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Hey Rev, I have a camera question, well a Nikon question.

[Nov 29,2005 10:02pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
For a xmas/18th birthday present, I'm gonna get a digital slr. I've focused down to the Nikkons and I was curious how much better is the D70 to the D50. I think the only major difference that the D50 doesn't have a white balancing mode thingy, but it is ultimatelately possible through a whole system of whatever. That and few random 10000s of a seconds here and there.
[Nov 29,2005 10:04pm - succubus ""]
ok well...oh wait you didn't ask me so nevermind...
i'll tell him to reply
[Nov 29,2005 10:10pm - the_reverend ""]
go to best buy and play with them.
you will feel the difference in a second.

here is the d50
the D70 is actually now the D70s.
the bodies are different.
the d50 is aimed at the rebel market.
it uses SD where the D70 uses CF
[Nov 29,2005 10:11pm - brian_dc ""]
and what would carina say?...
[Nov 29,2005 10:14pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
I'm sorry Carina. WHen I have a question about fish eye lenses, I'll ask you, I promise... :spineyes: But I'm certainly curious on your thoughts too

sooo yah, I'll do that. I was hoping this wouldn't happen though...it's gonna end up to be so much money.

and how does Olympus stand up in the runnings of things
[Nov 29,2005 10:26pm - the_reverend ""]
gay. the D50 is actually an awesome camera.
a guy from my work who was a photographer across germany for 25 years refused to buy any of the nikon digitals until the d50.
[Nov 29,2005 10:28pm - succubus ""]
i was just bein a smartass =) but we can blame aaron for feeding me booze...hah
but i told him to check the board and answer you

i have the d70, d100 and d2x

some of my "money" pics have been with the d70 ... i'm not sure what your budget is but the d70s has some improvements over my d70.

another important thing to keep in mind is that the lenses you will use with it make a difference...depending on whzat you want to use it for
[Nov 29,2005 10:29pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
Sounds good. I've been mainly looking at this deal here


I'd rather some sort of 28-200 lense though. Any sudjestions?

edit: a D2x, woah that's a whole lotta camera.
[Nov 29,2005 10:33pm - succubus ""]
what kind of pics will you be taking mostly?

i have the 28-200lens and aaron borrowed it for shows...it's a good basic, general purpose lens
[Nov 29,2005 10:35pm - the_reverend ""]
but it's gay as fuck.
I don't like the 28-200.
nikon is coming out with a 18-200VR.
[Nov 29,2005 10:35pm - succubus ""]
b&h is a cool place..we've bought a lot of things there
also try: adorama.com, jr.com (actually everything i bought there, i was able to haggle for me and the rev...they ake commsssion, even over the phone...so i recomend calling them and telling them you can get it for blah price somewhere else....
[Nov 29,2005 10:36pm - succubus ""]
they make commission so they'll haggle a bit try them
[Nov 29,2005 10:40pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
I do all kinds of pictures really. Concerts, nature, people. I would love to improve on my concert shots.

the deal I posted with the 18-55 55-200 is 900

Would it be better to get the body and some other lense seperate?
[Nov 29,2005 11:04pm - the_reverend ""]
you are going to want to get a sb-800 too.
if you get the $900 deal there, you are going to want an sb-800.
the one thing is that the 18-55dx and 55-200dx are over f/4 at points.
over f/4 you have to re-adjust your iTTL on the SB-800.

I actually have the 17-55 f/2.8 and the 18-70dx f/3.5-5.6 I need to sent the 17-55 f/2.8 in get fixed, but I don't want to have to use my 18-70 while the 17-55 is getting fixed cause I can't go over 35mm with out adjusting the flash.
[Nov 29,2005 11:10pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
[Nov 29,2005 11:29pm - succubus ""]
thing is, if you take photos where you cannot use your flash (like most of the shows i shoot) then you need a low light lens (low f stoplike the 17-55 2.8)
those 2 lenses aren't ideal for low light situations though i used them before i had low light lenses
[Nov 29,2005 11:31pm - the_reverend ""]
hemight want to get the $100 50mm f/1.8..maybe.
[Nov 29,2005 11:40pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:hemight want to get the $100 50mm f/1.8..maybe.

that's what i was thinking....though it's more of a portrait lens
[Nov 29,2005 11:47pm - the_reverend ""]
stop thinking about my pecker
[Nov 30,2005 3:08pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
Yah, I've been using as 28-80 3.5 on my film camera, and would like to get something faster. How much does a 17-55 2.8 go for? I guess i can just go look myself.
[Nov 30,2005 3:15pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
oh man, that's like more then the whole camera......I'm thinking below $1000 dollars here. I like the sound of this 50 1.8.
[Nov 30,2005 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
carina got 2 17-55 f/2.8 for $1230 each.

I'm betting your 28-80 isn't a f/3.5, it's a f/3.5-5 or something like that. a kit lens. though I think that there is an old school 35-70 f/3.5 straight through, but it's a manual lens.
[Nov 30,2005 3:43pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
yah you're right, I'm really not good with camera talk.
[Nov 30,2005 3:46pm - succubus ""]
seriously though, call jr when you figure out what you want and how much it costs...and make them beat the price. i got the 17-55 as soon as they came out and demand was mega high...they were going for a few hundred more than i paid...and they even threw in the UV filters for them for that price
[Nov 30,2005 6:05pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
I'm thinking the D50, with the 18-55 kit. And along with that the 50mm f/1.8 for $100 you were talking about. Down the road I'll see about getting some bigger lenses.
[Nov 30,2005 7:18pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
damnit, now I don't know whether to go with the Canon digital rebel, or the Nikon d50..which actually seems to be less expensive for some reason...
[Nov 30,2005 8:37pm - carrotsandsticks ""]
The D50 feels less plastic then the rebel, and Nikon just appear to me to have more diverse line up of equipment, and the people I know who shoot use Nikon, so I chose Nikon.

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