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Motorhead deluxe editions!

[Nov 14,2005 5:00pm - shatteredliz ""]
I just got my copies of the deluxe editions that Sanctuary's putting out tomorrow. Iron Fist, Ace of Spades, Overkill, and Bomber (came out 9/27). Each disc is remastered and has a SICK bonus disc with live stuff, demo cuts, b-sides and more. Also coming out tomorrow are the BBC sessions--SICK! There may have beena thread about this already, but I didn't see it, so I'm posting now.
[Nov 14,2005 5:37pm - scoracrasia ""]
Brutal, I am on this when it comes out.
[Nov 14,2005 5:44pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
too bad I already have everything Motorhead has put out, eh maybe I'll be a sucker and buy bomber again.
[Nov 14,2005 5:52pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, there's more stuff on the bonus discs than on the original albums.
[Nov 15,2005 10:40am - litacore ""]
[Nov 15,2005 10:43am - Christraper ""]
I picked up the Bomber disc. It is indeed sick.
[Nov 15,2005 11:48am - paganmegan ""]
Lemmy wouldn't want you to cut your hair Christraper
[Nov 15,2005 1:22pm - kadoogie howser M.D.  ""]
christraper is cutting his hair? not on my watch...
[Nov 15,2005 3:42pm - Christraper ""]
not that it really fuckin matters but yea.
[Nov 15,2005 4:03pm - Ryan_M ""]
don't listen to what anyone says, cut your hair, you won't miss it!
"ahhh, no, you're the devil!!!">:]
but seriously, everyone will say don't do it, but once you do, people will think it looks better that way. plus you never ever have to take care of it!:krusty:
[Nov 15,2005 4:47pm - Christraper ""]
hell yea. im looking forward to it. funny enough thats the first word of encouragement ive heard about this.
[Nov 17,2005 9:27am - litacore ""]
I see no reason to buy the shit all over again, unless they re-vamp 'Another Perfect Day' (still my fave)

I did get the new BBC sessions disc yesterday, though THAT is a good slab. "Killed by Death" is awesome.
[Nov 17,2005 10:46am - Kinslayer  ""]
I told Christraper that I hope the looks like a complete FAGGOT with his hair cut and regrets it immediately...

I'm a good friend.
[Nov 17,2005 2:44pm - duff138  ""]
my neighbor plans to buy them all I think. He just handed my his old version of "Bomber", since he got the new one. Looks like I'll be getting a few more Motorhead discs when he buys the other remasters!

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