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Guitarist and/or singer looking for just about anything.

[Oct 28,2005 12:19am - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
I've played guitar for 7 years. Mostly play metal, but I'm up for just about anything other than gay emo shit. I'm bored.

I sing too (And I can scream/growl too.) Not extraordinarily professionally, but I can do. I've got stage presence. I can't really write lyrics, though.

IM me sometime for samples of my playing. I might have something I sang or growled on somewhere, but I can't guarantee that.
[Oct 28,2005 12:20am - i_am_not_me ""]
Shit. I forgot I wasn't logged in.
[Oct 28,2005 12:28am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
no more revengeance?
[Oct 28,2005 12:46am - i_am_not_me ""]
By the looks of it, no. 'tis a shame.
[Oct 28,2005 12:49am - i_am_not_me ""]
Oh yeah. Samples of stuff I'm capable of playing at http://www.revengeance.com/ (Ignore most of the solos, though, those weren't me. In all truth, nothing but random harmonies on Carry the Storm and Ravage and the solo in Midnight Massacre were me, but I still played all that stuff.) And like I said, IM me at some point and I can send some of my originals and a cover or two.

And Rev - thanks for making this thread a classified. I blanked on doing that when I posted it.

And hell, I'll even play bass if need be. (I'm not an amazing bassist, but I at least do have a bass (A Fender Taco-Jazz Bass, but a bass nonetheless. And a PA if necessary. No bass amp, though)

Mentioning where I live may help, too. I'm in Hudson, willing to drive out to Worcester or a little further west, or Boston.
[Oct 29,2005 1:22pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
B to the UMP
[Oct 29,2005 1:40pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
do you play grind?
[Oct 30,2005 8:56am - i_am_not_me ""]
I'd be up for it, yeah. Not entirely sure I'm capable, though. Haha.
[Oct 31,2005 12:39pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I too am a guitarist seeking drummer/bassist to play old-school thrash.
[Nov 12,2005 5:31pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Just to prove how desperate I am at this point, I got an offer to sing for a mallcore band and I actually considered it for a second or two.
[Nov 12,2005 5:48pm - pam (rupturedzine) nli  ""]
Kobalt is looking for a guitar player. The singer told me last night. I think their myspace is http://www.myspace.com/kobalt

Not sure what you're looking for but thought I'd pass it on!
[Nov 12,2005 7:39pm - anonymous  ""]
where u from dude?
[Nov 12,2005 7:51pm - **********  ""]
HUDSON! learn to read
[Nov 13,2005 4:56pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Give the kid credit, it was mentioned randomly in the middle of one post.
[Nov 13,2005 5:07pm - PatMeebles ""]
Listen to Joe Stump much? Tell Nick I said hi.
[Nov 13,2005 6:24pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Like I said, the solos on that Revengeance stuff were mostly done by Alex...who actually takes lessons (Or took 'em) from Joe Stump. If that's what you're referring to.
[Nov 13,2005 10:11pm - deconformity69 ""]
Hows it goin Im Tony.My guitarist and I have been seeking A guitarist and singer for our upcoming grindcore band out of massachussetts.Our name Is yet unestablished due to other band breakups and wut not but if you could get back to me on rtttp or E mail me at Deconformity666@yahoo.com.

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