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Death Penalty in all 50 states

[Dec 2,2005 9:17am - InventorofEvil ""]
WHo would like to see this? I feel if the Death Penalty was enforced the crime rate would go down.Plus,I would love to see an old fashioned hanging.:doublehorns:
[Dec 2,2005 9:30am - dyingmuse ""]
[Dec 2,2005 10:09am - Anonymousity  ""]
[Dec 2,2005 10:33am - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
i support only if they abolish the cruelty laws ....so you could like draw and quarter people and like bring back the iron maiden
[Dec 2,2005 10:41am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I don't agree with the death penalty at all
[Dec 2,2005 10:55am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
A state which derives its power from the people has no right to execute those same people.
[Dec 2,2005 11:49am - anonymous Bus  ""]
I believe if youve taken the life of another person, youve given up your rights to your own life. Plus, overpopulation sucks.
[Dec 2,2005 11:50am - HailTheLeaf ""]
The death penalty has never worked as a successful deterrent. Basically we're just murdering people for no reason. Now, if they actually fixed the justice system so that is wasn't rigged against certain people, and you actually had irrefutable evidence that someone has raped or murdered someone, then either turn them over to the family of the vicitm to decide what they want to do, or expel them to a small deserted island with nothing. It would be wiser to prevent the crime from happening in the first place by eliminating poverty, legalizing drugs, and educating people.
[Dec 2,2005 12:00pm - anonymous Bus  ""]
Wow, you smoke too much. Poverty will never go away, people are too afraid to legalize drugs, and education is nowhere near this nations #1 priority. Nothing changes, it all gets worse.
[Dec 2,2005 12:03pm - Josh_Martin ""]
The death penalty is stupid.
George Carlin was right. They execute the wrong people. Death is not a deterrent to murderers.
They should execute business criminals, people who really are afraid to die. Throw a few bankers in the chair and you will see money laundering stop, which would cripple organized crime.
[Dec 2,2005 12:30pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Josh_Martin said:The death penalty is stupid.
George Carlin was right. They execute the wrong people. Death is not a deterrent to murderers.
They should execute business criminals, people who really are afraid to die. Throw a few bankers in the chair and you will see money laundering stop, which would cripple organized crime.

fuck yeah! I'd pay to see Exxon/Mobile execs frying in an electric chair! They should gas the Bush administration and put it on national television.
[Dec 2,2005 9:36pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Seriously. I don't support giving the power to kill (more) people to a government, I support giving the power to kill people to people. If somebody fucks up and gets caught, kangaroo court on the spot and carry out the sentence. Or drop it. (This would apply to cops, too.)
[Dec 2,2005 10:55pm - retzam ""]
Death penalty is one of the now horribly sundry things that I think about too much to ever form an opinion about.
[Dec 2,2005 10:55pm - retzam ""]
By the way, sundry is a good word.
[Dec 2,2005 10:55pm - retzam ""]
...just in case anyone didn't know...
[Dec 3,2005 8:40am - InventorofEvil ""]
HailTheLeaf said:The death penalty has never worked as a successful deterrent. Basically we're just murdering people for no reason. Now, if they actually fixed the justice system so that is wasn't rigged against certain people, and you actually had irrefutable evidence that someone has raped or murdered someone, then either turn them over to the family of the vicitm to decide what they want to do, or expel them to a small deserted island with nothing. It would be wiser to prevent the crime from happening in the first place by eliminating poverty, legalizing drugs, and educating people.

Legalizing drugs huh?? How the fuck would that make things better?
[Dec 3,2005 5:16pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
InventorofEvil said:HailTheLeaf said:The death penalty has never worked as a successful deterrent. Basically we're just murdering people for no reason. Now, if they actually fixed the justice system so that is wasn't rigged against certain people, and you actually had irrefutable evidence that someone has raped or murdered someone, then either turn them over to the family of the vicitm to decide what they want to do, or expel them to a small deserted island with nothing. It would be wiser to prevent the crime from happening in the first place by eliminating poverty, legalizing drugs, and educating people.

Legalizing drugs huh?? How the fuck would that make things better?

How has prohibition made things better? Gangs would have one less thing to kill eachother over...and over 2 million people wouldn't be in prision if drugs were treated as a medical issue.
[Dec 3,2005 6:14pm - MIKEgore  ""]
[Dec 3,2005 6:28pm - Eddie ""]
HailTheLeaf said:InventorofEvil said:HailTheLeaf said:The death penalty has never worked as a successful deterrent. Basically we're just murdering people for no reason. Now, if they actually fixed the justice system so that is wasn't rigged against certain people, and you actually had irrefutable evidence that someone has raped or murdered someone, then either turn them over to the family of the vicitm to decide what they want to do, or expel them to a small deserted island with nothing. It would be wiser to prevent the crime from happening in the first place by eliminating poverty, legalizing drugs, and educating people.

Legalizing drugs huh?? How the fuck would that make things better?

How has prohibition made things better? Gangs would have one less thing to kill eachother over...and over 2 million people wouldn't be in prision if drugs were treated as a medical issue.

i'd like to see the death by drunk driving to gang murder ratio.

PS: prohibition is gay

[Dec 3,2005 6:58pm - Dankill  ""]
Giant federal prison with hard labor in Alaska. Send only hardcore criminals there.
I'm for a Death Penalty like what Gov Romney is talking about here.
Apply it only in cases in which you have mulitiple witnesses, video or DNA evidence to pretty much make your murder case hard as steel against you. In particular to cop killers and such.
You wanna scare criminals? Let citizens arm themselves and not be afraid to defend themselves for fear of getting fucked by the legal system harder then the very people that were about to take your property, body or life.
Legal gun owning citizens don't commit most of the murders you hear about on the news. People who buy their guns on the street or the blackmarket for the sole propose of commiting crimes do. People who worry we live in a "culture of guns" are trying to disarm the wrong people.
How the hell else could you have gun crimes go up in countries like England where it's illegal to own a gun? Criminals buy guns ILLEGALLY and go shoot at cops and citizens with no legal guns. Hence why in the past few years British street cops have started to carry guns in really dangerous parts of their bigger cities. I believe in the 2nd Amendmet because, ironically, anyone who likes to rant about how much they don't trust the government cracks me up about how much control they want to give the goverment to run out lives in general the "correct" way. If you really distrust the Goverment, how good should it make you feel if the only people that can pack heat is the police, the military and a criminal that will get a gun illegally, law or no law?

Legalizing drugs has the ups and downs of it. I don't wanna see shit here in the States not being dealt with by the cops like you'd see in a lot of parts of Europe were junkies are pretty much shooting up in public and wandering around. I have some friends in Europe that think the idea of legalized drugs makes sense, but hates the hordes of junkies drawback.
Granted, people have a choice to put a substence in their body because it's their body, but they should have to eat the cost of doing so.
If you are fucked up on something and drive into someone, Fuck you. Here comes serious time.
If you get hooked on shit and you want my tax dollars
to pay for you to get unhooked, fuck you, you had enough cash to get hooked, now go unhook yourself, shitbag.
Granted gangs will have ONE less thing to kill each other over. Still, last I checked the mob found plenty of other shit to do when rum running went belly-up.

Poverty will never go away because there will always be people that can not win. Not all poor people don't give a shit about learning or working, but there are plenty that just are that way. Always have been and always will be. You'll never eliminate sloth from human beings. You can go to plenty of Socialist welfare states in the world and you know what you'll still find? Poor people. There are better ways to deal with shitty education and poverty then throwing money at the problem and visions of good intentions and utopia.
[Dec 4,2005 11:38am - scoracrasia ""]

I see this as the best solution. Good call!!

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