 12:42am - Beakey ""]
AlRavage said:Good show, it was funny that Joe wasn't there...ah Brooks...the most evil place to work...I know how that place is...we may never see Joe again

Dude, he doesn't even work at Brooks anymore. He works at Walgreens.
Do some fucking research before you make comments like that.
You just made a fool of the entire message board.
And even more importantly...
Speak more clearly next time so that people can understand what you're saying

[Dec 11,2005 1:56am - BornSoVile ""]
Deceased fucking KILLED.
[Dec 11,2005 2:37pm - todayistheday  ""]
so how was the show
[Dec 11,2005 3:02pm - Eddie ""]
i'm pissed, i had no idea know the train doesn't run out of stoughton on saturdays.
[Dec 11,2005 4:42pm - SickSickSicks ""]

Hiel Deceased!!!!

i never thgouht id see obriens go that crazy
[Dec 11,2005 5:26pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
many thanks to anyone and everyone who stuck around after Deceased.
[Dec 11,2005 5:48pm - SickSickSicks ""]
word. you guys put on a real good set too. I think the crowd was a little drained energy wise after deceased but there were defienlty some folks who stuck around (including deceased themselves)
[Dec 11,2005 6:30pm - Dissector ""]
How fuckin'g cool is King?
[Dec 11,2005 6:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dissector said:How fuckin'g cool is King?

One of the coolest dudes ever, very laid back but full of energy, old school man, old school!
[Dec 12,2005 12:31am - SickSickSicks ""]
does anyone know if anyone was taking pictures at the show?

i saw one dude with a vid camera. anyone know who he was?
[Dec 12,2005 11:50am - shatteredliz ""]
I didn't notice, but I'm assuming Mike from Gut was video taping (he usually does). Yes, this was a sick show! It was so weird when it ended, because it was dark, and everyone was drinking, and it felt like midnight, bu it was only 8! So we headed over to Big City and played some pool and took over the jukebox. Good times!
[Dec 12,2005 1:59pm - infuscation ""]
The guy taking pics/video was Bruce from whiplashtv.com. Not sure if anything is online or not...

Again... Killer show! Thanks to all the bands!
[Dec 13,2005 10:43pm - king fowley  ""]
this was a great show all around. all the bands were real cool, and we had a blast with a super lively crowd. thank you so much to everyone who came out or supported the show.

i'm trying to find video of this show of deceased. i'll check out the site mentioned above now. if anyone has any info please email me at...


happy holidays and stay warm if you can!

king fowley
[Dec 16,2005 12:52am - BornSoVile ""]
fuck yeah king!
alright so when Deceased was playing Black Metal, I jumped off stage and was getting all rowdy n whatnot when all of a sudden someones hair ended up around my neck and start to noose me. who was that? sorry!

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