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Beware the peanut

[Dec 1,2005 7:04pm - dwellingsickness ""]

Glad I am not allergic to peanuts
[Dec 1,2005 7:09pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Dec 1,2005 7:11pm - succubus ""]
DreamingInExile said:REPOST POLICE

[Dec 1,2005 9:50pm - Anonymous  ""]
[Dec 1,2005 10:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Maybe she should have brushed her fucking teeth or used some mouthwash.

"My boyfriend kissed me and a week later I died from a peanut allergy because he ate a reeses cup before he kissed me."
[Dec 1,2005 10:12pm - the_reverend ""]
post x 3
[Dec 1,2005 11:25pm - dftg  ""]
death is cool
[Dec 1,2005 11:27pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Darn ....Well then people don't do good in making thread titles...Because I did a search before I posted,Eh fuck it ,It is still really funny anyways and just goes to prove I am not on here 24/7 like other people

[Dec 1,2005 11:29pm - xsocialmonstrosityx ""]
this is all just a coverup to hide the mutant underground in Canada!

Oh wait, this is real life, not X Men. Sorry.
[Dec 2,2005 1:06am - Al_Ravage ""]
peanutbutter breath is the best and most deadly STD ever
[Mar 6,2006 1:59pm - the_reverend ""]

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