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Favorite King Diamond Album / King Diamond Appreciation Thread

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[Nov 1,2005 1:54pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Nov 1,2005 2:16pm - Christraper ""]
King Diamond owns all.
[Nov 1,2005 2:24pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
from best to least best

the eye
fatal portrait
puppet master
spiders lullabye
house of god
abigail 2
[Nov 1,2005 2:31pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Christraper said:King Diamond owns all.


I have to say Them is my favorite album, followed by Abigail & The Eye, I'm on a King Diamond kick here at work today, I just loaded all the albums into a playlist and hit shuffle... I should do this more days...

:bow: :bow: :bow:
[Nov 1,2005 2:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You all should have been at my 4 hour KING DIAMOND marathon on Oct 1st, it ruled.
[Nov 1,2005 2:37pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yes, we should have been... anytime King Diamon is played, I should be there...
[Nov 1,2005 2:41pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Very tough decision here.

From best to least for me would be:

The Eye
Fatal Portrait
The Dark Sides
Spider's Lullabye
Abigail 2
House of God
Puppet Master
The Graveyard (hate that one)
[Nov 1,2005 2:43pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:The Dark Sides

I knew I'd forget at least one...

I forgot No Presents for Christmas, and probably a few more too

[Nov 1,2005 2:47pm - BSV  ""]
I own no King Diamond records, I'm a poser and deserve a beating. I think I'll buy Abigail on my way home tonight.
[Nov 1,2005 2:59pm - DreamingInExile ""]
good call! Abigail is such an awsome story/album
[Nov 1,2005 3:06pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
DreamingInExile said:DrinkHardThrashHard said:The Dark Sides

I knew I'd forget at least one...

Nah, technically it's not an album, just some b-sides or bonus tracks from other albums compiled onto an EP. But it is the only place I have 'The Shrine'.......

And that speaks a thousand words right there.
[Nov 1,2005 3:16pm - DreamingInExile ""]
true, The Shrine is soooooooo good

what else was on that? I'm pretty sure The Lake and The Phone Call were, weren't they?
[Nov 1,2005 4:17pm - pisscup ""]
[Nov 1,2005 4:39pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
DreamingInExile said:true, The Shrine is soooooooo good

what else was on that? I'm pretty sure The Lake and The Phone Call were, weren't they?

Yep, most of it is available elsewhere. I have the vinyl for this, and a CD rip.

1. Halloween
2. Them
3. No Presents for Christmas
4. Shrine
5. The Lake
6. Phone Call
[Nov 1,2005 5:20pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
The Eye
Fatal Portrait

unfortunately everything else failed to hold my attention.
[Nov 1,2005 5:52pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Notorious_D.U.G. said:Them
The Eye
Fatal Portrait

unfortunately everything else failed to hold my attention.

Heheh, well, what you listed is pretty much the cream of the crop, though 'Spiders Lullabye' is definitely decent.
[Nov 1,2005 6:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
just grabbed Fatal Portrait/Abigail - awesome!!! anyone who doesn't like King Diamond is a fag.
[Nov 1,2005 6:11pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
You can say that again
[Nov 1,2005 6:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Josh, you are still a fag even though you do like him.
[Nov 1,2005 6:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
At least I'm not gay like you, crying my eyes out everytime someone pokes fun at me on the net.
[Nov 1,2005 6:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yeah, because I do that.
[Nov 1,2005 6:58pm - BornSoVile ""]
Exactly, stop ruining everyone's happy time.
[Nov 1,2005 7:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Look who's talking, you don't even know how annoying you are.
[Nov 1,2005 7:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm more annoying than you will ever be and could ever dream about. I'm the gum on the bottom of your shoe, I'm the asshole who looks at every CD you have and doesn't buy any, I'm the dude that steals all your women and fucks them.
Anyways Dwyer, do you still have the tribute CD in stock?
[Nov 1,2005 7:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have the MERCYFUL FATE tribute on Still Dead Records from Poland, just 1 or 2 left.
[Nov 1,2005 7:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
wasn't sure if it was mercyful fate or king diamond.
[Nov 1,2005 8:15pm - anonymous  ""]
king diamond fucking sucks!
[Nov 1,2005 8:21pm - anonymous  ""]
Just kidding!

But I really do suck!
[Nov 1,2005 8:23pm - anonymous  ""]
on second thought,no i'm not kidding,king diamond sucks!
[Nov 1,2005 8:24pm - anonymous  ""]
The other side of my personality can go on for as long as this one though...

