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I think I saw a new Hypocrisy cd in the store the other day

[Nov 30,2005 10:55am - Christraper ""]
Anyone know if its any good? The transition from awesome to shitty with these guys was almost immediate which makes me hope that someday theyll put out something worth listening to again.
[Nov 30,2005 10:57am - the_reverend ""]
it's got an aweful lot of synths in it.
sounding more like the new darkane/exodus
[Nov 30,2005 10:58am - Christraper ""]
I havent heard either of those. Whats it like in terms of older Hypocrisy?
[Nov 30,2005 11:02am - the_reverend ""]
well, I like their more death metal CDs. I thought that they would go in that direction after the whole bloodbath thing. imho, he went the oposite directions. this CD is slower and more keyboard oriented than other stuff.
[Nov 30,2005 11:31am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
I agree with Rev, but I do highly enjoy the album and can't wait until next year when they tour with Nile.
[Nov 30,2005 11:34am - the_reverend ""]
I do too, but it doesn't feel like a hypocrisy CD.
it's too homoginized. it sounds too much like all the other century media releases. SYL, darkane, arch enemy... they all have this "sound" that they are all going towards it seems.
[Nov 30,2005 11:38am - Death Metal Eric  ""]
The high point of "Virus" is that Horgh is the drummer. It's better than the "arrival" & "catch22" but can't compare to Hypocrisy with Masse Bromberg, back in the day
[Nov 30,2005 12:29pm - Christraper ""]
Its not that nu-metal bullshit they were trying to pull awhile back is it?
[Nov 30,2005 1:27pm - anonymous  ""]
no, it's their best release since the self-titled in 1999. i recommend it.
the production is amazing... i'm not sure whether you like that or not.
[Nov 30,2005 1:43pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
i dont like them
[Nov 30,2005 1:53pm - Christraper ""]
anonymous said:no, it's their best release since the self-titled in 1999. i recommend it.
the production is amazing... i'm not sure whether you like that or not.

then i will buy this cd. thank you anonymous one.

[Nov 30,2005 2:26pm - pam ""]
I think their last 2 albums were outstanding, you're all high. ;)
[Nov 30,2005 2:43pm - insipidzombie ""]
I think it's a great album... much better than Catch 22 and The Arrival. It has a bit on synth, true, but it's also more brutal than the past two releases. Granted its not the Final Chapter or Abducted, but it's not a disappointment either.
[Nov 30,2005 3:00pm - ninkaszi  ""]
they haven't had a good record since "abducted". i stopped caring long ago.
[Nov 30,2005 4:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
anonymous said:no, it's their best release since the self-titled in 1999. i recommend it.
the production is amazing... i'm not sure whether you like that or not.

actually my favorite is the final chapter...but i heard this album when I was getting inked a few weeks ago and I was impressed with it.
[Nov 30,2005 4:33pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
catch 22 was fucking horrendous; not one good thing about it at all. i was skeptical about 'arrival' but it was nothing like catch 22 so that was good...i hope to hear the new one asap so i can see if they've stepped it up at all or not
[Nov 30,2005 5:41pm - Philonymous  ""]
yea the new Hypocrisy is very good
and it comes with a free DVD so even if you dont like it
you have a badass dvd with the older stuff played live
[Nov 30,2005 6:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
insipidzombie said:I think it's a great album... much better than Catch 22 and The Arrival.


The bonus DVD is good too.

[Nov 30,2005 10:22pm - dreadkill ""]
i like everything i've heard by them except for the handful of tracks i heard from catch 22. haven't heard the new one yet.
[Dec 1,2005 3:13am - pam ""]
I like everything...even Catch 22, but that is certainly at the bottom of the pile. I thought The Arrival was fucking outstanding. I just love that band, so ignore my biased opinion.

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