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is anyone else still playing urban dead?

[Nov 14,2005 8:23am - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
i'am not haveing much luck though i died as a human and ive already died twice as a zombie im suckin ass at this
[Nov 14,2005 10:02am - scoracrasia ""]
I still am. My main soldier is rocking out at level 23 and my group has taken over an entire burb. Good times. Where abouts are you? Come to Pennville.
[Mar 22,2011 9:01pm - Doomkid ""]
I just reactivated my character a couple days ago and my friend and I are trying to find people to metagame with. Wicked low-tech but fun game. Anyone in?

[Mar 22,2011 9:57pm - Skinsandwich ""]
I still play, haha. There is my old screen name Scoracrasia up there, Haha. My main character has over 60,000 XP's. Low tech, yeah, but addicting as hell. My main character is Cineraryone. (Yeah, I like the Band Cinerary so that is why I picked it.) I am in Pennville all the time so find me there at Grinter cinema if you want.
[Mar 22,2011 9:58pm - Skinsandwich ""]
Fuck man, I have been playing Urban Dead since July of 2005, haha. Nuts.
[Mar 23,2011 8:09am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Shit rules, used to have an awesome zombie firefighter named Rarl Rarlbinson.
[Mar 23,2011 9:34am - Doomkid ""]

Skinsandwich said:Fuck man, I have been playing Urban Dead since July of 2005, haha. Nuts.

I've been playing since Nov 2005 myself, I can't believe its still going. My friend and I are in South Blytheville and are gearing ourselves up. I spent 3 years as a zombie with brain rot and no friends so I've got no ammo, first-aid, nothing.

My friend who started back in '05 with me wants to metagame again. It seems most of the groups are boring/inactive so I was thinking of creating a joint Twitter account or blog to document and communicate brutal and goofy zombie adventures.

Either of you guys interested?

My profile link if you want to add me to your contacts: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=193828

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