So I've changed my mind yet again, and King Diamond does not suck! I am simply bitter inside because he is better than I am...
[Nov 1,2005 8:26pm - anonymous  ""]
then again,he is the biggest polesmoker since halford ,so odds are king diamond sucks!
[Nov 1,2005 8:28pm - anonymous  ""]
Then again, I am also a polesmoker...so how can I criticize him for that?

Fuck, I just realized Halford is better than me too...so that makes two gay metal legends who are better than I....I am so jealous, I think I will continue to post anonymously about road-tested metal legends who suck just to piss off everyone who likes them!
[Nov 1,2005 8:30pm - anonymous  ""]
now that sounds like a plan...those king diamond groupies are the fiercest fans in metal,i'll give him that much,but he still sucks,without andy larouque hed be pumping gas and writing harry potter books
[Nov 1,2005 8:32pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:Then again, I am also a polesmoker...so how can I criticize him for that?

Fuck, I just realized Halford is better than me too...so that makes two gay metal legends who are better than I....I am so jealous, I think I will continue to post anonymously about road-tested metal legends who suck just to piss off everyone who likes them!

ha ha you called your hero gay!
[Nov 1,2005 8:32pm - anonymous  ""]
Oh wait, this is my 3rd personality chiming in....I just realized that if King Diamond took over the Harry Potter novels, I'd buy 10 copies of each...

It's just my little girl side. Andy LaRocque is so hot and he would actually fuck me, unlike King Diamond who is gay (and also plays guitar, and comes up with almost all of his own songs).
[Nov 1,2005 8:34pm - anonymous  ""]
open anyone album cover look at the band photos and tell me that aint gay?{especially the snowy shaw period}
[Nov 1,2005 8:34pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:

ha ha you called your hero gay!

Ha ha I like referring to myself in the 2nd person...
[Nov 1,2005 8:35pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 1,2005 8:37pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:open anyone album cover look at the band photos and tell me that aint gay?{especially the snowy shaw period}

I am realizing that band photos have literally no relevance to the quality of the music on the CD...so despite being gay, I, anonymous and my several distinct personalities have come to the conclusion that King Diamond rules.

I am off to go club gays and lesbians with my spiked club now, since noone has informed me yet of what century this is.

[Nov 1,2005 8:38pm - anonymous  ""]
he should hire the guy from that jersey band blessed death,praaaaaaaayy fffffooooorrrrrrrrr deeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaath
[Nov 1,2005 8:39pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:anonymous said:open anyone album cover look at the band photos and tell me that aint gay?{especially the snowy shaw period}

I am realizing that band photos have literally no relevance to the quality of the music on the CD...so despite being gay, I, anonymous and my several distinct personalities have come to the conclusion that King Diamond rules.

I am off to go club gays and lesbians with my spiked club now, since noone has informed me yet of what century this is.

do me a favor and start with king diamond!

[Nov 1,2005 8:40pm - anonymous  ""]
Hmmm. Yes, me, he should, though on second thought, Blessed Death should be left alone, since both are fine without each other.
[Nov 1,2005 8:42pm - anonymous  ""]
the guy in blessed death blows king diamond out of the water! as far as vocal talent goes and he doesnt sound like a spermguzzler doin it!
[Nov 1,2005 8:42pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:do me a favor and start with king diamond!

Or perhaps I will instead start by clubbing my own eyes in, so that I can no longer see all those gays and lesbians who have been so cruel to me in my life, to have provoked my unending hatred.

[Nov 1,2005 8:44pm - anonymous  ""]
or maybe i should really think about what draws kids to this obviously closet homosexual dribble
[Nov 1,2005 8:46pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:the guy in blessed death blows king diamond out of the water! as far as vocal talent goes and he doesnt sound like a spermguzzler doin it!

Oh yes, self, he does, which is why Blessed Death made two albums in the 80s and got dumped from their record label, and King Diamond went on to resounding international success with not one, but two separate bands...success that has lasted unto this day, while Blessed Death...

Wait, do I hear crickets?
[Nov 1,2005 8:48pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:or maybe i should really think about what draws kids to this obviously closet homosexual dribble

Or perhaps that I am actually the closet homosexual, which is why I constantly insult people of that orientation, that I may distance myself from them, and impress my equally homoerotically challenged friends with my prehistoric worldview.
[Nov 1,2005 8:51pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:anonymous said:the guy in blessed death blows king diamond out of the water! as far as vocal talent goes and he doesnt sound like a spermguzzler doin it!

