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Guy shot to death at Shattered Realm/Donnybrook show

[Dec 8,2005 12:29pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
This World Is A Really Fucked Up Place
Last night, at Skrappy's in Tucson, AZ a man in his 20's, was allegedly shot to death while attending a Shattered Realm and Donnybrook show. The fight broke during out between two (or more) groups of people during Donnybrook's last song. Following the fight, the group(s) were thrown out of the venue and that's when all hell broke loose. According to sources, weapons such as hammers, machetes, gun(s) and brass knuckles were involved. Details are vague at the moment and I don't want to accidentally drop names of people who really weren't involved. Check out a video news report on the incident right hereand read a witness account below. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of the victim... a night of enjoyment should never turn this ugly.

One Person's Account On The Violence At Last Night's Donnybrook ShowSo, donnybrook was playing their last song and they told everyone to move and start dancing so my friends in on my honor run in and like 5 guys from FSU didnt want tucson kids dancing, so they beat the shit out of him.
So these guys from tucson (names removed) jump in to get them off, and (name removed) got his head split open and everyone was fucking eachother up.

Then the lady that owns skrappys got on stage and said thats it the shows over and FSU was like get off stage you fat bitch blah blah, started throwing the speakers on the floor and shit and then said everybody clear the fuck out we've got a machine gun blah blah, so everyone runs outside. Someone from FSU(some people are saying it was the lead singer of shattered realm but idk) chased (name removed) to his car, (name removed) got in and the FSU guy broke his car window open with a machetti and said "you know youre fucking dead right?" and (no name) pushed his gun up and shot the guy fired 4 shots.

So everyone in skrappys is in lockdown and they arent letting anyone leave and like, all the FSU guys are staring down the tucson kids talking shit.

And the lead singer of black my heart was talking to my friend (no name)(who witnessed fucking everything) and said he better not say shit to the cops and that if he opens his mouth he's fucked too. "

This is all I know, everything is still fuckin vague, kids are still in skrappys being investigated

Wednesday as Tucson police were interviewing dozens of witnesses and sorting out exactly who did the shooting, although they did not believe the shooter was on the loose, Batista said. Batista could not release any information about the others who were injured in the fight, but said that there were other weapons involved aside from the gun used in the shooting.

[Dec 8,2005 12:35pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
woops, here comes the repost police

I didnt see the other thread

[Dec 8,2005 12:45pm - babyshaker ""]
ya freind tony was in the air force out there and he said fsu gets fuckign scary out there
[Dec 8,2005 12:50pm - anonymous  ""]
what a bunch of fucking retarded fags.

[Dec 8,2005 12:52pm - Wigger core sucks  ""]
That is great!!!
[Dec 8,2005 12:59pm - intricateprocess ""]

shit like this was bound to happen at a show. thats all im gonna say
[Dec 8,2005 1:18pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
intricateprocess said:

shit like this was bound to happen at a show. thats all im gonna say

yeah, it sucks though
[Dec 8,2005 1:19pm - babyshaker ""]
its turning into fucking gangster rap
[Dec 8,2005 1:23pm - Arthur_ATD nli  ""]
having crews like that is just for pussies who can't fight by themselves, and they seem to justify the idea of using weapons.
[Dec 8,2005 1:24pm - paulll  ""]
lol shattered realm kills. I saw someone get stabbed at a SR show years ago. I just saw them a few weeks ago in brockton no fights no nothing it was a good time. lol kinda fucked up someone got shot though.
[Dec 8,2005 1:59pm - Kessaris ""]
Does this mean that Dec. 7th is cursed forever?

Alright, no more shows on Dec. 7th from now on. New rule.

