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What's funnier than a dead baby?

[Jun 4,2002 11:37am - RustedAngel ""]
<br> <br>A dead baby sitting next to a kid with down syndrome.
[Jun 4,2002 12:00pm - the_reverend ""]
squeek (I think) sent me this yesterday: <br><a href="http://www.neilswaab.com/comics/wiggles/wiggles_content.html" target="_blank">http://www.neilswaab.com/comics/wiggles/wiggles_content.html</a>
[Jun 4,2002 11:29pm - eben  ""]
whats the diffrence between a dead baby and trampoline?
[Jun 4,2002 11:32pm - eben  ""]
dont you take your boots off when you jump on a trampoline? geez
[Jun 5,2002 7:52am - the_reverend ""]
man... nothing like dead baby jokes to start off the morning. <br>dead baby jokes are soooooo metal. <br> <br>I like how you paused between telling the joke and the punchline.
[Jun 5,2002 3:56pm - a thief  ""]
what sounds better than a 2 yr old's pelvis snapping?
[Jun 5,2002 4:26pm - the_reverend ""]
your mom crying over your dead corpse <br>as I ride your burning soul to hell?
[Jun 5,2002 5:52pm - eben  ""]
your supposed to say "nothing..." then laugh like an old pervert. (shouldn't be a stretch for you) <br> <br>ouch. <br> <br> <br>jk
[Jun 18,2002 12:59am - Steve.so.far  ""]
whats the difference between a sack of dead babies and a Cadillac?
[Jun 18,2002 1:00am - Steve.so.far  ""]
I don't have a Cadillac in my garage.
[Jun 18,2002 11:29am - a thief  ""]
whats grosser than a 15 foot high pile of dead babies?
[Jun 18,2002 11:29am - eben  ""]
a live one at the bottom eating its way out.
[Jun 18,2002 1:22pm - erikofdeath ""]
whats grosser than that?
[Jun 18,2002 1:22pm - erikofdeath ""]
when it goes back for seconds
[Jun 18,2002 1:23pm - erikofdeath ""]
whats the worst thing about fucking an infant
[Jun 18,2002 1:24pm - erikofdeath ""]
getting the bloodstains out of your clown costume
[Jun 18,2002 3:07pm - steve.so.far ""]
what do you get when you stab a baby in the head a bunch of times with a fork?
[Jun 18,2002 3:07pm - steve.so.far ""]
an erection...
[Jul 12,2005 10:05pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
What's the best thing about fucking an 8 year old?

Hearing the pelivis snap.

What's the best thing about twenty eight year olds?

There's twenty of them.
[Jul 12,2005 11:49pm - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
whats the worst thing a deaf, blind, and retarded baby could get for christmas?

[Jul 13,2005 1:23am - davefromthegrave ""]
how do you make an 8-year old cry twice?

wipe your bloody penis on her teddy bear
[Jul 13,2005 8:32am - largefreakatzero ""]
What's the best thing about fucking a 4 year old?

The look on their face when you tell them your going to kill them.
[Jul 13,2005 9:40am - babyshaker ""]
largefreakatzero said:What's the best thing about fucking a 4 year old?

The look on their face when you tell them your going to kill them.

[Jul 13,2005 9:46am - SuperFly ""]
this isn't a baby joke but its all i got.
what do michael jackson and caviar have in common.
they both come on little crackers.
(i dont think i spelled caviar right but whatever)
[Jul 13,2005 10:57am - Josh_Martin ""]
A man and a boy are walking through a dark woods.
All of the sudden the boy starts crying.
The man says "What are YOU crying for? I'm the one who has to walk out of here alone."
[Jul 13,2005 11:03am - soloman ""]
What's red and silver, and keeps crawling into walls?

A baby with forks in it's eyes.
[Jul 13,2005 11:08am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 13,2005 12:46pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
whats easier to unload from a truck, dead babies or bowling balls?

babies because you can use a pitchfork
[Jul 13,2005 5:17pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
what's black and charred?

a baby chewing on an extension cord
[Jul 13,2005 7:00pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Has anyone noticed this thread is 3 years old yet?

What's the best cure for baby fat?
[Jul 13,2005 7:01pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]

[Jul 13,2005 9:11pm - wade ""]
soloman said:What's red and silver, and keeps crawling into walls?

A baby with forks in it's eyes.

fuck dude.
[Jul 13,2005 9:15pm - exhumed4death ""]
how do you stop a baby from crawling around in circles?

nail it's other hand down.
[Jul 13,2005 9:21pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
what's the difference between a dead baby and a bath tub?

I can't fuck a bath tub.

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