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[Aug 8,2003 3:48am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Ellios pizza... the best oven baked pizza... now uses the smallest and thinnest shredded cheese imaginable... its fucking ABSURD. they used to have thick fucking shreds of cheese... now they have something thats a step up from sprinkle parmesean (sp?) cheese. FUCKING RIDICULOUS! :middlefinger:
[Aug 8,2003 4:24am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Write Elliso's a letter bomb about it.
[Aug 8,2003 9:02am - succubus ""]
thegreatspaldino said:Ellios pizza... the best oven baked pizza... now uses the smallest and thinnest shredded cheese imaginable... its fucking ABSURD. they used to have thick fucking shreds of cheese... now they have something thats a step up from sprinkle parmesean (sp?) cheese. FUCKING RIDICULOUS! :middlefinger:

funny that you mention it..i had never tried it until someone made it for me..and he always puts extra cheese on top..ALWAYS...so i figured it just didn't come with enough cheese and whenever i have it extra cheese always gets on top! it is yummy though
[Aug 8,2003 9:09am - Anthony ""]
The most entertaining part about Elio's is referring to it as Congeal-ios. That being said, there is irrefutable scientific evidence that it causes prostate cancer.
[Aug 8,2003 10:46am - jesus ""]
but they had comercials with a little boy saying "blub blub blub"
[Aug 8,2003 11:11am - dyingmuse ""]
Anthony said:The most entertaining part about Elio's is referring to it as Congeal-ios. That being said, there is irrefutable scientific evidence that it causes prostate cancer.

are you fucking serious? i love that shit....im DOOMED. i have been living on that shit for years. looks like i need to find a girlfriend,someone to cook for me!
[Aug 8,2003 11:51am - xDysenteryTOmx  ""]
i used to love elio's but now i can't stand it its just too soft .... i can't really explain it. I'm down with the star market brand pizza now its nice and crunchy!:satancross:
[Aug 8,2003 1:40pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
xDysenteryTOmx said:i used to love elio's but now i can't stand it its just too soft .... i can't really explain it. I'm down with the star market brand pizza now its nice and crunchy!:satancross:

gay ghey gae geigh gh3y g43 ga3 g4y g|-|3Y flaming limp wrist you are ghey ghey ghey
[Aug 8,2003 4:41pm - DysenteryTom ""]
thegreatspaldino said:xDysenteryTOmx said:i used to love elio's but now i can't stand it its just too soft .... i can't really explain it. I'm down with the star market brand pizza now its nice and crunchy!:satancross:

gay ghey gae geigh gh3y g43 ga3 g4y g|-|3Y flaming limp wrist you are ghey ghey ghey

elio's sux now. period
[Aug 9,2003 10:47am - joe/notcommon ""]
woah shit, i was talking to Nick about that very same thing
[Aug 10,2003 12:57am - BingChlorine ""]
I'm a fan of Celeste.
[Aug 10,2003 1:08am - jesus ""]
BingChlorine said:I'm a fan of Celeste.

[Aug 10,2003 1:08am - BingChlorine ""]
jesus said:BingChlorine said:I'm a fan of Celeste.


[Aug 10,2003 1:49am - the_reverend ""]
I was going to say celeste.
but I forgot. good stuff.
[Aug 10,2003 3:44pm - xericx ""]
i actually just had elio's before readin this post. i thought the box was just defected or something, and the pizza didn't havemuch cheese...i'm gonna open another box and investigate...and then eat, cuz this is making me hungry. :ralphie:
[Aug 10,2003 4:04pm - xericx ""]
apon closer inverstigation the second box of elio's that i opened did infact have small shreds of cheese. this is some government conspiracy and i'm not liking it one bit! but the pizza sure is yummy :shocker:
[Oct 23,2004 10:13pm - yallneedalife  ""]
all of you guys need a life
[Oct 23,2004 10:15pm - succubus ""]
and you need to register/log in before you post
[Oct 23,2004 10:16pm - succubus ""]
and if you found this...you REALLY need a life
[Oct 23,2004 10:31pm - retzam ""]
Wow, I've never seen so many arbitrarily placed emoticons in the same thread! hahaha :tmnt3:
[Oct 23,2004 10:35pm - Kalopsia ""]
french bread pizzas are where it's at
[Oct 23,2004 10:36pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 23,2004 10:37pm - retzam ""]
Kalopsia said: french bread pizzas are where it's at

I believe you mean freedom bread??
[Oct 23,2004 10:38pm - retzam ""]
Hmmm, rev, you certainly are posting more pictures of naked men than usual...
[Oct 23,2004 10:44pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 24,2004 12:51pm - niccolai ""]
Spalding, you my friend need to slap a celest on your lunch tray. Celest is what artificial pizza is all about.

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