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do I look like a druggie?

[Jun 9,2002 12:58pm - the_reverend ""]
so I always get the kids in the park asking if I want to buy or know where to find weed. <br>and the kids near the station asking if I know any trees. <br>and the kids at the mall asking if I want any *wink**wink* <br>but I'm just walking down to get a drink in downtown and a 50+ year old couple pull over and ask me if I know where to get any "reafer". Maybe it was the <i>Guns n Roses</i> shirt that I was wearing (got it in 7th grade, that's vintage!).
[Jun 9,2002 6:49pm - eben  ""]
yea i get that shit too maaaan... wait, what?
[Jun 9,2002 7:33pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
Roasty will hook you up, Rev. <br> <br>I get the same shit, though. I suppose its the crooked hat that makes me look thug or...actually...yeah i look like kid i guess...but nope. weo8uf8ewufaae word to the peace son. this day is life. ah.
[Jun 9,2002 9:18pm - erikofdeath ""]
oddly enough... THAT NEVER HAPPENS TO ME hm go figure
[Jun 9,2002 11:31pm - lostcheshirecat ""]
selling drugs. lots of money. not a bad idea.
[Jun 10,2002 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I hear the US gov't has been in it for years. <br>oops.
[Jun 10,2002 1:10pm - Josh Hynes  ""]
It's the hair
[Jun 10,2002 7:20pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, I might not be a druggie, but I'm a fucking moron. <br>when construction signs say "stay out" you should really listen to them. I didn't and I might have broken my elbow. well, if not broken... then messed up a lot. <br> <br>oh well, eyes like autumn tonight, <br>yeah.
[Jun 11,2005 12:49am - the_reverend ""]
this still happens to me.
[Jun 11,2005 12:52am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
You don't get it. Take it from a druggie, it's not just you. When we're all out, we ask EVERYONE. If you're not wearing a badge, at some time or another you'll be someones last resort.
[Jun 11,2005 12:52am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Well, there's also the fact that you DO kinda look like a hippie.
[Jun 11,2005 12:55am - the_reverend ""]
dude, you are like totally harshing my mellow.
[Jun 11,2005 1:00am - powerkok ""]
ya, Id buy pot off you.

pssst....its the backpack.
[Jun 11,2005 1:01am - succubus ""]
funny story, after aaron left a family party, i was told i did a great job cleaning him up
even his brother said so
[Jun 11,2005 1:04am - powerkok ""]
So, its your fault hes a 'square'?
[Jun 11,2005 1:05am - succubus ""]
he was always a square but now his hair screams kurt cobain wannabe
[Jun 11,2005 1:18am - powerkok ""]
hahaha...oh man. zinged to the 10th power
[Jun 11,2005 1:18am - davefromthegrave ""]
I used to get that shit but now I pretty much scare everyone away with my fat
[Jun 11,2005 1:28am - ltdec-1000 ""]
It might have something to do with the plethora of bandanas you wear rev.
[Jun 11,2005 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
when I wear a pink bandana, the gays come to me.
[Jun 11,2005 1:45am - ltdec-1000 ""]
Keep one or two hanging out of your pockets, and you just might grab the elusive fashioncore gay.
[Jun 11,2005 2:13am - dwellingsickness ""]
You do look like a hippie,Rev(insert bus driver from Simpsons Icon here)
[Jun 11,2005 2:15am - shatteredliz ""]
Tonight at the bar someone asked my roommate if she had any chronic, and she said "What? Tonic?"

I guess it was cause of the dreads, man...
[Jun 11,2005 2:16am - davefromthegrave ""]

you lazy fuck!
[Jun 11,2005 2:27am - dwellingsickness ""]
haha nice!
[Jun 11,2005 2:28am - succubus ""]
i guess no one noticed that i chopped his hair off..
[Jun 11,2005 2:30am - dwellingsickness ""]
Sorry ,I wasn't there monday to check his new hairdo out....haha
[Jun 11,2005 2:38am - davefromthegrave ""]
I've never seen the rev without a bandanna on.
[Jun 11,2005 2:41am - davefromthegrave ""]
Aaron, you do not look at all like a druggie. Druggies, however, happen to look pretty much just like you.
[Jun 11,2005 4:10am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
yeah so i got busted monday morning at around 8 AM for writing on some stores wall with chalk. cop didn't even ask me if i was on drugs.

i was.
[Jun 11,2005 4:10am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
[Jun 11,2005 4:16am - the_reverend ""]
once you get out of highschool, you can no longer find drugs.
[Jun 11,2005 5:10am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
NOT TRUE! i just graduated on sunday and stopped going like a month ago, and i've been doing more drugs than ever! it's great!
[Jun 11,2005 6:12am - dyingmuse ""]
yeah it happens man. you don't look like a drugie to me man.
[Jun 11,2005 9:37am - Niccolai ""]
Outside of the AS220 last year a punk rock kid asked Rev for a cigarette, his response was golden.
"No I don't smoke... And as a matter of fact I would rather someone club a baby seal right in front of me than ask me for a cigarette again."
The punk rock kid looked like Macaulay Culkin. Maybe it was?
[Jun 12,2005 2:01pm - kyle420  ""]
its those damn hi-tech hiking boots.
[Jun 12,2005 3:08pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
kyle420 said:its those damn hi-tech hiking boots.

he's got rocket boosters hidden in them, i hear. that's how he gets to like 9 shows on the same night.
[Jun 12,2005 11:08pm - hybrid ""]
aaron, i think your skinnyness is what does it, and the usual bandana. im sure you could be mistaken for an acid head. haha.
[Jun 13,2005 12:22am - Lynne  ""]
i went out to eat tonight with a couple buddies.... we were a tad tipsy... but our waiter crouched down to our table and wispered "ok level with me are you guys stoned???" haha it was funny

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