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doom metal

[Aug 13,2003 11:59am - dyingmuse ""]
we need more doom in this scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 13,2003 12:15pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i tried to start up a Desire/Shape of Despair-esque band... but no drummer wants to play slow =(
[Aug 13,2003 4:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
doooooom = boring.

we need more death metal bands in this area, and not devourment cover bands.
[Aug 13,2003 4:45pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I will forever loathe Khanate. They owe me five minutes of my life and fifty of my brain cells back. Wow what a waste.
[Aug 13,2003 8:19pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Khanate fucking kills. Get a better attention span friend.

I love doom. Burning Witch, My Dying Bride, old Paradise Lost, old Anathema, Pentagram, Count Raven, Teeth Of Lions Rule The Divine, Cathedral, Warhorse, Grief, Upsidedown Cross, Skepticism, Internal Void, Unearthly Trance, St Vitus, The Obsessed, Earthride, Black Mass Of Absu, 13, Unholy, Thergothon, Sleep, old Trouble, Electric Wizard, etc.
[Aug 13,2003 8:22pm - dyingmuse ""]
rusted angel= fag whatever dude
[Aug 13,2003 8:37pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I stayed through at least ten minutes of Khanate's thirty minute set, mostly hoping for a few dynamics to emerge, also because I hadn't heard them and wanted to give them a chance. Someone once reasoned to me that generally you have to be fucked up on something to enjoy that type of doom, his words not mine. All I know is when a drummer knocks over a cymbal stand and has enough time during the song to get up and put it back where it goes, there isn't a whole lot going to come of it. The singer did have a nasty scream though, has he done anything more up-tempo?
[Aug 13,2003 8:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I just got khanate: No Joy (Re-Mix) 12_
it's awesome, but i'm a sucker for ambient/atmospheric noise.
anyone remember clock DVA?

in germany, noise and industrial has fused to form power noise.
(that's what it was called last year at least) and there are fucking tons of minimalist ambient electo-noise bands over there. sort of mixing autechre and noise.
re: converter, p.a.l., hypnoskull, vromb, synapscrape, scorn (ex napalm death drummer mick harris), lustmord, and more.

also, the best "doom" cd from last year was Agaloch - the mantle. that cd was fucking amazing.
[Aug 13,2003 8:58pm - dyingmuse ""]
i dont know where all this talk about boaring super slow tempo and shit is coming from, i said doom like my dying bride anathema,theater of tragedy,novembers doom tristitia,third and the mortal old katatonia...those bands even shape of despair...i dont think any of those bands are that slow,you dont hear that much blast beats or whatever but i think youre thinking about funeral doom like skeptisism...they are so slow you'd fall fall asleep at there shows man. i dont know i'd consider my band as doom...do you all think were painfully slow?
or my dying bride? i dont know...blast beats are cool if you use them in clixatic situations but not all the time ... i think that is boaring!!!
maybe im just fucked up!!!

[Aug 13,2003 9:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
doom like fucking boring ass GRIEF, and WARHORSE.

fucking gay bands. :middlefinger:
[Aug 13,2003 10:42pm - dug  ""]
ehnarhes bottom feeders demo is the shit in terms of dirdge sluge 23 minutes of endless feedback massive riffage and retaredadly slow music. thats what i live for... well besides southern comfort.
[Aug 13,2003 10:53pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
the_reverend said:

also, the best "doom" cd from last year was Agaloch - the mantle. that cd was fucking amazing.

no... it wasnt the best... the best doom album of last year was Desire's "Locus Horrendous" i own both albums and Desire's album is SO fucking amazing. full of so much emotion... really epic. and its a concept album. a rmoantic tragedy. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING.
[Aug 13,2003 10:57pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
dyingmuse said:
or my dying bride? i dont know...blast beats are cool if you use them in clixatic situations but not all the time ... i think that is boaring!!!
maybe im just fucked up!!!

Desire - "locus horrendous" and Cryptal Darkness have blasts in a few songs... in climatic situations. sounds great
[Aug 13,2003 11:25pm - dugyou 23ont let me put my name twice onthis thread  ""]
further more i dont know what anyone has against EYEHATEGOD, sleep bongzilla. corrupetd etc. ive only heard bad comments about these bands and iwould have to say they are tubular. period.
[Aug 14,2003 1:04am - the_reverend ""]
I'm not into stoner stuff.
bongzilla's singer's got an awesome voice, but I don't like the stoner sound.
same with the warhorse cd.
and that's also why I can't get into soilent green
[Aug 14,2003 2:52pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
[Aug 14,2003 2:52pm - RustedAngel ""]

WORD TO THAT. x 8 million.
[Aug 14,2003 11:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
the problem is that people keep associating that stoner crap with real doom metal!!! doom metal is my dying bride,paramecium, shape of despair ,anathema,candlemass,tristitia,novembers doom,septic flesh where does the stoner thing come in???? doom is all that is death, sorrow,gloom, darkness and doom!!!!!!!!

fuck eyehategod and trouble they have nothing to do with doom
[Aug 15,2003 2:42am - the_reverend ""]
novembers doom has some good songs.
I liked the last cd.

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