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[Dec 5,2005 7:56am - the_reverend ""]
it's no longer shorts weather.
I broke out my pants.
this year, I'm going to be fashionable and wear nothing but girl pants.
joe nc has approved
[Dec 5,2005 8:48am - pisscup ""]
you're gonna need to grow an ass to fill out those jeans rev.
[Dec 5,2005 9:36am - scoracrasia ""]
You are gonna get camel toe Rev.
[Dec 5,2005 12:10pm - succubus ""]
Ummm I laid out your pants for you mr aaron...you didn't break anything out thank you very much...and there will be no girl pants or camel toe....and for the record his butt is bootylicious!!
[Dec 5,2005 12:12pm - sacreligion ""]
giving up never got anyone anywhere!

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