Oh yes, self, he does, which is why Blessed Death made two albums in the 80s and got dumped from their record label, and King Diamond went on to resounding international success with not one, but two separate bands...success that has lasted unto this day, while Blessed Death...

Wait, do I hear crickets?

that was a good one.....wait do i hear crickets?.....good one but king diamond still sucks for the same reason dimmu,cradle and just about everything else you falsetto fans like sucks
[Nov 1,2005 8:58pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:anonymous said:the guy in blessed death blows king diamond out of the water! as far as vocal talent goes and he doesnt sound like a spermguzzler doin it!

Oh yes, self, he does, which is why Blessed Death made two albums in the 80s and got dumped from their record label, and King Diamond went on to resounding international success with not one, but two separate bands...success that has lasted unto this day, while Blessed Death...

Wait, do I hear crickets?

i have to "correct"myself -blessed death made 2 GREAT albums but were way ahead of their time,, while king diamond made 3 okay to pretty fuckin good albums and has consistently released shitbucket album after shitbucket album every year for all eternity,
there,i think thats what "i"meant to say
[Nov 1,2005 9:03pm - anonymous  ""]
Now if only I could convince any of that vast overwhelming majority of metal fans to agree with me, when I can't even convince myself.

But alas, they never will. And my world grows smaller.
[Nov 1,2005 9:08pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 1,2005 9:12pm - TitfuckedByTaunTaun  ""]
KING DIAMOND is Lord and Master.
[Nov 1,2005 9:15pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 1,2005 9:16pm - anonymous  ""]
TitfuckedByTaunTaun said:KING DIAMOND is Lord and Master.

yeah,lord and master of all things cheesy and gay
[Nov 1,2005 10:20pm - eddie ""]
best thread ever
[Nov 1,2005 10:57pm - DreamingInExile ""]
eddie said:best thread ever

only because of the tri-personalitied Anona-fag
[Nov 1,2005 11:00pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Favorite album is Abigail, it's what got me into him.

[Nov 1,2005 11:02pm - anonymous  ""]
Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:Favorite album is Abigail, it's what got me into him.


and king diamond is actually the biggest jerkoff on the planet
[Nov 1,2005 11:05pm - anonymous  ""]
Yes, and he has still written better albums and had more of an impact on metal music than I ever will, especially since I am such a pussy I can't even sign my screename on a message board to reveal that I don't like a particular band...I wonder if King Diamond would be as afraid of me as I am of publicly declaring my opinion on his music.

It's a teensy, tiny little world up here on my fluffy, elite little cloud.
[Nov 1,2005 11:17pm - anonymous  ""]
DreamingInExile said:eddie said:best thread ever

only because of the tri-personalitied Anona-fag

i've changed my mind....king diamond is the second biggest cum gargler in the world,,dreaming in exile is no.1
[Nov 1,2005 11:19pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:DreamingInExile said:eddie said:best thread ever

only because of the tri-personalitied Anona-fag

i've changed my mind....king diamond is the second biggest cum gargler in the world,,dreaming in exile is no.1

I would know, since I first engaged him in man-sex while in my 2nd personality.
[Nov 1,2005 11:23pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:Yes, and he has still written better albums and had more of an impact on metal music than I ever will, especially since I am such a pussy I can't even sign my screename on a message board to reveal that I don't like a particular band...I wonder if King Diamond would be as afraid of me as I am of publicly declaring my opinion on his music.

It's a teensy, tiny little world up here on my fluffy, elite little cloud.

take your head out of kingdiamonds ass and blow me...jerkoff
[Nov 1,2005 11:24pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:anonymous said:DreamingInExile said:eddie said:best thread ever

only because of the tri-personalitied Anona-fag

i've changed my mind....king diamond is the second biggest cum gargler in the world,,dreaming in exile is no.1

I would know, since I first engaged him in man-sex while in my 2nd personality.

yes i have been sucked off by your hero king diamond and although his music sucks,the man gives a firstclass blowjob
[Nov 2,2005 8:08am - DreamingInExile ""]
anonymous said:DreamingInExile said:eddie said:best thread ever

only because of the tri-personalitied Anona-fag

i've changed my mind....king diamond is the second biggest cum gargler in the world,,dreaming in exile is no.1