PS - put your guns down, it's just music
[Dec 8,2005 2:10pm - spaldino at w3rk  ""]
looks like someone served up a huge helping of gh3ysauce
[May 1,2006 10:49am - jehuty  ""]
Kessaris said:

PS - put your guns down, it's just music

i totally agree. terror said it best "hardcore is about friendship"

the whole idea of crews and rivalries and all that tough guy bullshit is so dub, its supposed to be about having fun and these kids ruin a good time for everyone. up here in massachusetts we have issues at shows all the time with springfield crew and sons of worcester, and its just so dumb, ive seen so many of my good friends get fucked up just because a couple tough guys decide they dont want people to dance at shows. If i wasnt in a band with a message to convey, i'd quit the scene because its disgusting right now. we've got to do our part to take it back.
[May 1,2006 11:03am - NickReddy ""]
this is out of control. shit like that should never happen. people not being able to dance or fighting cause youre not from the same area code or crew or whatever bullshit. People need to get past all the stupid cliquieness and get along with each other, theres no reason somebody should get hurt or stabbed or beaten for having fun, not dancing cool enough, or not having a crew.
[May 1,2006 11:48am - dreadkill ""]
this needs to happen more often.
[May 1,2006 12:32pm - Yeti ""]
Sons of Worcester? is that a joke? hahahah these assholes are so fucking lame. FSU isnt about being tough, its about some whiny fucking jocks who were silver spoon fed their whole lives, and need something to be big and bad about, so 50 of them with axes and swords attack 1 old lady.
[Oct 11,2006 11:11am - anonymous  ""]
I think we all just need to get the fuck along love each other love the fucking music
[Oct 11,2006 11:14am - vomitthesoul ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:This World Is A Really Fucked Up Place
Last night, at Skrappy's in Tucson, AZ a man in his 20's, was allegedly shot to death while attending a Shattered Realm and Donnybrook show. The fight broke during out between two (or more) groups of people during Donnybrook's last song. Following the fight, the group(s) were thrown out of the venue and that's when all hell broke loose. According to sources, weapons such as hammers, machetes, gun(s) and brass knuckles were involved. Details are vague at the moment and I don't want to accidentally drop names of people who really weren't involved. Check out a video news report on the incident right hereand read a witness account below. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of the victim... a night of enjoyment should never turn this ugly.

One Person's Account On The Violence At Last Night's Donnybrook ShowSo, donnybrook was playing their last song and they told everyone to move and start dancing so my friends in on my honor run in and like 5 guys from FSU didnt want tucson kids dancing, so they beat the shit out of him.
So these guys from tucson (names removed) jump in to get them off, and (name removed) got his head split open and everyone was fucking eachother up.

Then the lady that owns skrappys got on stage and said thats it the shows over and FSU was like get off stage you fat bitch blah blah, started throwing the speakers on the floor and shit and then said everybody clear the fuck out we've got a machine gun blah blah, so everyone runs outside. Someone from FSU(some people are saying it was the lead singer of shattered realm but idk) chased (name removed) to his car, (name removed) got in and the FSU guy broke his car window open with a machetti and said "you know youre fucking dead right?" and (no name) pushed his gun up and shot the guy fired 4 shots.

So everyone in skrappys is in lockdown and they arent letting anyone leave and like, all the FSU guys are staring down the tucson kids talking shit.

And the lead singer of black my heart was talking to my friend (no name)(who witnessed fucking everything) and said he better not say shit to the cops and that if he opens his mouth he's fucked too. "

This is all I know, everything is still fuckin vague, kids are still in skrappys being investigated

Wednesday as Tucson police were interviewing dozens of witnesses and sorting out exactly who did the shooting, although they did not believe the shooter was on the loose, Batista said. Batista could not release any information about the others who were injured in the fight, but said that there were other weapons involved aside from the gun used in the shooting.


AH MAN!! This sucks!! People that go to shows looking for fights should be executed!!! If you like fighting become a boxer!!!

