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What happened to the Suffocation mega show that was at the Palladium???

[Oct 24,2005 9:54pm - Dankill  ""]
I heard it got cancelled and moved to fucking The Chance in upstate NY?
What happened?!
[Oct 24,2005 9:57pm - brian_dc ""]
it did...I don't know what happened though.
[Oct 24,2005 10:02pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
i think frank realized he was to old for this shit and bailed...again!
[Oct 24,2005 10:56pm - mOe ""]
[Oct 24,2005 10:57pm - brian_dc ""]
the world is against us, moe....the world is against us.
[Oct 24,2005 11:00pm - mOe ""]
i've been looking forward to this show since the early summer when the tour package and dates were released
[Oct 24,2005 11:01pm - shrapnel !  ""]
throwing shrapnel is playing the lucky dog that night, since you were all making plans to go to worcester anyways.....hey why not come by and listen to us !
[Oct 24,2005 11:17pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i am outraged...this was one of those shows where if i got struck dead right afterwards, i would die a happy man. booooooooo!!!!!!!
[Oct 24,2005 11:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
you have two options....

1. drive to poughkeepsie, ny on saturday nov 5th.

2. drive to bb kings, ny on nov. 7th on monday night.

how often do you get the chance to see suffocation, decapitated, cryptopsy, vader on the same god damn lineup?
[Oct 24,2005 11:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
I'm going to poughkeepsie, although I'd like to check out bbkings. Work on monday/tuesday though :(
[Oct 24,2005 11:56pm - succubus ""]
2 options? there are more shows than 2 others
[Oct 24,2005 11:57pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i would go to poughkeepsie if i had the means to do so. alex from despised icon was going to get me into the palladium show for free, so i wouldn't have to worry about that...but just gas money along to get to the palladium i would be scraping the bottom of the barrel to get. no way can i get to poughkeepsie without whoring myself out, haha
[Oct 25,2005 12:29am - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:2 options? there are more shows than 2 others

there are only 3 dates that include decapitated...the other is in Virginia so if you want to drive there that's fine too. :spineyes:

for the most part, the 2 NY dates are the closest to MA/NH/CT. Unless you live near canada.
[Oct 25,2005 12:36am - mark fucking richards  ""]
fuckin decapitated...i might as well sell a kidney so i can see them at least 1 time during my life span, haha
[Oct 25,2005 12:45am - dirteecrayon ""]

[Oct 25,2005 2:53am - shrapnel !  ""]
shrapnel ! said:throwing shrapnel is playing the lucky dog that night, since you were all making plans to go to worcester anyways.....hey why not come by and listen to us !

oops nevermind that show is on the 3rd !
[Oct 25,2005 11:56am - mOe in library  ""]
hey Tom, if you wanted to carpool i MAY wanna go with ya..PLUS i could get us a place to stay in NJ/NYC
[Oct 25,2005 11:58am - succubus ""]
ny and montreal are about the same drive btw
[Oct 25,2005 11:58am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
thankfully I'm heading up to Canada early the 4th, so I'll be able to see Cryptopsy in their home country and go meet them at the signing at the Profussion Direct store. Bitching.

Anybody ever been to the Medley in Montreal? Is it any good? And where is it from St. Catherine's for anybody who has been there.
[Oct 25,2005 12:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:ny and montreal are about the same drive btw

no DECAPITATED in montreal...
[Oct 25,2005 12:00pm - succubus ""]
Medley is an awesome venue
your question is too vague if you are talking about St Catherine st since that is a long assed street
[Oct 25,2005 12:00pm - succubus ""]
ah ok Tom...that i did not know!
[Oct 25,2005 12:01pm - Kessaris V.2.0  ""]
this post makes me sad. I'm thinking about trekking to NYC to see the show at BB King's on the 7th.
[Oct 25,2005 12:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
mOe in library said:hey Tom, if you wanted to carpool i MAY wanna go with ya..PLUS i could get us a place to stay in NJ/NYC

that would rule, but kailyn and I are staying the weekend with our friend Mike in Rye Brook...around an hour from poughkeepsie. sorry broham!

and thanks for the offer! that rules.
[Oct 25,2005 12:02pm - succubus ""]
aaron and i are taking time off and heading to see my family in montreal
[Oct 25,2005 12:49pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I would love to see Cryptopsy again

NY is so far away, especially when you do not have a car.

FUCK, I wanted to go see this show too.
[Oct 25,2005 12:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:I would love to see Cryptopsy again

NY is so far away, especially when you do not have a car.

FUCK, I wanted to go see this show too.

I feel your pain, there use to be so many shows that never made it to MA that I wanted to see so bad and it sucked. Having some good friends in NY helps a lot!
[Oct 25,2005 1:45pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
RustedAngel said:slowlypeelingtheflesh said:I would love to see Cryptopsy again

NY is so far away, especially when you do not have a car.

