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Black Dahlia Murder

[Aug 8,2003 3:16pm - Blue ""]
From Lambgoat:

Ok, so anyway, you've heard that The Black Dahlia Murder dropped off their tour. Well, apparently two members quit after another was arrested. They still hope to make the upcoming Arch Enemy tour, with Joe of Set Ablaze reportedly set to step in on bass.

I heard that one of them was arrested for buying drugs. Naughty.
[Aug 8,2003 3:38pm - RustedAngel@work  ""]
well, corey (drummer) still has his away message up and I wouldn't think it would take him this long to get home.... so who knows...?

[Aug 8,2003 4:06pm - Hoser ""]
I heard from Soilent that a couple of them just took the fuck off after the drug incident. It apparently happened in Baltimore.
[Aug 8,2003 4:26pm - RustedAngel@work  ""]
well, corey just got back...

apparently three of them got caught smoking the ganja, and he happend to have some accessories in his hands when it happend. he spent 26 hours in jail and has a court date in late september. this will not effect the arch enemy tour. (w00t w00t)

though, the singer and bassist quit. they have replacements and i won't tell who. 3=========D


[Aug 8,2003 9:25pm - Hoser ""]
Hey Rusted,

How the fuck do you know this shit?!?! Are you an insider, man??
I gutta go take a shit, be back in a few.
[Aug 8,2003 9:36pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
dookie dookie dookies, hehehehehehehe <(o^_^o)>

awwwww what a kyoote wittle kirby-poo! AWW *pinches his rosy cheekies*
[Aug 8,2003 9:37pm - xbaptismbyfirex ""]
Travis left? That sucks, he was a good fucking singer.

Good thing it won't effect the arch enemy tour, I'm going to the Worcester show

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