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On my way to get the new Dragonlord CD!!!!!!!

[Oct 25,2005 12:12pm - Aegathis ""]
Ive been waiting 4 and half years for this day, cant wait any longer!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 25,2005 12:19pm - the_reverend ""]
probably cause you heard it on RTTP last night, right?
[Oct 25,2005 12:22pm - Aegathis ""]
haha no i didnt, i wouldnt have listened to it even if i was listening to your show, cause id rather wait till i had it in my hands. I even went to the myspace page and one of the new songs started playin and i instantly closed it and repressed the memory of what it sounded like.
[Oct 25,2005 12:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I like it better than the first album, it's worth picking up.
[Oct 25,2005 1:20pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Also pick up the new watchmaker while your out, WELL worth the fucking 10 bucks at Newburys. SO FUCKING GOOD, the guys did a fucking amazing job this time around.
[Oct 25,2005 1:21pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I wanted to get this (Watchmaker) last night at the gig, ah well I'll get one through Nick.
[Oct 25,2005 1:27pm - paganmegan ""]
I bought the new watchmaker, but I forgot to bring it with me to work today. I can't wait to listen to that through
[Oct 25,2005 1:48pm - Aegathis ""]
Got it! Dragonlord that is. Awsome disc, also got the new old mans child cd, which i only got cause it was only 10 bux. The last one was good when i first got it but i listened to it way too many times and got sick of it. Ive listened to the original dragonlord cd even more, and have yet to feel the same way about it.
[Oct 25,2005 5:32pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I gotta run to borders and pick this up. I hope they have it there.
[Oct 25,2005 5:55pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i didn't even know there was a new dragonlord, and i was at 3 music stores today! ach! i got the new watchmaker as well...definitely fucking awesome. brian livoti is an amazing artist as well. also picked up the new destruction and arsis. new arsis rules, not sure how i feel about the new destruction yet.
[Oct 25,2005 6:04pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I enjoy the new Destruction, but I thought The Antichrist and Metal Discharge were much better albums for their 'comeback' phase.
[Oct 25,2005 7:45pm - retzam ""]
The few Dragonlord songs I've heard blew me completely away. Such a good band.
[Oct 25,2005 8:12pm - wade ""]
davefromthegrave said:I gotta run to borders and pick this up. I hope they have it there.

CDs are cheap there, huh? only place i see 16 & 17 dollar CDs.

[Oct 25,2005 8:54pm - davefromthegrave ""]
wade said:davefromthegrave said:I gotta run to borders and pick this up. I hope they have it there.

CDs are cheap there, huh? only place i see 16 & 17 dollar CDs.

only place around. what would you suggest?
[Oct 25,2005 9:09pm - wade ""]
that sucks. where do you live and/or work?
[Oct 25,2005 10:01pm - davefromthegrave ""]
wade said:that sucks. where do you live and/or work?

connecticut. North Central connecticut. maybe you know where I could order it online?
[Oct 25,2005 10:29pm - the_reverend ""]
I was listening to it today and will be listening to it tomorrow.
it rules.
the last CD was really good

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