FUCK, I wanted to go see this show too.

I feel your pain, there use to be so many shows that never made it to MA that I wanted to see so bad and it sucked. Having some good friends in NY helps a lot!

Yeah, I lucked out because the first time I got to see Cryptopsy was at The Kave in April with you guys. My friend Andi works at the same place as Tim, so she wanted to see you guys.

In the end, I got to see you both.

[Oct 25,2005 2:00pm - dirteecrayon ""]
if i dont find a ride i'm just going to take the chinatown bus

[Oct 25,2005 5:19pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i think i really may just sell all of my shit so i can go to this show...more details coming later
[Oct 25,2005 6:11pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
After getting that new Vader EP, I am even more disappointed that they won't be playing here. Fuck.
[Oct 25,2005 7:53pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
it's official, i'm going to poughkeepsie whether i like it or not, haha
[Oct 25,2005 8:51pm - Dankill  ""]
Fuck it, I'm gonna go to a party
[Oct 25,2005 8:55pm - shrapnel !  ""]
Dankill said:Fuck it, I'm gonna go to a party

at the lucky dog with Mr. Mutiny and the Shrapnel boys
[Oct 25,2005 9:18pm - dirteecrayon ""]
mark fucking richards said:it's official, i'm going to poughkeepsie whether i like it or not, haha

dude i need a ride and will chip in for gas!!!
[Oct 25,2005 10:19pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
if we have an extra seat i'll definitely let you know steph; i'm not sure what's goin on yet though
[Oct 25,2005 10:43pm - Dankill  ""]
No, not that one!
Unless you can provide an cute asian girl that wants my knob.
If that is the case, you've got yourself a drinkin partner.

Mark, stop lying. We all know you already gave the last seat to Papa Fudge. That motherfucker is scary.

[Oct 26,2005 5:32pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
papa fudge is riding on the roof because he wouldn't share his chocolatey goodness with the rest of us
[Oct 26,2005 6:57pm - Dankill  ""]
[Oct 26,2005 11:40pm - mark fucking richards  ""]

luckily myself and mrs. fucking richards are still getting into this show for free. thank fucking christ.
[Oct 26,2005 11:41pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I'm gonna miss this one. damnit.
[Oct 26,2005 11:47pm - dave from the grave  ""]
davefromthegrave said:I'm gonna miss this one. damnit.

everything i say is fake
[Oct 31,2005 12:05am - mOe ""]
I keep asking Despised Icon about this show, and they keep telling me that they ARE playing Worcester that night...
look at my comments...why are they playing with my emotions!?
[Oct 31,2005 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
here's the deal. the palladium was fully rented out for that night for some "big" and "secret" band that no one can know about and tix are invite only.
[Oct 31,2005 12:34am - mOe ""]
if Despised Icon plays Worcester and i cant go because i wasnt invited..i'll....i dont know what i'll do! But it wont be fun
[Oct 31,2005 5:17pm - Dankill  ""]
What the fuck kinda homosexual practice is that?!
Big n Secret my ass!
Find out what manner of fruitcakery is goin down there this saturday.
[Oct 31,2005 5:20pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'd love to see Suffocation play a set just from their first EP and full-length. But this is never going to happen.
[Oct 31,2005 5:29pm - anonymous  ""]
Is anyone heading to the Poughkeepsie Ny show from ct or ma that Would be willing to give me a ride if I gave up some gas money?
[Nov 1,2005 12:18am - mark fucking richards  ""]
i need to know what the fuck is going on, haha; if despised icon put me on their guestlist, does that mean i have the invite to go see them at the palladium??? or are they misinformed and are really supposed to play in NY? i want answers. dammit.
[Nov 1,2005 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
I like dispised icon and all, but the band that is playing the paladium (for all you deaf dumb blind jerkos)
sorry, but 97% of the bands I see couldn't give away enough tickets (and have people show up) to sell out the upstairs of the palladium.
this will be something huge and totally gay.
[Nov 1,2005 12:30am - davefromthegrave ""]
the_reverend said:THEY ARE MISINFORMED.
I like dispised icon and all, but the band that is playing the paladium (for all you deaf dumb blind jerkos)
sorry, but 97% of the bands I see couldn't give away enough tickets (and have people show up) to sell out the upstairs of the palladium.
this will be something huge and totally gay.

that band is invited to kiss my ass
[Nov 2,2005 5:59pm - help  ""]
[Nov 2,2005 6:02pm - help  ""]
[Nov 2,2005 6:02pm - help  ""]
[Nov 2,2005 6:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I'd love to see Suffocation play a set just from their first EP and full-length. But this is never going to happen.

i don't think we're going to montreal anymore to see this or even ny, think i'll go get fuct watching grief this saturday instead!

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