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the weird moon

[Nov 15,2005 12:29am - Yeti  ""]
does anyone else see a weird white halo around the moon? it forms a perfect circle with the moon as the center. weird. zombie apocalypse time. oh yeah.:thescream::gun::nuke::NEWHORNS:
[Nov 15,2005 12:46am - diamond_dave ""]
i was just outside looking at that, and i called a friend of mine to see if he could see it too...wondering what it is?
[Nov 15,2005 9:06am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
that means that snow is coming i guess your not too smart LOL!!!
[Nov 15,2005 9:11am - Messerschmitt ""]
i noticed mars was right beneath the moon last night at around 7pm.
[Nov 15,2005 9:17am - scoracrasia ""]
I forget the reason, but it happens from time to time.
[Nov 15,2005 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
if I remember correctly from jack horkheimer, star hustler, it's a lunar halo and is caused by a 22degree bend of light hitting clouds of ice crystals in the upper atmosphere.

[Nov 15,2005 9:30am - succubus ""]
one night i called aaron because a couple of planets were in full view..it was beautiful!
[Nov 15,2005 9:33am - Messerschmitt ""]
yeah. that stuff is nuts. i saw a comet or whatever a couple of nights ago. it was pretty cloudy out but the comet was so bright, it shined through the clouds with a green tint. pretty cool.
[Nov 15,2005 10:08am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Messerschmitt said:yeah. that stuff is nuts. i saw a comet or whatever a couple of nights ago. it was pretty cloudy out but the comet was so bright, it shined through the clouds with a green tint. pretty cool.

I saw that. It was the only fucking thing visible through the clouds. Unfortunately, I'm entirely too lazy to go look up what was visible that night.

[Nov 15,2005 10:35am - litacore ""]
I played Bathory when I saw it
[Nov 15,2005 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
I'm 99% sure it wasn't a comet. I'm a little out of touch with the world of astronomy.. but I don't think it was a comet. I think it's a planet.
but there are a bunch of not visible bright comets out there
but not a single one that I can see that are visible to the unaided human eye.

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