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The Bombshelters Final Show Tonight

[Nov 11,2005 3:22pm - brokenclown ""]
or so im told................the tears are falling
[Nov 11,2005 3:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
There's a show next Sat at the bombshelter with Hatchet, Extinction Agenda and Red Right Hand...
[Nov 11,2005 3:30pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This had better be another fucking rumor. In the future, provide your sources.
[Nov 11,2005 3:31pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Oh well.
[Nov 11,2005 3:37pm - DreamingInExile ""]
nothing about either the BS closing or the EA/Hatchet show next weekend... which I will unfortunately be able to attend, because of my prior obligation to the Stone & Steel fest
[Nov 11,2005 3:41pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I noticed there are some other shows booked there too, attacking frequencies, etc.
[Nov 11,2005 4:01pm - dyingmuse ""]
i talked with serge a few nights ago, he wanted us to play there next weekend also, we are doing the sasf. either way, he said this is his last month.

i think that is a bummer, cause i loved the place, just didn't care for the politics
[Nov 11,2005 4:15pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there saturday and sunday....
[Nov 11,2005 4:48pm - ltdec-1000 ""]
I think he told me its closing sometime in Late december. Hes gunna try to move it.
[Nov 11,2005 6:37pm - brokenclown ""]
extinction agenda? really? im there!
[Nov 11,2005 6:38pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
someone with a clue as to how to run a business and who is willing to invest in power cleaners should get the place from him.
[Nov 11,2005 6:41pm - brokenclown ""]
as much as people love to hate it, its a metal friendly venue that has fallen. not good for the scene.
[Nov 11,2005 7:23pm - anonymous  ""]
scissorfight's Saturday.
[Nov 11,2005 7:26pm - the_reverend ""]
godforbid sunday
[Nov 11,2005 11:05pm - powerkok ""]
Didnt see that comin (laff)
It is too bad tho.
I agree with Nicks post....
Rev, yer the big balla.....buy it.
[Nov 11,2005 11:42pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Saturday is Scissorfight and Sunday is God Forbid...So whoever said tonight was the last show is a Tard
[Nov 11,2005 11:54pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Also there are two shows next week, including mine.
[Nov 12,2005 7:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Hatchet is fucking awesome.
[Nov 12,2005 6:16pm - lincolnius ""]
Remember.......Attacking Frequencies and Blackout Frenzy Nov. 18th......thats next Friday.......
[Nov 12,2005 6:48pm - anonymous  ""]
A close friend of mine said that the BS will be closing down soon(not sure exactly when).Serg is getting raped on the rent cost.Im suprised that the club didnt go out of business sooner.Ive been to shows there about 10-12 times and only 2x was there more than 100 people there.
[Nov 12,2005 6:53pm - the_reverend ""]
he works at the walmart warehouse to pay for it.
[Nov 13,2005 1:10am - bestial onsluts  ""]
[Nov 13,2005 1:27am - the_reverend ""]
nov 27 is the closing date.
[Nov 14,2005 12:34pm - craz ""]
The Bomb Shelter sucks. Seriously the reason why Serge went out of business is because of the costs to get in. 15-20 dollars for a local show is uncalled for. Not to mention the location isn't all that great. If he charged maybe 7-10 dollars for local shows and 12-whatever for nationals, got a new sound guy, he might've done just fine. Someone should buy it out and make something of it. The selling of tickets was a pain in the ass. If it was optional for the bands to sell tickets to make some money for themselves and get more of their fans they could do it; that would've been a decent idea. I think alot of bands are hesitant to play the Bomb Shelter because they have to sell 30 tickets at 10.00-15.00. Most people don't have 15.00 to throw around to see a local band play.
[Nov 14,2005 12:39pm - anonymous  ""]
That sucks.This is sad news.To bad there wernt alot of good shows there.I would have gone to the club more often.
[Nov 14,2005 2:00pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Last time we played there, Serge threw us on the bill last, after 2 bands he added that played cock rock. When I complained, he told me it was how he does business. The bands that draw get to play whenever they want, the bands that don't draw play last. Ironically, the two cock rock bands played, then everyone left. We played to an empty club. If he'd reversed it, and put the drawing band last, his bar would have kept pumping for another hour that night.

Serge doesn't really know how to run a business. He's into music, and he enjoys his job, but it really came across like he was making it up as he went along. Add in his wife's "professional" demeanor, a few shitty regulars, and you've got a club that was destined to fail.
[Nov 14,2005 3:13pm - craz ""]
I remember when me and his wife had it out. She was trying to talk business with me and I owned her. She doesn't know what she's doing and she doesn't know how to talk business with an actual business man. I really don't like her. She was trying to tell me that all the money they make from The Bomb Shelter comes in ticket sales so I said "ohh I guess you break even with the bar then and food then." She knows they profit from food and drinks but she took it as "the bands should get a piece of what they make from that" so she was flipping out on me and I told her that she doesn't even know what she's talking about and before she goes out to run a business take some business classes.

