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List the drugs you have done

[Nov 11,2005 6:58pm - narcfuck  ""]
coke heroin weed acid shrooms crank crack and still tickin
[Nov 11,2005 7:02pm - hey realizate it  ""]
your a loser
[Nov 11,2005 9:13pm - Al_Ravage ""]
" I would never do crack... I would never do a drug named after a part of my own ass, okay?"
Denis Leary
[Nov 11,2005 9:14pm - Al_Ravage ""]
"Only in America would there be a guy that cocaine wasn't good enough for. You know? One guy walking around New York City back in 1985 going, "You know, that cocaine's pretty good, but I want something that makes my heart explode as soon as I smoke it, ok? I want to take one suck off that crack pipe and go *snort* *splat* Now I'm happy! I'm dead, the ultimate high!" - Denis Leary
[Nov 11,2005 9:57pm - Ryan_M ""]
i've only tried pot a few times; never had the opportunity to try anything else.
[Nov 11,2005 11:46pm - the_rooster ""]
weed mostly. i've involuntarily smoked a cocktail of embalming fluid and PCP, and other substances that made me hallucinate mixed with weed.
[Nov 12,2005 12:04am - dwellingsickness ""]
Get the 2005 PDR and flip and point to a page and most likely I have done it,For other shit ,Only smoke weed
[Nov 12,2005 12:55am - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Booze, weed, acid...Mmm, Mmm Good!!!
[Nov 12,2005 1:02am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
booze, shrooms, weed
[Nov 12,2005 1:10am - apocalyptic hammer  ""]
the_rooster said:weed mostly. i've involuntarily smoked a cocktail of embalming fluid and PCP, and other substances that made me hallucinate mixed with weed.

ha ha ha a true believer!
[Nov 12,2005 1:43am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i'm not dumb enough to list everything on here. there is alot of shit i've done i'm not proud of, but everyone knows a few things that i do regularly and well it's awesome.
[Nov 12,2005 6:37am - narcfuck  ""]
attendmyrequiem said:i'm not dumb enough to list everything on here. there is alot of shit i've done i'm not proud of, but everyone knows a few things that i do regularly and well it's awesome.
we are not here to judge you, we are here to help

[Nov 12,2005 7:40am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i dont do drugs, they're bad for you
[Nov 12,2005 9:07am - scoracrasia ""]
I need percs. Give me percs. Shit, Acid weed, booze, and a small variety of pills. I Only will do Vics or Percs now with the occasional valium. I hardly drink anymore.
[Nov 12,2005 9:07am - scoracrasia ""]
scoracrasia said:I need percs. Give me percs. Shit, Acid, weed, booze, and a small variety of pills. I Only will do Vics or Percs now with the occasional valium. I hardly drink anymore.

[Nov 12,2005 10:18am - wade ""]
Al_Ravage said:"Only in America would there be a guy that cocaine wasn't good enough for. You know? One guy walking around New York City back in 1985 going, "You know, that cocaine's pretty good, but I want something that makes my heart explode as soon as I smoke it, ok? I want to take one suck off that crack pipe and go *snort* *splat* Now I'm happy! I'm dead, the ultimate high!" - Denis Leary

denis leary - shtick (sp.?) stealer.

[Nov 12,2005 11:04am - hungta'bleed  ""]
i only have a problem with pot still, but back in my day acid fucking owned. e was for fags.
[Nov 12,2005 11:07am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
coke weed shrooms x and various other assorted pills.
[Nov 12,2005 11:26am - anonymous  ""]
weed, booze, blow, hash, ecstasy, speed, oxys, 2c-i, shrooms, 5meo dmt, and most of the good prescriptions out there
..high school was fun
[Nov 12,2005 2:48pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
On a regular basis...only the fun stuff that mother nature provides...nothing that's cooked up in someone's bathtub, or cut with god knows what. Vics and alcohol are fun on occasion though...
[Nov 14,2005 2:29pm - anonymous  ""]
dex,oxy,opium,adderal,mushrooms,acid,x,sherm,coke,herion,morphine,percoset,vicodin,ambien,unearth mosh pits
[Nov 14,2005 2:54pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I wanna do toad.
[Nov 14,2005 3:12pm - steevo  ""]
Weed, shrooms, acid, coke, hash, percs, valium, booze, freebase cocaine (once), Vicodin. I think thats it.
[Nov 14,2005 3:13pm - steevo  ""]
Weed, shrooms, acid, coke, hash, percs, valium, booze, freebase cocaine (once), Vicodin. I think thats it. oh yeah, opium too.

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