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shallows and flats tonite

[Aug 11,2003 3:23pm - desperado ""]

middle east
cambridge mass
830 pm

allegory index, agape, other...

joshua, and the flats.
[Aug 11,2003 3:27pm - dyingmuse ""]
desperado said:http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/539/shallows_and_flats.html

middle east
cambridge mass
830 pm

allegory index, agape, other...

joshua, and the flats.

if we werent playing rttp tonight id go...sorry! keep it metal...maybe ill catch youre next show

[Aug 11,2003 3:35pm - the_reverend ""]
s&f played on rttp 7/1/2003.
it was a good time.
until the police showed up on motorcycles.
[Aug 11,2003 3:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
the_reverend said:s&f played on rttp 7/1/2003.
it was a good time.
until the police showed up on motorcycles.

whoa thats pretty gay
fuck the police yo!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 11,2003 4:07pm - desperado ""]
the_reverend said:s&f played on rttp 7/1/2003.
it was a good time.
until the police showed up on motorcycles.

are pictures and mp3s available from that? i hope they are available.

[Aug 12,2003 1:19am - xmikex ""]
I was there...for a little while at least.

the allegory index used to sound a whole lot better the first couple times i saw them. now they have a totally different lineup and sound like a compilation of old converge riffs. i dunno.

shallows and flats was about 1000x better than the last time I saw them (minus the crusty kids running around...is it punk rock not to bathe, use deoderant or make any attempt not to smell or somethign?) I think it's safe to say that I'm officially a shallows and flats fan.
[Aug 12,2003 1:22am - Wee...Bink! ""]
ive seen s&f 2 or 3 times... thats some good tunes kids.
[Aug 12,2003 11:36am - matthewlacasse ""]
i for one and im sure i can speak for the rest of
shallowsandflats are happy to see everyone
who came out last night . i hope everyone enjoyed
the new tune we rocked out . til the next time !


[Aug 12,2003 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]
they are all up there my dear joshua tree

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