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Aug 2nd @ the Middle East - what is really going to happen

[Aug 1,2003 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
Random Acts of Violence, The Accursed, Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost, and Magrudergrind are going to play awesome sets because I like all the bands (well, I don't now Magrudergind).
A bunch of people from this board are going to go.
I'm going to take pictures.
RAOV is going to release their cd (which is realy good).
And you all are going to shut up about everyone acting fucking retarded and realize that we live in a small ass "scene" and for the most part we have to deal with each other.
If you need to let of steam, say it here:
but when it comes to this show, don't fuck it up.
my $.02 now I'm going back to ignoring all the fighting.
[Aug 1,2003 12:22pm - succubus ""]
hear hear:doublehorns:
[Aug 1,2003 12:29pm - joostin ""]
rev finally put in his word.
[Aug 1,2003 12:32pm - RustedAngel@work  ""]
if i show up, i'll have to paint a circle around my feet so no one comes near me.

should be a good show, weather looks shitty so its possible i might show up.

[Aug 1,2003 12:37pm - the_reverend ""]
tom, you'd best show up.
bring the new gf too.
I've never met her before (that I remember)
[Aug 1,2003 1:32pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
And how.
[Aug 1,2003 1:43pm - doug in fits  ""]
going through with things you say on the net should be left to pedofiles and tubgirls.
bring the rock.
[Aug 1,2003 3:08pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
tubgirl drives my libido wild! :spineyes:
[Aug 1,2003 4:17pm - ratt_mowe ""]
thank you rev for putting everyone in check. you know whats up. i'm looking forward to this show... both playing and seeing the other bands. see you there rev.
[Aug 1,2003 7:45pm - xmikex ""]
I'm painting a triangle around my zone of personal space. If anyone enters my zone they will be shot. The triangle will take up the entire dance floor and most of the bar.

the triangle will be an isosceles triangle.
[Aug 1,2003 7:50pm - the_reverend ""]
isosceles triangle?
the only metal triangle is an obtuse triangle
[Aug 1,2003 7:51pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, I take that back.
if I learned anything from milwaukee last years, it's obese triangles that are like totally metal.
[Aug 1,2003 10:38pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
right on. i'm sure we'll all have a *super* time. i know i will. :duffbeer:

see you kids there!
[Aug 1,2003 10:39pm - Terence ""]
the last metal show at the Middle East on a Saturday that I can remember was August 22, 2000. With Mortician. HA
[Aug 2,2003 2:44am - the_reverend ""]
terence, now we have to fight.
get it straight, it was August 30 2000
awe yeah, will the two stance player!
[Aug 2,2003 9:56am - Beakey ""]
XmikeX and I are gonna beat the living shit out of everyone tonight.
[Aug 2,2003 2:17pm - xmikex ""]
Me and Beakey vs everyone. Bring it.

haha i remember that mortician show.

there's been metal shows at the middle east since then. to name a few:
Cephalic Carnage
and The last Eternal Suffering Show
[Aug 2,2003 2:18pm - succubus ""]
skeleton key was the last show i saw here
[Aug 2,2003 2:32pm - the_reverend ""]
psst.. skeleton key != metal
[Aug 2,2003 4:50pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Only show I've seen at the Middle East thus far was Sigh and two of the worst bands I've ever known to exist. There was a fourth but I can't even remember who they were.
[Aug 2,2003 5:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm heading down to this show now.
will be back after with pictures.
[Aug 2,2003 8:06pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
The Sigh show was with Khanate, Thrones, and Warhorse. I missed everyone but Sigh because of gay bike cops harassing me outside of the club. I really wanted to see Khanate. They played second and were a slow noisy doom band with James Plotkin, and Stephen OMalley.
[Aug 3,2003 2:28am - Terence ""]
Will looks like the custodian in that picture, with all those keys hanging from his pants. awesome.

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