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Ghost Reveries opinions?

[Nov 14,2005 7:33pm - retzam ""]
I've just been curious: it's been about a month since Opeth released this album and the general consensus among fans of the band seems to be that it is not very good. I was wondering what Opeth fans on here think. I'm not gonna review it because I did that in the reviews section anyway, but I think it's an awesome record, I like it better than Deliverance and I'd put it equal with Blackwater Park.

Also, I think saying they sold out is bullshit. First of all, that phrase is tossed around so much that people don't even realize what it means anymore. Not only do I think it's ridiculous to say that they changed their music for money, I think it's pretty clear that their music didn't change any more than it usually does from album to album. Oh, but since they used an open tuning and have one riff on the album that's stop-go, they must be mallcore now. Just thought I'd get my opinion on that matter out of the way so I don't have to argue with all the ridiculous claims of selling out people may throw around in this thread (if it even gets replied to at all :spineyes
[Nov 14,2005 7:39pm - Sinistas ""]
I think it's their second best behind Still Life. Amazing.

I fully expect to get flamed for that.
[Nov 14,2005 7:43pm - retzam ""]
Sinistas said:I think it's their second best behind Still Life. Amazing.

I fully expect to get flamed for that.

Dude, I can completely see that. I really can't determine any definite order as to Opeth albums from best to worst. My favorite is probably a tie between the first 4. But yeah, I rank this right up there, I think it's some of the best stuff since Still Life (and as a matter of fact, lots of this album reminds me of Still Life).
[Nov 14,2005 7:50pm - brian_dc ""]
it's a very good album, I haven't listened to it. I think it sounds better because they could have sold out...but instead still put out a solid record. The clean sung parts are way catchier (which is a scary word to some people)...but not really a "poppy" catchy...I don't know...moving on I could've used more of the prog rock influence, because I dig that. But it's overall a good listen.

of course, people could say that they sold out a long time ago if you think about their early material.

But screw the whole "selling out" argument. they've put out solid music consistently and so far the only sign of going downhill is....

... the video for "The Grand Conjuration" ... one of the worst I've ever seen....but videos don't matter.

and I'm sure this has been said...but they recorded this entire album before getting signed to Roadrunner. So I really hope they survive their first album under contract and aren't pressured into not being cool.
[Nov 14,2005 7:51pm - brian_dc ""]
my post is hardly coherent...I think at some point I clicked in the middle of some of my own text and kept typing...oh well...not worth editing
[Nov 14,2005 7:54pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
there is no way opeth sold out. they got signed to roadrunner, sure, and got put on a tour with 90% shitty bands that are "big" in the mainstream heavy music scene, but they did not do anything to be considered sell outs. if they started wearing girl's pants and turkey hair cuts with emo and 1 chord mosh parts in their songs, i'd say they sold out. but they didn't, so anyone that wants to say they sold out isn't paying attention. needless to say, i agree with you retzam.

i enjoy the new cd, but haven't gotten to listen to it much. i don't think opeth have ever put out a bad album. it took a while to get into deliverance, but it is nevertheless an awesome cd. blackwater park and still life are my favorites overall.
[Nov 14,2005 7:56pm - brian_dc ""]
mark fucking richards said:[QUOTEi enjoy the new cd, but haven't gotten to listen to it much. i don't think opeth have ever put out a bad album. it took a while to get into deliverance, but it is nevertheless an awesome cd. blackwater park and still life are my favorites overall.

this is basically everything I would have to say about opeth...ignore above post by me...thanks for having the same basic opinion as me and expressing it way more clearly, mark. even down to not having getting around to listening to it much.
[Nov 14,2005 8:11pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
everything after Still Life with the exception of Damnation bores me to tears. The new CD, while good, is too reliant on the old tried and true formula that they've used over and over to the point that they are not that exciting to me anymore. It also sounds (to me) that they are trying to be more progressive for the sake of being progressive instead of actually feeling it. I think it's a very bland and stale album and they have ridden this horse into the ground. Time for something new.
[Nov 14,2005 8:13pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
no problem dude, i do what i can, haha
[Nov 14,2005 8:15pm - retzam ""]
Notorious_D.U.G. said:everything after Still Life with the exception of Damnation bores me to tears. The new CD, while good, is too reliant on the old tried and true formula that they've used over and over to the point that they are not that exciting to me anymore. It also sounds (to me) that they are trying to be more progressive for the sake of being progressive instead of actually feeling it. I think it's a very bland and stale album and they have ridden this horse into the ground. Time for something new.

