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[Nov 26,2005 10:33pm - SickSickSicks ""]
anyone ever see this Frank Zappa movie? If you're a fan of his and you havent seen u should be SLAPPED!!!

I watched it last night and im not gonna lie to you I had eaten some fungus that was not portabello or shitaki (FZ would kill me...if he were alive) and this film scared the HELL out of me. It's a concert film but its also part comedy, part documentary and part animated psychadelic art film. The animation sequences Im pretty sure are all clay. Theyre all by this guy Bruce Bickford who is not the most cogent speaker but comes up with some of the most twisted organic claymation sequences I've ever seen. It's all really fast mutating and morphing from one nigthmarish form to another.

this movie can be hard to sit all the way thoguh at an epic 2 hours and 40 minutes long but I couldnt get enough it. Seeing Frank Zappa back in the day must have been one of the best rock show experiences in existance. Ive always been a casual fan of Zappa with a lot of respect for him but after seeing this I might just be tempted to go out and snatch up all of his records I can find....er...if i had the money thatis
[Nov 26,2005 11:39pm - powerkok ""]
Zappa rules.
Excellent guitarist, and amazing fuckin songwriter/composer.

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