I really can't do anything but laugh it you... 'tis quite amusing...
[Nov 29,2005 11:42am - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
king diamond is great !!! i couldn't decide on the best being the graveyard or voodoo , but i ended up flipping for voodoo
[Nov 29,2005 2:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I think The Graveyard is one of his worst CDs.
[Nov 29,2005 3:11pm - Eddie ""]
DreamingInExile said:eddie said:best thread ever

only because of the tri-personalitied Anona-fag

of course
[Nov 29,2005 3:54pm - Christraper ""]
Its been 28 days siince my last post on this thread and Ive looked into it and found that King Diamond still owns all.
[Feb 18,2006 7:51pm - MADCHILEAN  ""]
[Feb 18,2006 8:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
them of course!

king is god!

king for president!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 18,2006 9:37pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Im more of a Mercyful Fate fan but my fave KD album is Fatal Portrait.I wish King would record with MF again
[Feb 24,2006 1:46am - anonymous  ""]
graveyard is not everyone .some get it , some don't !!
[Feb 24,2006 1:50am - Murph ""]
I can remember listening to THEM for 2 straight years, almost every morning on the bus ride home and to school. Then I met Christraper at the high school we went to, and he and one of our diminutive friends got me into the rest of KD stuff and Mercyful Fate. Thank you two, because not only is KING the shit, but MIKKEY DEE destroys, especially on THEM.
[Feb 24,2006 12:56pm - anonymous  ""]
the graveyard is great...much better than some of the other recent albums....i dunno why everyone dislikes it.
the old stuff will always rule of course.
[Feb 24,2006 1:15pm - litacore ""]
egads, I remember listening to Fatal Portrait on the way to my first day at boarding school in '86. I think it made me irrevocably evil.
[Feb 24,2006 1:24pm - DreamingInExile ""]
litacore said:I think it made me irrevocably evil.

Nothing wrong with that! :NEWHORNS:
[Feb 24,2006 3:24pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Th King puts on one of the best stage shows Ive ever seen.The only one that does it better with the theatrics is Alice Cooper.
[Feb 25,2006 3:41pm - Al Ravage  ""]
spider's lullabye yo spider's lullabye
[Feb 25,2006 4:33pm - Christraper ""]
[Feb 25,2006 8:57pm - intricateprocess ""]
no presents for christmas=best song ever
[Feb 27,2007 1:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
as of now my favorites in order are,

and Deadly Lullabyes Live is the best produced live album I've ever heard in my life.
[Feb 27,2007 2:38pm - agrippa ""]
Im partial to these guys myself.
[Feb 27,2007 2:41pm - Anthony ""]
KD/MF completes my life.

Favorites without a doubt are Them and Conspiracy. Nothing will ever touch those and they achieved so much more musically than the 1st two albums did.

As for MF, I just can't choose between Melissa and Don't Break the Oath, I love them both too much.
[Feb 27,2007 2:42pm - dreadkill ""]
my favorite thing king diamond has ever done is melissa. i like the early mercyful fate stuff more than the king diamond stuff.
[Feb 27,2007 2:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
for the record, Time fucking KILLS!
[Feb 27,2007 2:46pm - dreadkill ""]
time is underrated
[Feb 27,2007 4:03pm - BrianDBB ""]
FUCKIN ABIGAIL. The live album is amazing too.
[Feb 27,2007 5:03pm - MDB  ""]
BornSoVile said:
and Deadly Lullabyes Live is the best produced live album I've ever heard in my life.


"them" is probably my fav studio album
[Feb 27,2007 6:52pm - agrippa ""]
dude that tour was fucking amazing. best show ive ever seen. ever.
[Feb 27,2007 6:56pm - dyingmuse ""]
faves in order

the Graveyard
The Eye
Puppet Master
Abigail 2
Fatal Portrait
House Of God
Deadly Lulibys
Abigail live
spiders lulliby
Dangerous Meeting (not really an album)

fav MF albums

Don't break the oath
In the shadows
Into the unknown

i won't mention in the beginning, Nuns have no fun or any other non studio albums as there are too many, same for KD eps, tributes and comps
[Feb 27,2007 6:57pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I think The Graveyard is one of his worst CDs.
[Feb 27,2007 6:59pm - agrippa ""]
nah dude. the king can do no wrong. might not be his best but give it another listen, it doesnt suck all that bad.
[Feb 27,2007 7:01pm - dyingmuse ""]
tha Graveyard was awesome, if you can make it past the production.

