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br00tal homemade death metal video

[Nov 22,2005 12:39pm - cdan ""]

haha, what a homo.


[Nov 22,2005 12:46pm - SeedBassist ""]
ummmm....gay? yeah, we'll go with that
[Nov 22,2005 12:48pm - cdan ""]

no way, that lizard is sick!
[Nov 22,2005 12:49pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yes, it was so awful, I couldn't finish it...

truly one of the most WoogaBooga things I've ever been partially subjected to in my life
[Nov 22,2005 12:51pm - dreadedsilence  ""]
[Nov 22,2005 12:52pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I've laid farts that sounded more brutal than that
[Nov 22,2005 1:11pm - Kessaris V.2.0  ""]
hahahha, i enjoyed that thouroughly
[Nov 22,2005 1:22pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I bet he left that mess in the bathroom for his mom to clean up
[Nov 22,2005 4:58pm - handinjury ""]
That was fucking horrible.
[Nov 23,2005 9:18am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I seriously want to punch that guy a lot. It reminds me of a Robbie Roadsteamer video, minus being intentionally funny.

And that poor fucking lizard has to listen to that douche play guitar right through the bottom of his cage. He should call the cops on his lizard phone.
[Nov 23,2005 12:52pm - backalleyabortionist ""]
that was awful.
[Nov 24,2005 4:30am - dwellingsickness ""]
I can't believe I just watched that, poor little lizard. The guy looked like he was having a seizure there for a minute though.
[Nov 24,2005 8:24am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
i dont know why you guys are mean to him i think its a pretty good video and would be a sick song with a whole band.
[Nov 24,2005 1:50pm - Ryan_M ""]
personally i think the video was a joke.

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