[Oct 11,2006 11:18am - vomitthesoul ""]
jehuty said:Kessaris said:

PS - put your guns down, it's just music

i totally agree. terror said it best "hardcore is about friendship"

the whole idea of crews and rivalries and all that tough guy bullshit is so dub, its supposed to be about having fun and these kids ruin a good time for everyone. up here in massachusetts we have issues at shows all the time with springfield crew and sons of worcester, and its just so dumb, ive seen so many of my good friends get fucked up just because a couple tough guys decide they dont want people to dance at shows. If i wasnt in a band with a message to convey, i'd quit the scene because its disgusting right now. we've got to do our part to take it back.

Another reason why I dont like hardcore.Some of those dopes have major attitude problems.Seen some poser wanna be hardcore dope moshing when Shitbreed opened for Slayer.Once someone pushes them around a little bit in the pit they get all defensive and start fighting.Fucking pussies!!!

[Oct 11,2006 12:09pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I got in a fight with a hardcore gang from Manchester once at the Bombshelter. These hardcore gangs are just a punch of pussies with guns. Fuck them.
[Oct 11,2006 12:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I know what manchester guys you are talking about. that must have been a while ago. I don't think they are stilla round.
[Oct 11,2006 12:34pm - largefreakatzero ""]
the_reverend said:I know what manchester guys you are talking about. that must have been a while ago. I don't think they are stilla round.

They pop up once in awhile, I think I know which ones they are. You don't see or hear anything about them for some time, then beat the shit out of someone 20 on 1, then some of them go to jail, then you don't see or hear anything about them for some time.
[Oct 11,2006 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I like how none of us will speak the names. yeah, they do show up in the weirdest places. I was wicked surprised that they were still around when I saw them at the bombshelter for the first time.
[Oct 11,2006 1:04pm - Yeti ""]
i still want to know who the Sons of Worcester are.
[Oct 11,2006 1:32pm - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
vomitthesoul said:jehuty said:Kessaris said:

PS - put your guns down, it's just music

i totally agree. terror said it best "hardcore is about friendship"

the whole idea of crews and rivalries and all that tough guy bullshit is so dub, its supposed to be about having fun and these kids ruin a good time for everyone. up here in massachusetts we have issues at shows all the time with springfield crew and sons of worcester, and its just so dumb, ive seen so many of my good friends get fucked up just because a couple tough guys decide they dont want people to dance at shows. If i wasnt in a band with a message to convey, i'd quit the scene because its disgusting right now. we've got to do our part to take it back.

Another reason why I dont like hardcore.Some of those dopes have major attitude problems.Seen some poser wanna be hardcore dope moshing when Shitbreed opened for Slayer.Once someone pushes them around a little bit in the pit they get all defensive and start fighting.Fucking pussies!!!

Slayer is equally as bad as Hatebreed
[Oct 11,2006 2:22pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Yeti said:50 of them with axes and swords attack 1 old lady.

that sounds pretty fuckin cool
[Oct 11,2006 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha yes, yes it does.
[Oct 11,2006 5:42pm - dwellingsickness ""]
the_reverend said:I like how none of us will speak the names. yeah, they do show up in the weirdest places. I was wicked surprised that they were still around when I saw them at the bombshelter for the first time.

It got to the point Serge pretty much let them do what they wanted at the Shelter,cuz he did not want any problems (well any more than they already caused). But yeah, they were welcomed guests as far as he was concerned
[Oct 11,2006 9:44pm - vomitthesoul ""]
dwellingsickness said:the_reverend said:I like how none of us will speak the names. yeah, they do show up in the weirdest places. I was wicked surprised that they were still around when I saw them at the bombshelter for the first time.

It got to the point Serge pretty much let them do what they wanted at the Shelter,cuz he did not want any problems (well any more than they already caused). But yeah, they were welcomed guests as far as he was concerned

The Bombshelter was cool.I miss that place.Oh well.

RIP :(
[Oct 11,2006 9:56pm - mOe ""]
that place SUCKED
advertising shows on their website for less than they really were

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