Sure it was nice of Serge to put the bands on whenever they wanted depending how many tickets they sold but like you said the ones who sold more tickets should play last because people aren't going to pay for tickets from that band and decide to leave early and miss that band; they'll stay. Same thing happened with us; We played a show for FUBAR Productions. Serge begged us to play the show because he was in a bind. The bands who sold tickets went first; we didn't sell tickets because it wasn't required from us so he puts us on last and we play in front of 5 people; only 3 of those people watched. This place was doomed from the begining.
[Nov 14,2005 4:04pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
If the majority of their income comes from ticket sales, they're doing something wrong.

50 heads at $15 a ticket nets $750. Pay that band a guarantee, and most of it is gone. Bar sales will ALWAYS dominate net sales at a club. Bands, Kareoke, Bootie-dance night, etard raves, any form of entertainment helps to draw people to your club, but you want to keep them there to get drink sales.

There were a good 30+ people there when that cock rock band played. If he had put them on last, a few of those people would leave, but there still would be 20+ kids there for the extra hour. Say 20 kids each bought 3 drinks (water or beer) at $3 each, that's $360.

The way that place was run was just poor business. It was a big rock club with the heart of a townie bar.
[Nov 14,2005 6:12pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
another thing about the bombshelter is that they always seemed to raise prices by a couple of dollars at the door even if you pre-bought.
[Nov 14,2005 6:22pm - dwellingsickness ""]
craz said:The Bomb Shelter sucks. Seriously the reason why Serge went out of business is because of the costs to get in.

Ok first off,The bombshelter did not" GO out of Business"..God I hate internet rumours, It is shutting down for the winter and relocating, The Landlord is being a cocksucker to serge and instead of getting into it ,He is just moving the business...Any other speculations ,you just let me know.:middlefinger:
[Nov 14,2005 6:29pm - dwellingsickness ""]
PS. You really should not bad mouth the only place in NH that your little Highschool emo band can play
[Nov 14,2005 7:18pm - anonymous  ""]
PS. I've been out of highschool for 5 years now and refering to my band's music as "emo" is like calling Cannibal Corpse "ska". I bet you work at the Bomb Shelter too. If Serge is "Relocating" then good but the fact of the matter is he still needs to get his shit together.
[Nov 14,2005 8:59pm - ltdec-1000 ""]
Serge is really good about letting young local bands play his club. The Bombshelter might not have the best sound, or air, or humidity, or whatever gripes we all have, but serge at least will give a ton of young bands a shot. Its a good stepping stone for what little music scene NH has. Yeah, everything a little overpriced, but what are yah gunna do? Its the only place that has national all ages shows in the area.
[Nov 14,2005 9:42pm - dwellingsickness ""]
anonymous said:PS. I've been out of highschool for 5 years now and refering to my band's music as "emo" is like calling Cannibal Corpse "ska". I bet you work at the Bomb Shelter too. If Serge is "Relocating" then good but the fact of the matter is he still needs to get his shit together.

Oh sorry ..your a METALCORE band:pukeface:
[Nov 14,2005 11:28pm - Arillius ""]
[Nov 15,2005 8:22pm - Josh603  ""]
They should move it to where Chantillys used to be. I don't think anything is in that space. Hell, I think they still even have the Chantillys signs up.
[Nov 15,2005 8:25pm - anonymous  ""]
I completely forgot about Chantillys; not a bad idea though.
[Nov 15,2005 8:29pm - the_reverend ""]
chantily's... er... all I remember about that place was;
smoke, pool tables, not many people, and there was a piercing place in the back with a fishtank window. that place was so gross. the one time there were people getting pierced there, it was 2 fat girls getting thier floppy tits pierced and kissing. I'm pretty sure I wronte about it in whatever thread.
[Nov 16,2005 2:46am - Todd NLI  ""]
For that space, The landlord over there wants $12,000/Month rent, that is why it is still vacant after 3 some odd years
[Nov 16,2005 11:20pm - Josh603  ""]
Holy shit thats fucking retarded.
[Nov 17,2005 5:15am - dwellingsickness ""]
It is because it is in a prime location in a strip mall, and the other businesses in there don't want a bar/nightclub in that space . We had Black Label Society there, and was like 700+ people there,All the businesses complained to the landlord that it severely hurt their businesses that day and they wanted the club out

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