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why doesnt anyone have anything good to talk about?

[Nov 5,2005 7:40pm - anonymous  ""]
Why doesnt anyone have anything good to talk about?
[Nov 5,2005 9:11pm - Ryan_M ""]
you mean like whether or not killswitch engage should be considered "metal"? what exactly constitutes as something good to talk about? what might be a boring topic for you might be highly interesting to someone else. if you're not interested in the discussions, just don't post anything.
[Nov 6,2005 1:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
My dick dreams about cottage cheese
[Nov 6,2005 11:35am - scoracrasia ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:My dick dreams about cottage cheese

That is a bad sign. I had a dream I had a black son, I killed it. I woke up and saw my kids and felt better.
[Nov 6,2005 2:07pm - Lamp ""]
I had a dream not too long ago I was eating at McDonalds, which can't be a good sign.
[Nov 6,2005 2:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i had a dream i drown in the bathtub last night.
[Nov 6,2005 2:34pm - diamond_dave ""]
i had a dream you drowned in my semen.
oh wait, that wasn't a dream.
[Nov 6,2005 2:58pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i had a dream about going to the grocery store and procuring ingredients for chocolate creme pie...then i proceeded to make one the next day because it was stuck in my head...glad i had the dream
[Nov 6,2005 6:34pm - anonymous  ""]
i had a dream that this is the coolset discussion ever, finally something good to talk about, but seriosuly i dreamed last night that my wang was 20 feet long, i had to roll it up in my pants on one of those garden hose things, then i had to buy huge pants to fit it, but man was my buldge kick arse
[Nov 6,2005 7:18pm - succubus ""]
Hmmm well rev and I are on the road...almost back home..probably back in time for the new simpsons...it was an awesome long weekend
[Nov 6,2005 9:51pm - Ryan_M ""]
i had a dream a few weeks ago that the singer of napalm death was trying to kill me; he was trying to get me in my car, he was screaming these inhuman noises and his face was all wide and stretched out....i have no idea what made me dream that.
[Nov 6,2005 9:58pm - wade ""]
[Nov 6,2005 10:37pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Ryan_M said:i had a dream a few weeks ago that the singer of napalm death was trying to kill me; he was trying to get me in my car, he was screaming these inhuman noises and his face was all wide and stretched out....i have no idea what made me dream that.

for some reason that reminded me of this. If you recognize this, you played way too many video games when you were little. like me.


Also, this game kicks ass.
[Nov 6,2005 11:39pm - Ryan_M ""]
i don't recognize that face; when i was little i played super mario bros all the time, my brothers and me were obsessed by that game. we had a few other games, but super mario was our favorite
[Nov 7,2005 12:00am - wade ""]
[Nov 7,2005 12:07am - wade ""]
[Nov 7,2005 12:09am - the_reverend ""]
master fucking blaster.
[Nov 7,2005 12:46am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Never chase your radioactive frog down a well, it won't pan out for you.
[Nov 7,2005 12:47am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
davefromthegrave said:Ryan_M said:i had a dream a few weeks ago that the singer of napalm death was trying to kill me; he was trying to get me in my car, he was screaming these inhuman noises and his face was all wide and stretched out....i have no idea what made me dream that.

for some reason that reminded me of this. If you recognize this, you played way too many video games when you were little. like me.


Also, this game kicks ass.

MYSTICAL NINJA! FUCKING YES!!!!! First game I stole from Blockbuster when I got my SNES.
[Nov 7,2005 12:49am - davefromthegrave ""]
YES! Also, master blaster is better than sex.
[Nov 7,2005 12:50am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
There's a DS sequel out in Japan. I should steal it from a gay anime store.
[Nov 7,2005 12:51am - davefromthegrave ""]
to mysitcal ninja or master blaster?
[Nov 7,2005 1:51am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Mystical Ninja
[Nov 7,2005 7:25pm - wade ""]
[Nov 7,2005 7:27pm - wade ""]
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