As much as I disagree with this, it's really the first sensible reason for not liking the album that I have so far heard.
[Nov 14,2005 8:27pm - dreadkill ""]
i like the album alot. it's way better than deliverance, but morningrise will always be my favorite. everybody's opinions so far make sense.
[Nov 15,2005 12:20am - Yeti  ""]
this is fucking spectacular. i absolutely worship this album. they have released album after album of brutally perfect metal, and once again, they have not failed true Opeth fans. all this sell out and boring and mall crap is absurd. they should be winning the awards. they sound like no one and no one sounds like them. fuck what negative shit anyone says. if you dont like them, dont listen to them. the 4000 other people will, and appreciate what Opeth has to offer, from Orchid to Ghost Reveries.
[Nov 15,2005 7:56am - DreamingInExile ""]
I enjoy this album, sure, it's not Morningrise or Still Life, but this album was very well done, it's a bit more eclectic then their older material, but that's just a sign of progression and growth. I feel that if you don't like this album, then that is your decision, you don't have to like every album a band has done for you to still like the band. I've been an Opeth fan since Orchid and unless they release a CD with backdoor boys covers or other assortments of pop trash, then I will continue liking this band. Kudos to Opeth for creating another work of art!!!
[Nov 15,2005 8:19am - the_reverend ""]
I hear pedophiles reeeeeallly like this band
[Nov 15,2005 8:22am - succubus ""]
I was just going to say the same thing!!
[Nov 15,2005 8:30am - the_reverend ""]
I know they are proggie... but their "70s" influenced parts don't lend well to porn.
not that carina and I tries.
cause we didn't.
didn't try to put opeth to pron.
no, no we didnt.
[Nov 15,2005 8:46am - succubus ""]
yeah not pron...we tried to put it to porn though

[Nov 15,2005 8:48am - RustedAngel ""]
I've been an opeth fan since My Arms Your Hearse, and well, I must say I'm somwhat dissapointed with G.R. and I can't put my finger on why. I've listened to it probably 5 or 6 times all the way through and it just doesn't grab me like previous albums.
[Nov 15,2005 9:26am - insipidzombie ""]
it's probably taken me about 10 listens to really enjoy it. I definitely think it's step up from Damnation and Deliverance, but I feel it's impossible to top albums like MAYH, Still Life, and Blackwater Park. My only complaint is that a couple years ago on the Damnation tour they said they were going to release an album even heavier than Deliverance. As good as GR is, it's not the heaviest material, which is what I expected when I went into listening for the first time. But in it's own right . . . WOO!
[Nov 15,2005 9:29am - the_reverend ""]
RA, it's the production. the CD is good, but the production is over done, leaving the album sort of thin.
[Nov 15,2005 9:29am - SeedBassist ""]
I like it, it's a good solid album, grabbing bits and pieces from the older albums at times. I really enjoy the addition of Per on Keyboards. I know he's been in the band since the first damnation tour, but it's cool to finally hear his influence on an album. He's really not your standard keyboard player who will come out with the strings and choirs. I think the way he plays fits Opeth like a flesh tuxedo (that's my spinal tap reference for the day). But seriously, i liek his usage of organs, mellotrons, moogs, and various other sounds you dont normally hear in metal releases. The songwriting itself is top notch. I like Ghost Of Perdition, which sounds like it could have been on either Deliverence or Blackwater Park, and kind of reminds you that this is still Opeth. They're one of those bands who can release albums that are the same in basic style, yet are varied so you can sense a steady progression over time. So thumbs up to Mike and the guys for making another really solid album, I dont think it's as good as My Arms Your Hearse or Still Life, but it's still a good album. The only downfall to Opeth signing with Roadrunner Records, is their promo shots, and we've all seen those :pukeface:
[Nov 15,2005 9:36am - dreadkill ""]
ha, yeah those promo shots are funny. especially the one of them all looking pissed off. roadrunner probably said "pretend you're hardcore" right before they snapped that picture. i can't talk though, because i look kind of pissed off in my band's promo shot. i don't smile for pictures unless you catch me in the middle of laughing.
[Nov 15,2005 9:47am - SeedBassist ""]
Actually, i think they were pissed off because at that photo shoot, they finally realized what they had bought into when they signed with RR. Poor bastards. My favorite one is the one where they're lying down on the grass...it just screams "boyband"
[Nov 15,2005 9:47am - dreadkill ""]
it screams woogabooga
[Nov 15,2005 10:22am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I think their bus driver really sold out. He was way better when he was having sex with 12 year olds.
[Nov 15,2005 10:23am - dreadkill ""]
their bus driver was way better when he was castledoomerown
[Nov 15,2005 2:57pm - retzam ""]
Hahaha wait, did I miss something? Was their bus driver a pedophile?
[Nov 15,2005 3:20pm - cav  ""]
its good, but i bought it the same day as BTBAM-alaska, so i havent listened to it much. they definitely didnt sell out though.
[Nov 15,2005 3:22pm - DreamingInExile ""]
retzam said:Hahaha wait, did I miss something? Was their bus driver a pedophile?

yeah man, you fell off the bus:

[Nov 15,2005 10:01pm - retzam ""]
Hahahaha holy shit.

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