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*****Latest Festival News*****

[Oct 29,2005 9:11am - destroytheopposition ""]
The smoke is clearing and the bands unfolding, there will be new updates posted @ www.jayfest.com. I am not gonna even began to go over the shit that I have gone through over making these fests happen, most of you already know. Unfortunately I do not possess superhuman powers, because if I did the new dates of Nov 19th and 20th would be a third fest instead of the first fest of the year. For those of you I have not contacted, I will or have been trying to reach you, contact me if you can. The new line-up as of sunday night will be posted monday night. Unfortunately there were some bands that were unable to make it through the trials and tribulations I have gone through to make it happen, also the Hardcore Wrestling events that were to take place are cancelled due to the new club's size limitations. I do thank all who have supported me and have helped me. The "long awaited Stone & Steel and Sayonara Summer Fests" are right around the corner.


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