some of his best individual songs are on that like "sleep tight little baby" and "daddy"
[Feb 27,2007 7:02pm - dyingmuse ""]
I just hated Spider's lulliby, I think that was very rushed, and the KD band was just getting back together and all. The story could have been better had it been more in debth, and the first 4 songs just blow, and king is way better than those songs musically speaking.
[Feb 27,2007 7:09pm - agrippa ""]
you guys are way too knitpicky. what did i just say???? the king can do no wrong!!! go smoke a joint and listen to any of these albums you guys are bitching about in your car and you'll be like 'oh.......ok. WEEEEEE!!!!!!'
[Feb 27,2007 7:26pm - dreadkill ""]
agrippa said:you guys are way too knitpicky. what did i just say???? the king can do no wrong!!! go smoke a joint and listen to any of these albums you guys are bitching about in your car and you'll be like 'oh.......ok. WEEEEEE!!!!!!'

this man knows
[Mar 6,2007 1:48pm - dobo  ""]
anyone1 no wot king mean by 18 is 9. its doin me head in
[Mar 6,2007 3:45pm - Agrippa ""]
It was that whole LaVeyan thing the King was all about at the time. Miriam was 18 when she became pregnant and because 9 is the "satanic" number it made it all the easier for Abigail to possess her since 9 is a division of 18. That and it gave him an excuse to paint a 9 on his forehead for the family ghost video.
[Mar 6,2007 4:26pm - dobo  ""]
thanks agrippa
[Mar 7,2007 11:33am - dobo  ""]
new album gimme your soul... please is gonna be killer. its got a cool name.
[Mar 7,2007 12:08pm - PilloryDanNLI  ""]
I just downloaded a video from MTV Mexico....They interview King for about a 1/2 hour and he talks about how Mercyful Fate first came to the US and they had no money. He said they had to borrow money from the mafia in New York City to complete the tour....I got the video off torrentspy.com the file is King_Diamond_DVD_The_Video's_Collection-....Any King Diamond fan should check it out!!..
[Mar 7,2007 12:16pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
That sounds awesome, Dan.

I can only image the King having a sit-down with a bunch of fat gindaloons over a sumptuous Italian feast and stressing the importance of American youth coming into his coven, raising their hands and doing the sign.

I'll bet Giuseppe Bartolino himself said something to the effect of
"Well... I got an aunt who's a nun... and she is kind of like a shark..." And so it was done.
[Oct 16,2007 6:39pm - Ryan_M ""]
I felt like ressurecting this thread because I've been on this huge King Diamond binge lately - always loved Mercyful Fate but never fully enjoyed any of his solo albums, then a couple of weeks ago I bought Abigail, and for some reason fucking loved it and then proceeded to buy the "Them"/Conspiracy 2-disc set and The Eye.
[Oct 16,2007 7:05pm - demondave ""]
I've been surfing around ebay recently and i have noticed how fanatical King Diamond fans are in bidding wars.
[Oct 16,2007 7:14pm - Doucheums  ""]
[Oct 17,2007 12:41am - fishcakes ""]
I voted for Abigail
[Oct 17,2007 12:50am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Are definitely my top 3.
[Oct 17,2007 1:13am - BornSoVile ""]
Gimme Your Soul...Please is such a fucking awesome album!
[Oct 17,2007 1:51am - I_am_not_me ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:"THEM"

Are definitely my top 3.

Same here, only invert the order.
[Oct 17,2007 10:22am - inject-now ""]
from best to least best

the eye
fatal portrait
spiders lullabye
puppet master
give me your soul please
house of god
abigail 2

mercyful fate

dont break the oath
return of the vampire
nuns have no fun
in the shadows
into the unknown
dead again
[Oct 17,2007 4:30pm - Doucheums  ""]
BornSoVile said:Gimme Your Soul...Please is such a fucking awesome album!

Hell yeah, I really love the storytelling on that one. Every song really conveys a unique image and mood. King and his band are masters.
[Oct 17,2007 4:39pm - Ryan_M ""]
Just for the sake of discussion, I think the dumbest thing about King Diamond is that Gene Simmons made him change his original makeup design because it was "too similar" to his Kiss makeup. Fuck that, King's original makeup design was cool, and Gene Simmons looks like a fucking douchebag.
[Jun 11,2008 9:45pm - BSV  ""]
I just completed my King Diamond discography the other day.

best to least

House of God
Fatal Portrait
Gimme Your Soul...Please
The Eye
Abigail II
The Spider's Lullabye
The Puppet Master
The Graveyard

all are excellent though. I'd take The Graveyard on a desert island over the majority of discs in my collection.
[Jun 11,2008 10:40pm - thuringwethil ""]
Fatal Portrait.

simply because I remember when it first arrived so vividly.

I was into Fate and then the KD solo debut came out right before I started seventh grade, I was listening to it on the way to my first day of school, and everything was gonna be OK.

Kinda sorta.

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